Monday, August 29, 2011

Signs of an Affair - What to Look Out For

Is your partner having an affair? Do you suspect you partner of having an affair, but you don't know if you are reading the signs correctly? What are the signs of an affair?

Unfortunately, most affairs don't come with blinking lights that let you know immediately when your partner has strayed. You may have to read between the lines in order to determine if an affair is going on or not. There are signs of an affair, but be sure to examine them closely before you accuse your partner of straying on your marriage.

Need for Privacy

If your spouse has always been open about having you around as they are online or have always been willing to share and this suddenly changes, it could be a sign of an affair. They may not want you near the computer or say they need some time to themselves and are coming to bed later. All of these are signs that something may be amiss. If your spouse suddenly changes passwords on the computer, erasing their history or hides bills, these could be a red flag as well.

Work Habits Change

If your partner has never traveled for work before, but all of a sudden must be gone for extended periods of time, this is also a sign of an affair. A change in work habits may also include saying they have to stay at work well after closing time or working odd hours.

Change in Computer Habits

The internet has made it easier than ever before to stray in a marriage. It is easy to meet someone else online and develop a relationship without ever leaving home. If your partner's computer habits suddenly change, this is also a typical sign of an affair. While it might not be a physical affair, an emotional one can be just as damaging to a relationship. Be sure to take note of how much time your spouse spends online and what they are doing in cyberspace.

Odd Behavior

Take note of any odd behavior of your spouse. If you notice that there are parts of their day that just don't add up, they aren't where they said they were going to be or if there is missing time, it may be a sign of an affair. Money missing out of a checking or savings account is also a classic sign. If you happen to notice receipts from strange shops or restaurants, this could also be a red flag. If you find your partner suddenly buying a lot of new clothes or not being totally forthcoming about their day, this should be a warning sign as well.


Be sure to listen to your gut. If something doesn't feel right, then it probably isn't. If you find yourself trying to come up with excuses regarding your spouse's behavior or are trying to convince yourself that they wouldn't cheat, this is not a good sign. If you suspect an affair, talk with your spouse and find out what is going on. Be prepared for lies, but ask for honesty and approach the situation in a calm manner.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Creative Ways To Ask A Boy Out Without Telling Him Directly

These days, it's not all too uncommon to find girls coming up with the most creative ways to ask a boy out. No longer do they have to wait for a guy to call or for someone to ask them out.

Thanks to various feminist movements over the years, women are now more empowered and are going after what they want (or in this case, who they want).

You, too, can try these creative ways to ask a boy out. Read on to find out how!

Tip # 1: Use Social Media.

Thanks to technology, you can now send your messages directly to the guy you like. And with social media, it's not too difficult to do that anymore.

If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, then the person you want to ask out probably has one as well. Why don't you take advantage of this and ask him out via Facebook?

From his account alone, you at least have an idea of what he enjoys doing and who he hangs out with.

Tip # 2: Assign Him A Specific Ring Back Message.

One of the more creative ways to ask a boy out is to come up with a specialized ring back tone he can listen to whenever he calls you.

One girl did this by recording a customer service type of message that went like this: "You have reached (your name). If you know the extension number, please dial it now. Otherwise, press one if you want to ask her out for dinner; press two if you want to send her a bouquet of flowers; press three if you want to pay her a visit."

Tip # 3: Make Him Answer A Survey.

Women who come up with creative ways to ask a boy out know that nothing is ever certain. However, since they are willing to take a chance for what could turn out to be a wonderful relationship, they end up reaping the best results.

One girl had the idea to pose a survey questionnaire to the guy she liked. The questions were supposedly about the perfect date; but at the end of the questionnaire, there was a question, "Will you go out with me this weekend? Yes or No." Needless to say, this girl got her date.

These are just some of the creative ways to ask a boy out. As you gain more confidence, you will surely have a few more to add to this list.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How To Get A Girls Number - The Three Methods

The debate on how to get a girls number is quite interesting. It goes from playing flirty but elusive, to being very direct...quick approach - quick exit. So I'm going to list for you all the different ways that I have found, then I am going to give you my pick (or opinion).

First I feel you need to understand that not all women are alike (if you haven't noticed). We are as varied as men are on how we feel about the whole dating scene. You will find shy girls, confident girls, conceited, stuck-up, friendly, you name it and I'm sure there is a girl type out there that will match it. So not all women are going to react the same when you approach them for their number. But to be successful with the majority of women you need to fit the general mold that most women find attractive. It's almost guaranteed that most women will be open to sharing their number with a confident, attractive man. Now if you don't feel that you are confident or attractive enough to get a girls number, then you might want to do a little research on what a woman finds attractive or confident. Then do what you can to attain that. And just a small note here...attractive is usually a self-assured and confident demeanor, not always looks.

The second thing you might need to work on is your fear of approaching a woman or fear of rejection, they go hand-in-hand. There is a lot of information out there to help you with this. My suggestion is to stop thinking that there are only a few women out there and that if one should turn you down your life is over. The dating scene is loaded with single, lonely women, looking for someone just like you are. So make a game of it. Stop trying to get a number or a date seriously and just play at getting it. Don't take it seriously and don't let it depress you if you don't make a connection, remember, this is only a game right now. Try some of the steps below and see what one works for you. Make it a game to see how many numbers or emails you can get. Then when your confidence grows take the one that works best for you and do it for real. So let's check out the many methods of how to get a girls number.

Get Her Interested First-The Slow Approach

Some people think that the first thing you must do is to get her interested in you first. This is the slow approach. The best way to do this is to flirt first, you know that occasional look across the room with a smile, eye contact, the slow approach after eye contact has been made. A compliment on something that you noticed about her (don't make it cheesy, be sincere) should make it easier to ask her for a dance, or to try to open up a conversation with her. Don't play desperate, try to show a little self confidence. And don't hang around, make an exit and come back later and do it again. By then you should know if she is willing to spend some time with you. At that point you can ask for her number or email address. Don't ask her for a date, just imply that you would like to contact her at some later date to just chat. If she is hesitant at all then don't pursue it, you know where she goes, you can try again next time. Move on to someone else and improve you skill at this and your confidence in approaching women.

Hit And Run - The Fast Approach

Some men think that this is the best way to get a girls number or email, and it goes something like this. You immediately approach a woman that you are interested in (or for practice, any girl or woman). Always approach with a smile, tell her that you noticed her ("I couldn't help noticing how beautiful you are, and I would love to talk to you...etc...), but act as if you are in a hurry to do something or go somewhere, let her know that you would like to chat but that you have a business meeting, (appointment, need to meet someone, need to take someone somewhere, etc...) and then ask if she would mind giving you her number or email address so that you could get back to her sometime and to have a pen and paper handy and hand it to her. They say that most women will just give it to you without hesitation. (?!!)

I have personally never experienced this one, but the theory goes that if you don't give a woman a chance to react that more times then not they will hand over their number. Wow! You have nothing to lose, so give it a try. It's also suggested to have your cell phone ready to punch her number in right there. Good luck with this one. I personally think that you really need to be radiating self-confidence and be basically handsome for this one to work. But give it a try.

Forget The Number, Just Get The Email

Then there is the theory that if you just ask for their email address your chances for success are very good. That for some odd reason most women have not hesitancy giving out their email address, where as giving out the phone number is more intimate, personal. And that could be with the on line social thing going on that everybody is doing. Maybe ask for her twitter or Face Book address. People do like fans and friends. Yes, I can see how this one would work, we are a social world.

What Works For Me

Personally, being a woman, I like the slow approach. I like to know that the person I give my number to is someone I would like to see again. When I was dating, if a guy I didn't care for asked for my number, I would turn it around and tell him no... but that I would love to have his number. Now I can't say that that was the right thing to do, but it worked for me at the time. It got them off my back without hurting their feelings.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.