Friday, August 31, 2012

How to Get Girls to Like You - Understanding the Way a Woman's Mind Works

How to get girls to like you? Well before we begin let's get a couple of things straight first... For some, if not most, guys tend to brainwash themselves into believing that attracting and seducing young beautiful women requires good looks and money.

Although those things are an added bonus, it ultimately has nothing to do with why women are attracted to men... yes you heard that right... NOTHING AT ALL!

In fact, next time when you're out at the mall or at a public place somewhere, stop and take notice to see how many beautiful women there are out there. More so, take notice to see how many of them are shopping or eating with their date. I'll bet you anything the guys they're with looks like total lame's and yet they have these gorgeous goddesses at their side going wherever they go.

I see these scenario's all the time and to be quite honest with you I'm not surprised at all because it only tells me 2 things... 1. Either they have a boat load of money or 2. They know the real secret strategies when it comes to ways to turn a girl on and are pro's at it (for obvious reasons).

While money and good looks can get you far in the game, possessing an in-depth knowledge of the way a woman's mind work is far more effective when it comes to the arousal and attraction of them.

For example... let's say there's this girl who has these two guys that wants to get with her. The first guy has a great paying job, nice car, and a big house with well to do looks to go along with the total package. The second guy work's a minimum wage job, takes the bus to work, and lives in an apartment with well to do looks as well. She goes out on a date with both guys (at 2 different times of course) to see which one she ultimately wants to be with.

Now, you would think that the first guy would be the more obvious choice since he has all of the nice things with a good job, she's even more attracted to him physically but after it's all said and done... the girl ends up choosing the second guy.

Why? I can almost guarantee you that the second guy has a better understanding of psychology and the way a woman's brain works. He may not even know it consciously but subconsciously it's implanted in his skull. Full-filling the woman's emotional needs while securing and maintaining a level of attraction is all what was needed for her to make him the most feasible decision.

In conclusion, it's safe to say that the law of attraction lies deep within a woman's emotions because let's face it, just about everything that a woman does is based off of the way they're feeling. Getting in tune with a woman's emotions while satisfying their physical needs is a skill set that takes time and practice to master. But knowing that with proper analysis of a their psychology along with implementations, it is an essential element to keep in mind when it comes to attracting and seducing a woman.

Dating and Relationship Advice for Women

Have you been striking out with your dates lately and ready for sound dating advice for women? Too often women accept a date when asked even if it is not someone she really wants to go out with, but why? It has to do with not taking the time to know what you really want in a date and a possible relationship.

When speaking of relationship advice, the first step is to know what you want and what you don't want. What are deal breakers for you when it comes to dating? These could be things such as smoking, poor hygiene (that's a given!), self-centered, not a good communicator, lacks confidence - you get the idea. Make a list of what you do want as well.

If I only knew then what I know now!

How many times after you've dated a guy for awhile and he turns out to be a jerk do you think, "why didn't I listen to my initial instincts?" It happens all the time and in all situations when you get that little feeling that something isn't quite right with the guy you're dating. He seems so nice so you overlook it only to realize months later that your initial intuition was right. Listen to that inner voice - if something feels off, it probably is and you'll save yourself heartache and pain later on by not going out with him.

Yes - he has a few quirks but I can change him

If you're dating a guy and there are things about him that are driving you insane, never assume you can change him. First off, it's not your job to change anyone but yourself and secondly, if your intent is to change him, any kind of future together is not likely to be a happy one. Trying to change someone is draining and the one you're trying to change grows bitter.

Is there dating advice for women by men?

Sometimes when the dating advice you're getting comes from a man's perspective it can shed a lot of light on what you've been doing wrong. So just what are some tips from guys to women? The number one thing that men find attractive in dating situations is humor - men like a women that can laugh and are witty. Now, this shouldn't be forced or it looks really fake and that's always a turn-off. Be yourself and allow your sense of humor to come out on dates - he's love it and the atmosphere will be more relaxed.

Summing it Up - Be Yourself!

Lastly, another thing that men like is smart women. Acting 'dumb' thinking that that is somehow cute to a man really isn't. Just like you want to go out with a guy that is just himself, that's what a guy wants in you too! Keep things real and simple!

Is She Losing Interest? Read This to Turn Her On Tonight

Do you find yourself noticing that she's not as interested in you as she used to be? Are you concerned that she may replace you with someone else? If you have asked yourself these or other related questions, you may be wondering what happened and what you can do about it. The following are the three main reasons that women lose interest in their men, and if you notice any of these in your relationship, then I will also let you know what you can do to get her focus back on you once more.

Bored, Bored, Bored, Bored

Like anything else that's new, a relationship at the beginning is exciting and fresh. She thinks about you all the time whether or not you are together. She's always on you (in a good way) and the exploring is not yet complete. Often, relationships fall into the trap of routine. If you are scheduling activities like movie night or sex, or anything else like this, you will likely appear boring to her and you need to introduce some spontaneity to keep her eyes on you.

Grooming Slips

Often when people are comfortable with someone that they are with, they tend to let themselves go somewhat. If you're not sure what this means, think about if you've put on a few pounds or your hair is becoming unkempt or maybe your dressing style has fallen off. These things can lead to her losing interest in you and considering looking elsewhere. Upkeep on yourself is important, and if you get back in the grooming and health habits that you were into to attract her, chances are you will re-attract her by getting back on track.

Unsolved Conflicts

No matter what the situation, if you and your lady have some issue that has not been closed, this can do significant damage to the relationship and her interest in you is sure to fade. If you had a fight or some other issue has arisen that hasn't been resolved, then she is going to show outward signs of frustration. She may even start ignoring you. If there is a matter that hasn't been put to rest, then talk to her about anything that may be concerning her, and reach some resolution about any open issues. This will give closure to whatever the situation is, and you will be back foremost in her mind. If you would like more advice on this or other topics on dating, just ask me. I will be happy to help you out.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Become Irresistibly Attractive to Men

Every woman dreams of meeting the man who will love them for the rest of their lives. But for some women, this is just a fairy tale that could only happen to those women who have the looks and the body that make men drools over them. Is it true that average looking women don't have a chance of meeting and attracting the man of their dreams? Or is it possible for all women to become irresistibly attractive to men?

The thing is, attracting men is a skill that can be learned and every woman has the chance to enjoy a healthy and satisfying relationship. Of course you have to do something to get the kind of relationship you want. There are ways to become irresistibly attractive to men and here are some tips:

Know what you want. Of course to be irresistibly attractive to men, you should know what you want. It is so hard to drive your energy and focus on something if you do not know what you really want or what you are looking for. If you need to make a list of the characteristics of a person you want to attract, then do so. What kind of relationship you want in your life? If you have a definite picture in your mind of the person and the relationship you want to attract, then it is easier to plan on how to attract the man of your dreams.

The way you think, affects how you attract people. The thing is, if you think you can attract people or if you think you can't attract anyone, you are right. Many women think that they are too old, too fat or not exciting enough to attract the opposite sex. They are not aware that those negative thoughts and beliefs are making them unattractive. What you think is more likely to happen because you focus your energy on what you think or what you believe. If you believe in yourself that you can become irresistibly attractive to men, then things will be easier for you. Being positive or believing in yourself really matters when it comes to things you want from life. To attract people, including the opposite sex, you have to believe and be positive about it. No matter how you look and what size you are, if you believe in yourself and you are a positive person, you are definitely more attractive than those who are full of negativity. Being negative is definitely unattractive. Create an identity or personality that is more positive to be irresistibly attractive to men.

Knowing what you want and being positive are very important but of course you also have to exert extra efforts to improve yourself as a whole. We all have things that we want to improve or goals we want to achieve. This is the right time to act on them to become irresistibly attractive to men. Do you want to learn how to cook? Do you want to learn photography? Do you want to be healthier and physically active? Act on them now and achieve what you want because those things that you want to achieve are added factors for you to be more interesting and attractive. A person who makes time to learn something new is an interesting and attractive person.

Being attractive is not something that can happen overnight but every woman can become irresistibly attractive to men if they have the will and know the right techniques. Every woman wants a lasting relationship with the man of their dreams. These things cannot be left to merely luck or chance and you have to do something to get the relationship you want with the man of your dreams. Discover more techniques on how to become irresistibly attractive to men, visit Attract and Magnetize Men.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Overcome Rejection From Women - 3 Tips To Deal With Getting Turned Down

The fear of being rejected by women is one that keeps a lot of men from making any real attempts at being able to get their personal life on the right track. It's hard to picture yourself doing well with females and actually getting a lot of dates if you are afraid of the idea of being turned down. You have to be able to deal with this possibility if you are going to get to a point where you feel comfortable approaching a woman and asking her out on a date, especially if she is the kind of woman you would describe as being out of your league.

Here are 3 tips that should help you overcome rejection by women so that you CAN do well with females and get better at getting dates:

1) Think of it as being just her opinion and not the opinion of all women out there.

When you process the rejection, you want to be careful that you don't see it as being a sign that all women are going to turn you down for a date. Just because one woman does not want to go out with you, it's not a sign that every other woman you approach is going to say the same thing or feel the same way. I don't care who you are, some women are not going to want to go out with you, that's just the way that it is. However, it does not mean that they are ALL going to feel that way.

2) Learn from whatever mistake that you may have made in your approach.

Not every rejection comes from you making a mistake in the way that you approach a woman, but some of them do. Those are the ones that you really want to take a hard look at to see what you might have done wrong and what you might be able to do better the next time. For example, one of the more common mistakes that guys will make is that they ask a woman out BEFORE she is really attracted to them. If you do that, you can't really expect to get a yes response, can you? So, the next time you are going to ask a woman out on a date, make sure that you wait until you know that she is definitely feeling some attraction towards you.

3) Accept the fact that all women are different and have different tastes.

There's this funny idea that floats around amongst men, and that is - that all women are wired exactly the same way. That's not really true. Some women are going to be attracted to one kind of guy and some are going to be attracted to another kind of guy. You have to figure out what women are going to be attracted to you and if you can do that, you'll see that you end up getting turned down a lot less often because you are approaching the kind of women who DO find a guy like you appealing.

Seduction 101 Unveiled

Every man has the natural, in-built ability to seduce a woman. Seduction is an art that is difficult to master. Each woman is different, and you'll never know if all you have researched about seducing women would work on her.

Most guys trying to seduce a woman into falling in love, think that it is all about the "connection' they have with her. A good connection is important, but if she doesn't feel sexual attraction for you - then you're only ever going to be seen as a friend in her eyes.

There are ways to make her feel strong attraction for you and escalate to a kiss or sex and successfully change things from being "friendly" to being "sexual".

The following Simplified easy to remember steps will guide you in your quest to seduce women:

- Every woman loves to get compliments from her man! Keep this golden rule in mind, but also understand that you don't overdo the complimenting.

- Being mysterious is another key to seducing a woman. Being predictable is the easiest way of losing any interest a woman may have in you.

-Never let a woman get the feeling that you are desperate for her. Women always fall for guys that are challenging for them.

-To seduce a woman make her feel like she has to work at getting you interested in her. Guys who are naturally good with women always make sure that they have the woman chasing them.

- By nature, women are romantic and love the excitement involved in romance. Make every date special and make your girl feel that she's the most beautiful woman that you have ever seen. Women love to be pampered so be a sweet gentleman. You ought to really master how to please a girl.

- Making eye contact is another great way of seducing a woman. You can stroke her hands with your fingertips or touch her hair lightly and whisper in her ears or just express your feelings through your eyes. The more expressive you are with your moves the better it is.

- Be confident! Women find confidence in men very sexy. Make sure she is always noticing your alpha male traits.

- Another secret of turning on a woman is kindling her emotions. If you can win her emotionally then winning the physical aspect is not very difficult. If you have the ability to move her emotionally then you wouldn't have a problem in winning her on a whole.

- Ask the woman about her taste in music. Good music seduces many women when they are with their partners.

- You can try to give your woman a good massage, and then you can go in for a bubble bath together. Else, you can comfortably curl up on the couch. In any case make her feel comfortable, special and wanted.

- Be in charge but let the woman dominate once in a while in case she wants to.

- You can also write her little notes, send text messages and have some teasing games that would excite her.

- Buy her gifts once in a while. Women love flowers and chocolates a lot. It makes them feel special and wanted.

- Be adventurous and endeavour to often ask your girl what she wants. You will be surprised by how women love to talk about what they love.

- Last but not the least, pay close attention when she is speaking. Women love all the attention that you can give them and they will love you if you can shower it on them.

With practice, everything becomes easy, even the confusing game of seduction. So if you admired someone but are unable to express your feelings, be confident and walk up to her and express yourself and tell her how special she is and apply some of the tips above!

Women Dating Younger Men: Anatomy of a May-September Affair

The term "Cougar" is the term coined to older women dating younger men. This has been made popular by the emergence of mainstream Hollywood couples like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon just to name a few. Although, this wasn't as widely accepted before, but this has suddenly changed during the last few years.

Older women dating younger men are not as widely as accepted as the May-December affairs, were in older men date younger women. For the latter, these women are thought of as too old and people always look at them as mothers, thus when they see older women dating younger men people are quick to think of them as cradle robbers.

Why are older women appealing to men who are younger?

Most men would answer that the level of maturity and independence that women in elder age have is what made them appealing. With independence comes that security, older women have are more established with their careers and lifestyles that it takes the pressure off young men, who are still trying to make a name for themselves. Also eases the financial burdens of men when the issue of money is brought up.

Maturity can be a pro and a con when women are dating, it is a fact the women mature faster than men, as women get older they are more appreciative of the meager things in life. They are more realistic and gravitate towards the simpler things in life. There are men who want this kind of stability. But sometimes this kind of maturity wears on younger men who may not have that kind compatibility with his older partner.

Younger men find that they gravitate towards older women, because of their independence. There are younger men who find strong and independent appealing, those who can do well for themselves without the aid of men. Younger men find that instead of them taking care of the women, they want it vice versa.

Can this work and will it last?

In instances when older women are dating, there is always the question of stability of the relationship. Will this kind of relationship last? How can couples make this kind of relationship work? With older women dating younger men, there are certain challenges that brought about by the age difference.

Racing against the biological clock

If couples are looking into raising a family, they should take into consideration that given the age disparity, the women is in a race against time to be able to bear children.

Younger men raised traditionally

Older women are strong and independent individuals, if the man was raised in a conservative and traditional family the need to be controlling and or unwillingness to accept this kind of independence will be an issue.

Past bad experiences and other issues

Along with maturity and independence comes unresolved issues from the past, with older women dating younger men, these are some of the things that the latter must have to consider. Sometimes these issues still arise at present.

Who's to say that this kind of relationship will not work, it has been said that older women dating younger men are uncommon. But there have been relationships like these in the past and have never been talked about and accepted much like that of an older man dating a much younger woman.

Relationships, regardless of age difference, religion, race and so much more, is difficult as it is, but people have proven that no matter what differences they have they always can make it work.

Distinguishing Between Dating Sites and Chat Rooms

Whether you are looking for a short-term relationship or someone to spend the rest of your life with, there are several avenues that you can access online to help you with your search. There are dating sites and online chat rooms and pen pal websites. The sky is the limit. But before you sign up for any of these websites, you may want to compare and contrast. Here is the 411:

1. Anonymity. One of the main differences is anonymity. Dating websites often require users to sign up and fill out information truthfully. While names are sometimes allowed to be withheld, most dating sites require that a real life photo is used in ones profile. On the other hand, chat rooms allow for a larger degree of anonymity. One is allowed to use any handle that they wish so long as it is not offensive in any way.

2. Freedom and accessibility. Most dating sites are stringent when it comes to rules and regulations. You may be required to meet certain criteria or verify certain pieces of information about yourself prior to being allowed to contact other members of the site.On the other hand, chat rooms allow you to be able to chat with a large number of people at any given time without any pressure to fill out a long profile. You can enter and leave the chat room as soon as you please and talk to as many people as you would like to without having to write a long introduction. You can say as little or as much as you would like.

3. Formality. Dating sites are a little more formal when it comes to conversing with other members of the site. You may have to state your intentions right from the beginning. In other words, there is a certain degree of pressure. On the other hand, chat rooms provide a more carefree and relaxed environment. You can enter as you are without even revealing anything about yourself. You can about talk anything and everything without the added pressure of having to state your intentions from the get-go.

4. Meeting new friends. Online chat rooms are a great way to meet new friends from all around the world of different ages and backgrounds. Unfortunately, this may not always be possible in dating sites. In dating sites, reaching out to another person may signify immediately that you are interested in engaging in a romantic relationship with them. After all, isn't that the point of joining the website in the first place? With chat rooms, this is not necessarily the case. While many people do get on chat rooms in order to meet somebody special, others are simply there to have fun and get to know new people.

All in all, both dating sites and free online chat rooms are great avenues to meet people. Which one you choose to use just depends on what you are looking for. If you are interested in meeting a long-term partner, then dating sites are perfect for you. But if you are looking to get the best of both worlds, then chat rooms are probably the best fit for you. Here you can just come and go as you please with no pressure of meeting up with the people that you chat with. There is also no danger of being construed as a potential romantic partner if you are simply looking for a friend.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Five Secrets to Texting Girls

You do not have to be a Casanova to be successful with text messaging but there are some basic rules you should follow if you don't want that phone number to go to waste. Here you will learn five secrets to texting girls so that the next time you get a girls phone number you can be sure that she will go out with you.

Secret One: It's The Content Not the Timing

Guys obsess a lot over when they should ask a girl out after getting her phone number. While not appearing too desperate is important what is far more important is what message you send to her rather than the timing. If you send out a good text message then you could get her phone number in the morning and have her out on a date by the evening. If you send a bad message it doesn't matter if you observe "the three day rule or not"

Secret Two: Don't Ask Her Out on a Date

This might seem like a really strange thing to say. After all surely the entire point of getting her phone number is to get her out on a date. This is in fact only half true. You do want to get her out of her house and spending time with you. What you don't want to be doing is asking her out on a date. The distinction is as follows. When you ask a girl out on a date you are asking her ahead of time if you she would like to do something specific thing at a specific date and time. This might be to go to a movie with you, have dinner or go to a concert. The big problem with this approach is that she can easily reject you and if she does you won't be easily able to save the situation.

The alternative is to not preplan but next time you are doing something anyway invite her along. For example next time you are getting a coffee you shoot her a text telling her you are going to Starbucks and ask her if she would like to meet up, or next time you are going to see your friends band play you ask if she would like to come along and that you can put her name on the door. The great thing about this approach is if she says no it isn't a big problem. You didn't really ask her out so you can keep trying. Often you will find that while she won't go out with you that night if you get her on the right night you will be successful.

Secret Three: Keep It Informal

You don't want to be too formal with your texts. If you start out trying to be too formal such as telling her how much you like her or that you hope she had a good evening you are forcing her too choose whether she wants you to be her boyfriend or not. At the start of a relationship when she is not even comfortable with you yet there is a good chance she will reject you. Instead keep it fun and simple and talk to her like you already know her well.

Secret Four: Make a Connection

When we talk to our friends and family we don't introduce ourselves first or use other formalities. We start in the middle of an ongoing conversation. This is the best approach to use when texting a girl as well. Start by refereeing to something that happened last time you saw her. This helps to overcome the stranger problem that you don't really know each other. Instead it emphasizes your shared history no matter how short that is.

Secret Five: Don't Procrastinate

While you don't want to be asking her out on formal dates you shouldn't procrastinate either. The longer you spend texting her without getting her out on a date the less likely the text conversation will turn into a real relationship. Come up with something for the two of you to today as soon as possible after getting her phone number.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Secret Success To Over 60 Dating

Whether you're 16 or 60 years old, it takes two to make a successful relationship work. Although our priorities might change as we grow older, the foundation of a long lasting relationship stays the same. To help you on your online over 60 dating journey, it's important to keep in mind the fundamental elements that make a relationship work.

• Honesty is vital, so don't bottle your problems up. Even the smallest issues can grow in to deal-breakers if not confronted, so be open with one another immediately.

• Communication goes hand-in-hand with honesty. It is important to discuss even uncomfortable subjects with your partner instead of avoiding them. If you talk about difficult topics calmly to begin with, you stop them from becoming major issues.

• Respect your partner's wishes and choices. By treating your loved one how you would like to be treated you ensure a balance in your relationship.

• Negotiation and compromise are key to making a relationship run smoothly. Be fair; listen to each other and work together to make decisions that suit both of you.

• Don't give up your life for your new partner. It is crucial that you maintain your independence; carry on with your hobbies, keep seeing your family, enjoy your YOU time. A healthy and successful relationship requires an equal balance of spending quality time together AND apart.

• Arguing isn't the end of the world. A successful relationship requires ups and downs, conflict and resolution. If you never argue, how do you overcome the issues that are troubling you? Disagreeing with your loved one doesn't mean the end of the relationship, it will only make you stronger if you talk openly to one another and reach a solution together.

• Apologising and forgiveness are paramount in a successful relationship. Say sorry when you are wrong, and accept your partner's apology in return. Learn to let go of former problems, arguments and issues; never live in the past. Move on.

• Easy come, easy go. Don't expect your relationship to always be sunshine, lollipops and rainbows; a successful relationship takes a lot of time, hard work, patience, compromise and love. Never take your partner for granted and never expect them to make you happy; only you can make yourself happy.

By following these simple rules, you will have a solid groundwork for a long lasting, healthy and successful relationship. It's never too late to find love, and over 60 is no different.

Why Is It Best to Use Dating Services?

Going out with every person you meet seems daunting. Plus it can be a real time-waster when you date 100's of people, but still can't find the right one.

What about trying out dating services online? This way you save yourself a lot of time by pre-screening people without even leaving your home! Going out to different places, trying to meet people personally and hoping you would one day meet 'the one' for you isn't a bad idea. But it has disadvantages. One is of course the fact that when things do not turn out between you and the person you met, you feel like you have wasted a lot of time and effort on that person. This could make you more miserable. If you use online dating services, you would get the guarantee that you are only set up on a date with you have a lot of things in common with - someone could be a potential match made in heaven.

Right from the start, online dating services providers give you the chance to choose the best match that you are going to click with. They give a list of credible profiles and it is up to you to decide which among them you would most probably like to know more about or even go on a date with. They give you the chance to chat with each other, socialize and be comfortable with each other online before you decide to go out and meet in person. Getting rejected online would definitely not hurt as much as getting rejected in person.

There is probably no one in this world that does not have an ideal man or woman in mind. Some even have their required characteristics listed. But of course there is also no one in this world who has found exactly what he or she has listed. It is not because what they require in their ideal man or woman isn't realistic, but because they may be looking at a limited amount of online singles to meet and choose from.

If you would like to meet and date exactly the man or woman of your dreams, you should become a member of a reliable online dating services provider. On their website they usually ask their member to fill out a form where their required characteristics are listed. This list makes finding the perfect partner possible.

If you would like to meet exactly the person of your dreams with the least possibility of getting hurt or hurting anyone, you should definitely make use of dating services that could help you meet the right person at the first attempt.

This news article is brought to you by FREE ROMANTIC DATING SITE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Relationship Advice - Should You Try to Change Your Partner's Habits?

Statistically speaking, the odds of you finding someone who is exactly what you are looking for are minute... at best. No matter how darling they may be in your eyes, there are bound to be little things the love of your life does that just makes you want to run a million miles away at times. Do you overlook those bad habits, the bad whatever, in order to get the good? Or do you actually try to get rid of those annoying habits, in other words "change" the love of your life?

Making a decision to try to change a person is a huge undertaking because you are, in essence, asking them to go against who they are. And maybe you aren't even giving them a choice, you are just going to go in and bring it all about!

So before you start, one of the most important questions you need to ask yourself, is: why am I trying to change them? Are you doing it to improve them generally, for their own good; or is it for you? Do you have a personal stake in this and, if so, what is it?

Next, ask yourself how bad is the habit or trait you are trying to change? Is it really worth possibly causing trouble in the relationship? If you are trying to get them to stop smoking then there is a clear and undeniable reason behind your motive. It's because you love them and you want them to be healthy and live a long life... right! If, however, you are trying to get them to change how they hold their fork when they eat, then you need to determine how much attention you want to place on this.

Ask yourself how important it is for them to change? Will you care any less for them if they don't change? Will you love them more if they do? Is it a shallow reason that would warrant more of your love? Can you not give them all of your love even if they don't change?

What happens if they are not willing to change? That is, if they get a choice. Is it a deal-killer for you? Can you live with their decision to ignore what you are asking of them? Will you resent them, or do you play the "if you loved me, you would do this for me" card?

The bottom line is you should not ask your partner to change unless it is something that is going to improve their life... not yours. They might resent the request and even if they do change the habit that is annoying you, they might not be doing it for the right reason. We all have habits our partner would probably prefer to do without. But maybe it's these little habits, the little things we do that are different to what others do, that also help to define who we are.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Can You Tame Your Hookup

1. Don't Spring It Or Withhold Sex: The last thing you want to do is spring your newly discovered feelings on your hookup and you certainly shouldn't withhold sex. Let's say that you usually go to this person's house to get friendly together. If you suddenly show up and say that you're not going to have sex because you're in love, that's going to push the person away quickly. Instead, act like everything is normal and instead drop hints to gauge how the person feels.

2. Drop Hints: Don't just come out and say that you have feelings for the person, but instead start interjecting hints into the conversation. Tell your hookup about your friend who has a similar situation and now the two of them are dating. Play it carefully and you'll soon be able to determine if the other person feels the same way you do.

3. Taper Back: If you two are having sex on the regular, which is what a hookup is for, you should try to start tapering the activity back. Although played out, the old adage is true: "Why would the person buy the cow if they can get the milk for free?" If the person realizes that they need to step up their game and take things to the next level to continue having fun with you, they might discover that they do in fact have feelings for you.

4. Be Honest: If you've dropped hints and you've tapered back any activity and the person still doesn't act as though they're that into you, that's when you should just come out and say it. The more honest you can be, the better. It may be hard to come out and say that you feel more than you're letting on, especially if there's a chance of rejection from the other person, but it must be done for your piece of mind and so that neither of you are wasting any time if feelings aren't mutual.

5. Ask Them Out: The best way to take things to the next level with a hookup is to start going out on dates. The more time you spend with the other person, the more familiar you two will become and the more comfortable you'll feel around one another. This can help elevate you from hookup status to relationship status before you even realize it's happening. You never know, you two may naturally transition into a relationship as if it were meant to be.

Having a hookup can be a lot of fun, but sometimes you just want something more. Put these five tips into practice the next time you and your hookup hang out and make your feelings known.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Can You Escape The Friend Zone?

It happens to the best of us. You might have gone out with the person or at the very least you just met and now you've entered the dreaded friend zone. The rumors say that this is where dating death happens. Once you enter the friend zone, you ain't ever getting out. Is that true? Are you destined to always be this person's friend even though you might like a little more? While there are no guarantees, here are a few tricks you can try to persuade that person that you are much more than just friend material.

Make The Person Jealous

While this sounds like a very high-schoolish thing to do, it can actually work to elevate you as much more than a friend in that special someone's eyes. Instead of following your 'friend' around like a puppy dog, start dating other people. If nothing else, you might meet someone new and totally forget that you ever had feelings for your friend. In any case, your love interest may get jealous enough to realize that he/she had better strike now before you're forever taken off the market.

Work On Yourself

The person who put you into the friend zone may be turned off because all of your attention may be inadvertently turned onto them. They may feel this undue pressure from all this energy you don't realize you're putting out. The best thing you can do in this situation is work on yourself. Really dig into a new hobby, learn a new language, learn how to play an instrument, join a club. The more you get involved in your own life, the more attractive you'll be to the other person. It's only when all of your attention is focused on them that they'll turn away. That is one of life's cruel realities, unfortunately.

Exercise And Eat Right

Another way to work on yourself is to engage in a diet and exercise plan if you aren't already doing so. If you are overweight or if you could stand to get little more fat, you will feel better about yourself once you start eating right and exercising. Both of these activities will also have astounding effects on your attractiveness. Once you get into a groove of being healthy, that person will likely see you in a whole new light. When that happens, it's goodbye friend zone.

Change Your Approach

There's an old saying that goes, "If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got." Basically, you'll get the same results if you keep trying to do the same old things. If you are in the friend zone, consider how you act around the person. Do you flirt with them? If not, you may want to start. Do you touch them when talking or does your body language otherwise convey your feelings towards the other person? These are all questions you'll want to ask yourself if you are ever in the friend zone and want to get out.

The friend zone isn't the end of the world, but it's not fun. Put these tips into action and hopefully the person will change their mind about you and the rest might be history.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Dating After 40

So you're over 40 and back on the dating scene. Chances are you're not jumping for joy at the prospect of 'putting yourself out there' and going on those dreaded blind-dates. How are you supposed to meet someone when;

• You've got a family to look after.

• You're busy with a career.

• You don't have time to go scouting for a new partner.

• All the 'good catches' are married already anyway.

So many newly over 40 singles dread the idea of hopping back in to the dating saddle, but did you know that midlife daters are the fastest growing group of online relationship seekers? With more and more 40 plus singles looking for love on the internet there's no better time to sign up and start looking for your future partner from the comfort of your own home.

As an over 40 single you have so much going for you that you may not realise and are much more likely to meet that someone special than someone looking in their twenties.

• You have grown in maturity and gained essential qualities in consideration, honesty and patience.

• Mature singles are looking for the real thing; not just a fling.

• You now know what you want and what you don't want out of both life and a partner.

• You've grown out of playing silly games.

The brilliant thing about online dating for over forties is that you are able to meet millions of people at the click of a button and introduce yourself to someone you would never bump in to at the local supermarket! By putting your cards on the table and uploading a fun and flirty profile with a couple of flattering photos you can take the awkward hassle out of face-to-face first dates and get to know a potential partner through emails and phone calls before arranging to meet them in person!

Online dating for over forties can be incredibly rewarding, so what are you waiting for? Put a little YOU time aside and sign up today to find your special someone. Online dating puts you in control, so never settle for less; put your best foot forward and most importantly; have fun! Always keep in mind that not every date will be a success, but every experience will be a learning curve about other people, yourself and dating in general! By applying patience and persistence, you will fall in over 40 love in no time at all.

Online Dating and Art of Finding Potential Mates

There are several benefits to online dating. Since it's online it can be accessed by anyone in any part of the world. The minimum age of registration depends from country to country. But to register, the minimum age of a user must be 18 or above. Some online services check the validity of an individual's age through the details they provide, while some don't require validation. These services offer great help to individuals who have a problem finding dates or approaching members of the opposite sex in person. These online services offer them a comprehensive list of likeminded people that they can contact if they are seriously interested in dating them or having a serious relationship.

Some of these websites have forums that enable a good amount of discussion about the process of these services. Several dating websites have their own messaging applications. These applications enable friendly user chat. The technology that is used for these messaging applications is advanced and it prohibits the use of bad and inappropriate language. This is a relief for several users of dating websites. Sometimes two individuals who are chatting may not hit it off well and may start using abusive language. So such a ban will restrict hard feelings among users and encourage good chat etiquette.

Online dating services are the best possible place for finding people of similar backgrounds and likes. The services are unbiased towards people who prefer same sex dating; and have helped them find mates with similar interests. This also makes these services an ideal place for such men and women. Apart from similar sex dating these services has always been a great place for those interested in heterosexual dating. These services make a huge effort and help individuals find ideal life partners that they would have difficulty meeting otherwise. These services provide such social convenience through their user friendly websites.

Men and women have different preferences when it comes to choosing their dating partners online. They also appreciate if online dating services adhere to their preferences and provide them convenient options. In terms of choices dating websites offer a wide selection based on physical and social mate preference. Men have the option of choosing Asian women, blondes or brunettes whereas women can also select men based on their individual preferences. These services are not limited to a select region or country. Users can search for dates from any country as per availability of members.

Dating websites don't guarantee that individuals will find a date if they join their service. But they do provide several opportunities to individuals with the help of a comprehensive list of members. Sometimes it's all about luck. Online dating isn't a challenge as services offer various options and features that will ensure you find the date you are looking for. To choose the right dating website an individual needs to be certain what they are looking for right from the beginning. The popularity of online dating services is unparalleled because of the success they have been able to achieve. Social networks also promote online dating.

Safe Dating - Staying Safe Online Without Landing Yourself in Dating Hell

Dating online is like any other social networking site (Facebook, Twitter, Bebo), but anxiety about how our personal information will be used or accessed can prevent people from enjoying the experience. How can we display ourselves openly and honestly on the Internet and keep ourselves safe?

Personal profiles usually consist of confidential information (name, address, contact details), as well as particulars about work, hobbies and likes/dislikes. The scariest aspect of this process though, is often the thought of having your own image emblazoned across a website for all the world to witness! It's easy to see why some people might be put off using such sites when seemingly anyone - from the next-door neighbour to our worst enemies - might see this information and (horror of horrors) find out all our dark secrets.

Of course, profile photos aren't always used and in some cases dating sites encourage the use of avatar-style images, rather than personal pics. Information relating to home address and phone numbers is generally only required for dating sites that charge a fee for their services, so if you join a non-fee-paying site, the only personal detail you must give is your email address. I'll come back to email addresses later, but to be honest, if you want to get anywhere on a dating site, you really do have to come clean about who you are; otherwise it isn't really going to work. So how do we marry the need for privacy with the necessity for openness?

Here's my Six Top Tips for Secret un-Secretness on the Internet:

Location - When you declare your geographical whereabouts on your profile, it's worth thinking about 'locating' yourself somewhere else. This is especially important if you live in a small town or village, as you'll be easy to find in a tight-knit community. Why not virtually move yourself to a town 20 miles away? This shouldn't influence who views you on the dating site, even if they use facilities like Who's Near Me (which many sites have these days), but it does give you a little bit more anonymity, which is helpful.

Photos - many daters use a photo that they think makes them look good, but forget to consider what's in the background of the image. Be wary of including any identifying features, such as uniforms, signs or buildings that might give clues to where they were taken.

The Spiel - There's usually a section in your profile that asks you to say something about yourself, your interests, likes, loves etc. Try to keep this information on a personal level - write about the sort of person you are and what you want out of life. Don't spout forth about your friends, the places you go for entertainment and where you buy vegetables on Saturday mornings. While these knickknacks might paint an interesting portrait of your life, they can also give clues to where you live, work and shop. (I'm not trying to be a scaremonger here, but it's better to be careful about this stuff until you meet someone you are able to trust with these intimate details).

Email - It's not a great idea to use your regular email address for online dating, especially if your name happens to be John Ferguson, you have a tractor business and your email is johnfergusontractors@... Far safer is my tactic of creating a brand new email address to be used solely for your dating adventures. It's a good idea too, to come up with something that relates to your intended online profile, so names like L00k1n4l0ve@... RUthe14mE@... and D0ntbre4KmiHe4rt@... are quite useful as they also help with security issues.

It's worth noting that many dating sites have the facility to let you sign up using your Facebook account. Don't do this. Ever. Despite the fact that it may be easier and a bit quicker, all you'll achieve is a world of pain and misery. Okay, maybe not pain and misery, but most people have way too much personal information on Facebook, so best leave well alone.

Mobile Phones - Many dating sites don't ask for a mobile phone number. Of course, if you want to use your phone to pay fees, or get involved in accessing your account when you're away from your computer, it can't be avoided. The safest way is not to divulge your number at all, though if you have a Smartphone, I'd say it's okay to access email. If you do give out contact numbers as part of your signing up process, check that they won't be shown on your profile.

Home Address - again, the only reason you should need to give out this information is as part of the fee-paying process to confirm your bank details etc. Don't even think about sharing this information with other daters until you've met them, assessed how trustworthy they are and you're sure you want them to know your personal information.

Dating online is easy, but don't let complacency get in the way of finding that special someone - stay safe.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

How to Flirt With a Woman Online - 3 Suggestions That Work

As you are already probably well aware, you can't just expect to sign up to an online dating site or go on to a social networking site and immediately find someone that you can go out on a date with. Just like with any option that does not have to deal with the internet, you are going to have to find a way to win over a woman with your personality and your charm. For that reason, it's good to know a little bit about how to flirt with a woman online. Guys who know how to do this will see a lot more success than the ones that don't.

Here are 3 suggestions for how to flirt with a woman online that do work:

1) Check out her profile to see her interests and make a funny comment based on that.

When you see something that is a little bit amusing to you or something that you can make fun of a woman in a playful way, go for it. For example, you scan a woman's profile and see that she is still a Harry Potter fan and that's funny to you. So, you send her a little message that is playful and kind of makes fun of her for liking that, but not in a hurtful way. That kind of thing usually works to get a good, light hearted conversation going on.

2) Make a thoughtful comment about one of her photos.

As you probably already know or will see right away, most of the comments that guys make on a woman's picture are either lewd or lame. They either make a horrible attempt at talking dirty online or they say something generic like, "you're pretty." Why not do something a little bit different and make some thoughtful comment, one that shows that you are actually paying attention and not trying to be some kind of an online pick up artist?

3) Find one topic that she seems to be interested about and get her talking.

People like to talk about the things that they are passionate about and showing someone that you do have an interest in their passion is a good thing. If you see that a woman is passionate about animals, for example, you can ask her questions that will lead to her talking about that passion and that is a good way to make her feel a sense of rapport with you.

This news article is brought to you by GOING GREEN NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Pick Up Girls

It can be difficult for men to find women who are open to dating. Women have many options open to them when it comes to finding a potential mate, including online dating, as well as going to singles bars and other social events. When a guy wants to know how to how to pick up girls, he must take these dating venues into consideration. He must strategize his approach to match the manner in which he is first meeting her.

For instance, if a man is meeting a woman for the first time in a bar or club, he may expect her to be in a less guarded mood and therefore more open to flirting. Many men think that clever one-liners will win them the attention of ladies. However, while this approach may work with some women, other ladies are automatically turned off by such shows of bravado. They think that men who use cliche quips are less imaginative and only want one thing from them.

Therefore, if a man is genuinely interested in a woman for companionship that lasts beyond one night, he may approach her with more sincerity. Rather than relying on insincere pick up lines that come off as sexist, he may try instead to approach her as he would anyone else in less casual settings. Women like it when a man looks them in the eye, shakes their hands, and introduces themselves in a relaxed manner. Men who are nervous and sweating are less appealing, as are men who are too confident in themselves and their ability to pick up women.

On the other hand, when a man wants to know how to how to pick up girls away from nightclubs and bars, he should consider that other environments are more structured and call for more protocol. For example, if he meets a lady at the grocery store, he needs to act in a way that does not make him appear to be predatory or threatening to her. Rather, he can look her in the eye, smile at her, and perhaps make a comment about the weather or something in the store. If she reciprocates this communication, he can then move on to introducing himself and inviting her out to coffee or some other introductory meeting.

This same approach works well for meeting women at church picnics or singles events. Women are ever mindful of their personal safety when they are in an environment to meet men. They are on guard and are looking for clues that will indicate whether or not a man is trustworthy. For that reason, a man should remember that any behavior that does not conform to most accepted social standards could be perceived as a threat to a woman's safety. If a man is genuinely interested in meeting a woman and taking her out on a date, he must think before he speaks and always reflect on how his actions could be viewed by others. If he wants to be successful in his pursuit of a potential mate, a man should be patient and be objective. He should not take a decline from a woman personally.

If he is repeatedly declined by women, a man may want to ask another man, or better yet, another woman what he is doing that is leading to his failure. Getting advice from others can help men tailor their approaches and lead to a successful meeting with ladies. Few men are perfect at picking up women the first few times they venture into the dating scene. They must practice and learn different how to pick up girls techniques.

Approaching Women - 3 Tips to Approach Her the Right Way

It's hard enough to just get the courage up to approach a woman without having to think about doing the right things that will make her feel attracted to you. However, as you probably already know, just being able to make the approach is not always enough. You usually have to do more than that to make a woman feel attracted to you. For most guys, that can pose a pretty big challenge. However, when you know how to approach a woman the right way, it will seem easy and you will see that it DOES make a huge difference.

Here are 3 tips to approach a woman the RIGHT way:

1) No matter what, you need to be able to start a conversation with her.

You don't get a prize for just being able to walk up to her. You can't approach her and then have absolutely nothing at all to say. You have to be able to make conversation with a woman and that conversation has to be able to trigger feelings of attraction and desire in her or else you are probably not going to get much more than a few minutes of her time and a polite smile and that's it.'

2) You need to make her feel like you are not just there to pick her up.

Women tend to feel a bit iffy about guys who are obviously out for a pick up and that's not the best way to start things off, especially if you really do find yourself attracted to her. You want to instead make it clear to her that you are really into her and that happens by having good conversation that includes questions that let her know that you are really trying to get to know her and who she is.

3) If you have a goal in mind like getting a number or getting a date, then you can't deviate from that goal.

While there may be some instances where you just want to approach a woman for the sake of making the approach, most of the time you want to get a number or get a date with that woman. And you have to keep that in mind, you can't just walk away without getting her digits or lining up a date with her and call it a successful approach. When you can get to the point that you know how to move things in the right direction and you end up with her number or plans for another night - that is when you'll know that you are good at approaching women.

First Date Advice: 10 Signs That She's Into You

So you've met someone new. Perhaps it was online, at work or out with friends last weekend. You've exchanged a few text messages or phone calls, and have set plans for your first date. This date will tell a lot about your possible feature relationship. If it goes well, it could be the first of many memories together, but otherwise it's back to the dating pool for you. But is there a way to tell how well the first date is really going? Here we have 10 rock solid signs that she's into you. Many of these women do without even thinking about it. So if you can learn to ready these signs, you'll be ahead of the game. If you receive at least 3 of these, then rest assured. She's into you.

1- Constant Smiling
Our desire to smile is controlled on a deep physiological level. She'll have a hard time not smiling if she's having a good time.

2- Extended Eye Contact
If she constantly looks you in the eye while talking or makes extended eye contact, that is a clear sign of her interest in you. It shows she's captivated in you and what you have to say.

3- Plays with Her Hair
This is something many people have heard before, but it's still just as true. This is sort of a subconscious reflex. If a girl constantly plays with her hair on the date it's a sign that she's nervous or excited (or hopefully both). If she's a little nervous on your first date, take that as a positive sign. It means she likes you and wants it to go well. If she's far to relaxed or nonchalant, that could be a bad omen.

4- She Gestures a Lot When She Talks
Similar to playing with her hair, it's also a very positive sign if she gestures a lot with her hands while talking. This is a subconscious way of trying to emphasize what she's saying. It shows you that she's excited to be talking to you.

5- Leans in While Talking To You
While your chatting, notice if she leans in towards you when she speaks. It's an especially good sign if she leans and gestures a lot when talking. This is her wanting to grab your attention and trying to make what she's saying more interesting and exciting.

6- Laughs at Even Your Worst Jokes
Turns out that you might not be as funny as you though. If a girl is really into you, she'll laugh at even some of your worst jokes. It's not even so much that she's being fake, because here reason might go a little deeper than that. Whey you like someone, you're subconsciously predisposed to want to like what they say and do. So it's more of a case that she wants to like you're jokes than she actually thinks you're the next Jerry Seinfeld.

7- Positive Body Language
According to research done by UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian, only about 7% of communication comes from the words we say. Around 38% is based on our tone of voice, and a whopping 55% from our body language. Wow, that means there's a lot going on besides what she's saying. Plus a lot of her body language happens without her thinking about it. So that means if you pay attention, you can get a pretty good read as to what she's thinking on your date.

8- Touches Your Arm to Emphasize Her Points
Whenever a girl initiates physical contact, it's always a good sign. Whether it's a subtle touch while she's talking, playfully punching you on the arm or even thumb wrestling. If she initiates some type of physical contact, then take that as an indication of interest on her part.

9- Pays You A Compliments
A big part of a first date is getting to know each other. If while you're talking she pays you a legitimate complement on something, that's a good sign. But don't let it go to your head, because it might be that she's just being nice. However, if this complement is coupled with other indications of interest from this list, then it's a very positive sign.

10- Asks When You Two Are Going To See Each Other Again.
This may seem like sort of a no-brainer, but there's more to this that meets the eye. Most women want the guy to peruse them and initiate future dates. It makes them feel desired and special when the guy chases after them. So if she's hinting at or asking about seeing you again, then that's a very good sign.

This news article is brought to you by ADVANCED DATING ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You In 5 Easy Steps

Most women find men hard to figure out. They are different animals than us women and this creates a lot of confusion and misunderstanding in everyday situations. Now, let's address a much more complicated situation - you finally found a man that you like and you are very interested in creating a relationship with that man. So, how can you make that happen, without being too aggressive, thus potentially putting him off? In other words - you want to know how to make him fall for you.

Well, here are some tactics you can use to make this happen. They were all tested in the real life:

1. Keep your independence. A needy person is a huge turn off. Men like independent women who have a life of their own. So don't make him feel you're waiting just for him to call. Go out there and do stuff. Get together with your friend, go to the gym, dedicated time to hobbies and so on. The thing is - don't be too reachable, too easily.

2. Make him feel important. Compliment him about his career, his car, his status... Whatever he's achieved in life, even if it's a small achievement, make him feel like he's "made it" in life. Most men have egos and they like to think of themselves as successful, even if they're not.

3. Be intriguing. It's important that you will spark your man's interest and keep him interested over time. To do that you need to be a little bit mysterious and not share too much information all at once. Everyone likes a bit of mystery and men are no different. When you start dating, you can initially leave out details about your history, even if the guy asks you about them. Don't be afraid to tell him that you will "leave that for later". This will only increase his will to learn more about you and will have him coming back for more.

4. Take good care of yourself. You really need to invest in yourself if you are to be an attractive and radiant woman which men are attracted to. So make sure you dedicate time to sleep well, exercise, eat healthy and generally treat yourself well. This will show on the outside and you will be much more attractive.

5. Don't get physical too fast. Always remember that men are chasers. They chase what they can't have and stop chasing when they get it. So the advice your grandmother told you about not getting physical too fast is essentially true. You need time to get to know each other, and develop a real emotional connection. Getting physical too fast interrupts this process and takes the relationship to a casual route. If you don't want that to happen, you need to hold off the physical intimacy to a later stage.

The 5 tips above are a good basis for creating a meaningful relationship with a man. Try to act in the spirit of things, and use your good judgment to create the results you want in your life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How Can You Tell If A Girl Likes You

She Likes You If...

How can you tell if a girl likes you? It's really simple if you focus on body language and subtext, or what's she's NOT saying. When you think about it, girls are just like guys in a lot of ways. That "girls are from Venus; guys are from Mars" stuff will just make you feel more nervous. Remember, we're all human, and we just want to meet someone we can hang out with.

The first sign to look for if a girl likes you when she first meets you is whether she leans in toward you when she talks to you. If she pulls back from you, that's not such a good sign. Another thing to look for is whether she touches you with her hand or something she's carrying, like her sunglasses or a pen. That's usually a gentle sign of flirtation. And if she's nudging you with her foot, that's a dead giveaway she really likes you. Same thing goes for reaching out for you with her hands and lightly touching you to emphasize a point.

Another telltale sign that a girl is going for you is if she is smiling or laughing. If a girl is turned off by you, she certainly isn't going to flash her pearly whites, so pay attention to that one. If you can make a girl laugh, that's a major part of the battle because both guys and gals dig someone who can make them laugh, because let's face it, life can be a pain sometimes and being able to laugh makes it hurt a lot less. If that hottie is smiling at you, make sure you smile back, but you probably got that one down automatically.

The important thing to remember about casual encounters and making a great first impression is to maintain good eye contact and to watch her eye contact. If she keeps looking into your eyes, she likes what she sees. If she compliments you on your eyes, she's attracted to you or likes something about you. You can even compliment her on her eyes and see what her reaction is. If she shies away at that one, she may be attached or not that attracted to you. If it brings a big smile and a laugh, you can probably keep talking for several more minutes and continue monitoring that body language.

Now one thing I saw recently that was a sure sign that a girl was totally digging a guy had to do with today's fashions, and I know the guys out there are going to love this one. Now if a girl is wearing one of those peek-a-boo jackets that has the lace peeking out and she just met you, and she opens that jacket to show you the lacy cami or bra she has on underneath, you can go ahead and ask her for her number, no problem.

If you're someone who worries a lot whether a girl likes you, it's best to meet girls in a casual atmosphere. That way both you and the girl are a lot less nervous and the girl gets that you're an everyday stand-up guy and not some kind of wolf. The best places to meet girls casually are coffee houses, street festivals, music stores, dog parks, computer stores and the old standby, the grocery store. You can always strike up a conversation at a coffee house if you have your smartphone or laptop because you can always talk about something on the Internet like a current event or blog post or new movie. The topics are endless.

Street festivals are great because people are usually feeling pretty laid back, and the festival event is something you can always share something about. Of course, music stores are great because you can immediately start talking about your favorite jams. You'd be surprised how relaxed you feel when you find someone who likes some of the same tunes you do. And it's equally great to meet a girl at the dog park because you instantly share a love of dogs and the dogs can always provide a focus so you don't feel too self-conscious from being under the scrutiny of a smoking hot gal.

Some happy couples have met in computer stores. Today's technology is plenty confusing, and many a man has rescued a damsel in distress when she's wondering which brand laptop or which piece of hardware to buy. It's a great way to strike up a conversation, and before you know it, she'll be sending you plenty of positive signals, and you just might end up sharing a cup of coffee. Although grocery stores are an old cliche by now, they're not really a bad place to meet great gals who probably have a good chance of being good cooks (at least they shop for food). If you spot a gorgeous gal you just can't resist talking to, ask her directions to the right aisle or ask her what brand spaghetti sauce she uses. I guarantee you won't get slapped. I wouldn't try the lines about the produce section or you'll get slapped, kicked or punched and maybe pinched if you get really lucky.

How Can You Tell If A Girl Likes You? It really has a lot to do with how much you like yourself and how well you can communicate that to others. If a girl feels that you are a confident man, she will immediately start to trust you and will begin to exhibit the body language you are looking for. It's kind of like that alpha male syndrome. Conversely, some woman are immediately attracted to shy men. Whether you are shy or confident around women, if you pay attention to the body language of smiles, laughter, touching, and inclination of their body toward yours, then you will recognize the signals when a girl really likes you.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

How to Use Social Networking Effectively

When you use a site cam community for the first time, you may be unsure about how to go about social networking. When video chat rooms get very large and there are a lot of people talking at once, it may seem hard to make yourself heard. There are a few tips you should keep in mind so you can meet people on social community instead of just sitting back and watching other people have all the fun.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you need to get yourself out there. Browse through the site options like videos, photos, marketplace, member's profiles and chat rooms to find areas where people are talking about the kinds of things you like to talk about. Social networking is a lot easier when you connect with people who have things in common with you. You might also want to look for rooms that have a decent amount of people chatting but are not packed so you do not have to worry about people talking over each other during a conversation. This will help you find people that you can add as a friend on your profile so you can start connecting on a more personal level.

The beauty of social networking sites is that when you meet someone that you really enjoy talking to, you can form your own chat space to talk one on one. You can also use your webcams to get to know each other personally without the hassle of having to type everything you want to say. These chats are still moderated and you can still report any content here so there is no worry about putting yourself in a situation that is unsafe. It's much easier to take on social networking tasks on a webpage that is designed to help people meet each other rather than a site that expects you to link up with people you know in real life.

Don't trust everyone out there. Make sure you never share any personnel info publicly in chat rooms. Install a proper fire wall on your computer will also make your experience on internet much safer. Unplug your cam or make sure its off after you are done chatting live on free live cam chat rooms.

Never turn your cam on if the other doesn't confirm is identity first, don't show you children of other members of your family photo with out there consent they may not like it and it is part of privacy act. Chats safely have fun.

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY MUSIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, August 20, 2012

4 Places a Guy Should Never Take a First Date

This one is for the fellas...

Fellas don't make dating harder than it has to be. Getting a girl to agree to go out with you is only the first step, but keeping her interested is an entirely different situation. Choosing the right place for the first date will set the tone for the rest of the relationship.

You might not know this, but the first date says a lot about the kind of guy you are!

So here are MY top 4 places that you should never take a first DATE:

1.) A fast food chain

I'm talking about any restaurant with a drive-thru! It is never OK to be that FRUGAL... especially on a first date. Your date will notice, and she will probably never talk to you again.

2.) The Club

This should be very self explanatory. Taking a girl to a club means that you are not really trying to get to know her, because the loud music will make it impossible to converse. Plus you run the risk of seeing another girl that your more attracted to.

3.) To Meet Your Mom

OK this is just CREEPY! If you do this on a first date you are completely psycho. No woman wants to meet your mom that soon. Your date will notice that you are the type of guy to "rush" things... Chill out.

4.) Back to Your Crib to "Chill"

Like I said before, first dates set the tone for the relationship. Your house does not qualify as a good date location. This is a BOOTY CALL! and no girl wants to be considered a booty call on the first date.


*Always be original! Learn how to read people and think outside the box...
*Ask her what she wants to do, never assume that her saying "we can do anything" is secret girl talk for "I don't care" (trust me she does!)

* Women like men to take charge, so don't expect her to suggest places to go on your date. Men Always Plan The Date (PERIOD)


In my opinion the movies is a great first date. Simply because it's classic. Everyone has experienced a movie date at least once in their life.

On the flip side, technically you can not talk during the movie. Which makes some people think twice before picking this as a first date... However there is time before and after the movie to converse. Plus you can use the movie as a great conversation starter.


You Are Not Too Old and Why Mature Dating Can Be Better

In the dating world, mature dating is a specific animal all to itself. We've lost our rose-colored glasses and can see the world much more clearly. Most of us have all completed our higher education and if we have a career, it is pretty well established.

The lists detailing our perfect mate have more substance because whatever our belief system may be, it is firmly entrenched to who we are, be it political, religious and what we want out of life. Most have a household and have had for some time. We have blenders, toasters and maybe, even a food processor.

We have all ridden the wild merry-go-round of good and bad relationships, and possibly, a divorce or two. Most of us have all had our hearts broken, at least once.

When we are younger, the perfect mate list may have read something like, cute, funny, wants to be a cowboy or cowgirl, likes the same bands I do, can drink beer from a funnel without choking and other silly and meaningless requirements.

In the mature dating world, the list looks more like, financially stable, financially responsible, a good parent, divorce is final, shares the same political beliefs, and are there any serious health issues.

Don't try to overcompensate for the effects of aging. Don't color your hair an unnatural shade of blonde or put on some ill-fitting toupee. Be yourself because that's all you can be. You'd be surprised to find out how many older people think that wrinkles are sexy.

One of the easy things about dating at this age is that you, more than likely, know who you are and you are probably a bit more confident in yourself. When you get older, you have had the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and have probably worked on getting rid of many of the negative traits of your character.

Most people mellow out as they get older, because they no longer focus on things that are a waste of time and fighting is one of those things. Most people want peace in their life as they get older. There is no time to waste on stupid drama, so the jealousy and insecurity of youth has long been conquered.

As long as you stay true to who you really are, maturing dating can be an adventure and give you an opportunity to enjoy activities you couldn't do alone. No matter the age, you can get online and find someone who loves to do the same things that you do. If you've always dreamed about doing something and didn't have anyone to do it with, this is a great way to find someone to help make that dream a reality.

You can relax and be your confident self. Mature dating allows you to be yourself and just enjoy going out and having a good time.

The Attraction Formula by Paul Janka: Meet Women Anytime of the Day

We always see gorgeous girls wandering the streets completing their everyday tasks. Whether they are walking to the grocery store or to work, we always run into hot girls during all times of the day. Why not approach and date them? It is easier said than done, but Paul Janka gives you the true formula to do so.

There are many thoughts that are stopping us from approaching these women... What if she is going to work? What if she is in a rush? What if she has a boyfriend? She doesn't want to be bothered... there are millions of excuses that stop us from approaching and meeting pretty girls in the daytime. If you want to date these girls you see, you need The Attraction Formula.

In The Attraction Formula, Paul Janka teaches you how to approach these women in all different scenarios. It doesn't matter what it may look like she is doing, Janka guides you on how to meet and date these women. One great thing about The Attraction Formula is that Paul Janka's style of game is extremely efficient. There is no time wasted, and all of the interactions are super fast. Sure, you may get blown out at times but that is natural. With the amount of approaches you can accomplish in Janka's quick and efficient method, you will solidify dates frequently and on a weekly basis.

I appreciate how Janka describes his success with dating. He explains himself how often he gets rejected, but because of his methods and the volume of approaches, he is also solidifying many dates. It is actually quite amazing how Janka's technique works because in such short amounts of time, he is able to eventually seduce many women.

Janka's book is filled with useful advice to use when you text a women. With this book, you will get a lot of phone numbers, so this topic helps big time. Janka guides you on the right path if you want to meet and date women in the daytime.

The Attraction Formula should be read by all guys who want to date more women. If you are not into nightlife, this product is perfect for you. If you don't have much time in your life to meet women, this product is great because you only need a few minutes a day to get phone numbers and meet women with Janka's formula. Overall, this product is recommended for everyone because there will always be times you are in a rush and see a gorgeous girl who you wish you approached. This product will teach you how to quickly attract her.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Does He Love Me - How Can I Tell?

Anyone that has been in a relationship for a while will at some point start to wonder "Does he love me?"

Most of us have been in this position at least once and it can drive you absolutely crazy. The more you like the guy, the more desperate you will be to find out if he does love you. Most guys are experts at not giving away how they feel about you which can make you so anxious that you can't even work!

If you find yourself in this situation, the absolute worst thing you can do is corner him and just ask him straight out if he loves you. Whether he loves you or not will no longer be the issue. He will feel like you ambushed him and trapped him which is not the way you want him to feel. Chances are good that after this conversation, he will get harder to find and will soon disappear from your life.

Why is this? Remember that guys don't communicate the same way that women do. Ambushing him and causing him to verbalize his feelings will scare him to death.

So, how do you know how he feels without asking him? Luckily, there are a few things you can look for that will give you a very good idea how he feels about you.

Let's take a second and talk about something that most women think is a clue that he loves them but really isn't. Have you ever been with a guy that you had great chemistry with that you were wildly attracted to and you loved to do the same things he did? While you may see this as love, he may just see you as a woman he can have a great time with while he is waiting for the one to come along. So what is missing?

All guys will fall in love with a woman that he feels is an extension of who he is. They will look for a woman that has the values that they grew up with and many of them will look for a woman who has traits similar to their mothers.

So, does he love you? Men who are committed and who are in love have the following things in common.

1. He compliments you. Have you ever dressed up and felt great about how you look only to have no one notice? Guys are usually pretty oblivious to what we wear and if he notices and actually comments, that's a sign.

2. He takes care of you. This could be demonstrated in a lot of ways. He stays with you when you are sick to do anything he can to make you feel better. Or, he fixes things that are broken for you. A man who loves you will do anything he can to make you feel better. It is just the way they are wired.

3. He actually listens to you. This doesn't mean that he does what you tell him to do! I mean, he really takes an interest in what you are saying and responds appropriately, even if the television is on.

Guys in general do not excel at any of these things. If you notice that he compliments you, takes care of you and really listens to you, you don't have to ask him if he loves you. A guy who is just casually dating you won't do these things. Why would he bother trying to make you happy if he doesn't intend to stick around?

But, don't panic if he isn't doing any of these things. There are several reasons why he isn't. It might be too soon in the relationship for him or it could be something that you are doing. Many times the things we do to bring him closer actually push him farther away.

What Comes After the Non-Contact Period?

There is a rule after a break-up that is called the no contact rule. It means exactly that. Once you are broken up, you do not contact each other. What I am going to do for you now is go over the top three situations that happen after this rule is in effect.

1. Your ex calls you up.

2. You call your ex up.

3. You figure out that this person was not right for you and you do not want to give it another shot.

Situation #1: Your Ex Calls You Up

Your ex is the first to re-establish contact. The silence is now officially broken, and this means something important for you. You have what can be considered an advantage since he contacted you first. Now, the reason may be unclear as of yet, but you do know that he wanted to talk to you bad enough to break the silence first. If he broke up with you, you are definitely in the better position of the two. This is not to say that you should abuse this advantage by reminding him who broke up with who, or any other mean-spirited tactics. It may be that he does not want to get back together, but possibly clear the air on a few things, make sure there are truly no hard feelings and that you can remain friends, or just simply to get some closure if re-connecting is not a possibility.

Situation #2: You Call Your Ex Up

This situation can be touchy, regardless of who broke up with whom. If he broke up with you, calling him first could possibly make you look desperate or clingy. If you broke up with him, it could look like you are just trying to rub it in and keep those hurt emotions fresh. This situation should only arise, however, if you truly want your ex back and he has not made attempts at contact yet. While this puts you in the vulnerable position, you want to find out if he is feeling the same way as you and wants to get back together. If nothing else, you make your feelings known and find his out, gaining closure if there is no future between the two of you, and starting the healing and re-connecting process if there is something still there.

Situation #3- You Do Not Want Your Ex Back

This situation explains itself. After both of you have had a chance to cool off, you discover that he was not the right one for you and you do not want to get back together. If he does contact you first after the no-contact period, just let him know honestly how you feel. Spare him unnecessary hurt if you can, but make it clear that there is nothing further for you to pursue in a relationship with him.

How to Re-Establish Contact after the Rule Is In Place

So, you have decided that your ex is worth another shot, and you really want to try again to make it work. He has not called yet, and the no-contact rule is still in effect. How do you go about it? Do you just call him? Do you shoot him an email? Do you go old-school and write him a letter? The popular answer seems to be texting, actually. Send him a text message. However, you must make it interesting so that he will reply to it. Do not just text him with something like "Hey, I want you back. Call me if you feel the same." If you would like to know more about the no-contact rule after a break-up, feel free to contact me and I will provide you the answers you will need.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Get Your Ex Back With Texting - How to Win Him Back

In most cases, a break-up is a bad thing, a hurtful thing. There are so many emotions involved, and mistakes that have been made. Some of these are an easy fix, while others take time. The finality of a break-up depends on you, though. There is a lot of advice out there saying to not text your ex after you split up; however, this can be a good thing, a start on the road to being back together again (if he is worth it to you to get back, of course). The following are some of the things you can do when texting your ex that will increase your chances of getting things going again.

I'm Sorry

Of course, you want to say more than just that, but an apology helps out a lot. While it may not be your fault completely, the majority of the time it was not just one person that brought the relationship to an end. There are times when people both decide to end it, but however it goes, apologize for things you may have done wrong in the relationship.

Memory Lane

Just saying you miss him will not do in most cases. There needs to be a reason to try again. Get nostalgic and talk about the things you did together, all the struggles you worked out at each other's side, etc. This recap can offer a fresh look at the things that were good in the relationship, and possibly a revelation for things you may have did wrong that you did not realize before.

Show Your True Feelings

Keeping things inside is never a good thing, especially if it is bad. Pent-up anger or frustration can lead to a break-up, so if you are texting each other again to try and work things out, just ask him straight out what was wrong in the relationship or what you did that he felt was wrong on your part. Find out where he failed in the relationship. Get all this out in the open to truly understand when, where, and how things went awry. Even if it does not get you and him back together, at least some of the hurt is gone and both of you can possibly have closure.

Caring Is Key

When you and your ex were together the first time, there was something there. You cared about each other. If you are texting him back after the no-contact period, make sure that caring is still present when you message him. This way, he knows you still care about him. Also, present a noncommittal style, so he does not think there are conditions to the re-establishment of contact or showing him that you still care. This may help him realize that there is still something for the two of you if only you were together again.

Final Thought

Relationships do not just up and happen. Both people have to take the time and effort to make things work. Sometimes, there is just no hope for the relationship. This only serves to let you know that it was not meant to be. If the love that was there was true, then a breakup is just another obstacle that can be overcome if you truly love each other. If the love is true, it will find its own way, and you will find yourself back in the arms of the man you love, and he in yours. True love is impossible to break unless there is repeated misuse and abuse of one by another. Naturally, if it is true love, this exception will never be thought of, much less made a reality. Do you feel you need to know more about texting your ex in order to win him back? Just let me know and I will be happy to answer any of your questions and set your mind at ease if I can.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Monday, August 13, 2012

How To Ask A Girl Out

Asking a girl out on a date can be something that comes really naturally, something that is difficult or something that depends on the girl. Anyone can ask a girl out on a date. They can blurt it out in passing or write it in a note, if they cannot do it naturally, neither of which are recommended. However, the trick is asking a girl out in a way that will make her say yes. Of course, there will always be the situations in which the girl will say no regardless, but the manner of asking can often make a difference.

It might sound hard, but really try not to plan it out too much. There are certain details that should be known before taking the plunge. However, planning it out too much is like writing a script for something that should evolve on its own. All it will do is ensure that there is confusion when her responses are not expected or if there is a question that was not anticipated. This is really a time to go with the flow.

One of the details that should be decided upon before asking a girl out on a date is what the date will be or at least a few ideas. Girls typically do not want to hear, "I don't know," when they ask men where they intend to take them once they have said yes. Get a feel for the girl in advance. Does she seem sporty? Ask her to do something adventurous. Does she seem indoorsy? Ask her to the movies. Even her clothes can give subtle hints at her personality. Figure it out.

While some girls find nervousness flattering, asking one out often goes better when the man is calm and collected. Try to at least appear relaxed and ease into asking her out. Make a little conversation. Smile and laugh where appropriate. Let her talk and then come out with a simple line like, "We should go out sometime." Say it with a smile and look her in the eye. Do not anticipate a particular response. Being ready for anything will make whatever she says easier to handle. In addition, if it is handled well, she might change her mind in the future.

Sometimes the opportunity to ask a girl out presents itself suddenly and should be acted upon immediately. However, if it is planned a little ahead of time, it is a good idea to be presentable. Smell good in case she likes the idea of going on a date and takes the instance of you asking as an invitation to get close. Look good so that the idea of going on a date is appealing. Lastly, a kiss might come out of the situation, so brush, floss and gargle. Avoid smelly foods until after the deed is done.

How to ask a girl out really is not as hard as it might seem. Chances are she will have made up her mind whether or not a date is possible before the question is even asked. Yes, the manner of asking can swing her answer in another direction, but success does often hinge on whether she is interested before it comes up. Therefore, success rates can be increased by choosing to ask girls who seem interested already.

What Colours Should I Wear on a Date and Can It Really Make a Difference?

Many people ponder over clothing when going on first dates. It's a common habit as many believe that first impressions can make or break your chances of attraction. One of the many things daters stress over is what colour they should wear on the first date, as it's common knowledge that different colours invoke different feelings or bring out certain attributes one may have.

When picking out what clothes you would like to wear, you may want to think twice about what colours you actually choose. Many recommend wearing clothing tones that enhance your skin's complexion, along with the colour of your eyes and hair. It's important to understand that you can communicate with colours by knowing the psychological messages found within each colour.

For starters, a commonly worn, but often tricky choice of colour to understand is Black. If you and your date have planned on going to a formal setting during the night, then black will be a great choice to express class and still keep the person curious, wanting to find out more. It's also typically a popular choice because it works well on almost anyone. Females might wear black jeans that draw attention to their long legs while men may wear black to show a more elegant side of their personality.

The colours pink, coral or peach are considered to be really sensual colours. If you know your date is a helpless romantic and really approachable, then pink and peach are an ideal choice. The colour coral, is thought to be a stimulating colour, that shows you have a warm and sensual side.

Red, known is the colour of love, exudes passion and is usually a very attractive colour to wear. Ladies looking to keep a man's attention on a date can easily wear red lip stick, red pumps and a form fitting red dress to make dates feel more intimate. This is the colour of sexual desire though so if you looking for passion and desire on your date then avoid this colour.

Blue is thought to be a safe colour, because like black, it can work for just about anyone. Blue may show your date how calm and peaceful you are as a person. If your date is really casual, like many are today, blue jeans and a t-shirt will definitely give off a friendly vibe but might be too casual and simple for a dinner date so if you are wearing this dressed down type option ensure it suits your date type and personality.

Many websites have in-depth information about how colour gives dating a certain vibe. Some enthusiast's even mention helpful tips that can only be learned through experience. For instance, many believe that wearing white is a risky choice, especially if you haven't been to the dentist in quite a while, as a white outfit will definitely bring unwanted attention to your teeth. And this wouldn't be good for any date.

So, when meeting your date for the first time, remember it's really important to understand what you wear; because even if you aren't considered "good looking", you may be able to cause some attraction, just because you put some effort into presenting yourself properly.