Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Talk To Girls

You hear it time and again that women only want to date jerks and that nice guys finish last. Well there is some truth to this and some misunderstanding.

There is a fine line between a true "jerk" and a guy that women find irresistibly sexy. The thing is, most men have no clue how to walk that line. If they did, the women would be lined up waiting for them. A lot has to do with what they know about how to talk to girls.

The qualities that we perceive as being that of a jerk are also traits that show the man has uber self-confidence. Look at some ways that a jerk behaves and what he has learned about how to talk to girls:

  • He's selfish. What he wants and his desires and pleasures are more important than what anyone else wants
  • He will ditch women who cause him problems
  • He could care less what anyone else thinks about him
  • He doesn't need your approval. Or anyone else's
  • He is not a kiss ass and is not intimidated by any woman, no matter how beautiful
  • He will not tolerate disrespect
  • If he's mad, he shows it
  • He isn't afraid to hurt a woman's feelings

Some of these qualities, in fact, many of them, are good traits to have when you are learning how to talk to girls. Having self-respect, not putting up with women who are drama queens or manipulators, not putting women up on pedestals, not sucking up to women, not allowing them to disrespect or belittle him, not suppressing anger when someone does him wrong and not staying with a girl because he is worried she will be emotionally upset if he leaves - these are all good characteristics.

These are traits and qualities that most guys should strive toward.

The problem is when these behaviors and traits get taken to the extreme. Being rude and mean because you didn't get your way will drive the girls away. It's OK to get angry when someone does something wrong, but losing your temper and yelling or throwing things is not going to attract anyone but the police.

Chances are the guy we see as a jerk probably does have some good qualities or she wouldn't be with him. She might be frustrated that she hasn't been able to control the relationship the same way she has in past relationships.

If you want to watch that fine, but very successful line between being a jerk that women hate and being a jerk that women swarm to, then adopt the good qualities of a jerk and avoid these:

  • Losing your temper
  • Treating anyone with disrespect
  • Insulting anyone
  • Abuse - verbal or physical or emotional
  • Extreme arrogant behavior
  • Hurting someone's feeling or emotions intentionally

If you really want to learn how to talk to girls and how to attract women, study the qualities that make so-called "jerks" so irresistible. Adopt the characteristics that work for jerks and avoid the ones that scare women away.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

No man is an island. How true is that saying? Human beings are made to form relationships with others. We are social beings. There are many ways a human being could communicate with each other. There is verbal and written communication. Another way of communication but we often don't realized it is non-verbal communication otherwise known as body language. What your body does says a lot about what you are feeling and the person you are. So why is body language so important? Here are a few reasons why.

Sometimes words are inadequate to express how you feel. For example, when expressing your sympathy for a death of a friend, words may not be enough to describe the way you feel. That is why people give each other hugs at funerals. Sometimes even words may be inappropriate in situations such as this. So they give hugs and the person on the receiving end of the hug will be able to understand the intention and what does the hug actually mean.

Body language could also be used to express how you feel without you intentionally doing so. For example if you do not like a person, it would be difficult for you to say that directly to the person. However, your distaste may be mirrored intentionally or unintentionally in your non-verbal communication. It may be you backing away when the person comes near to you or you folding your arms across your chest. This gives a signal that you are not interested in that person. Or if you do like that person, you could do it with a smile or the way you touch the person. This will give the person that you are interested in the signal that you are attracted to them.

Body language also defines the person you are. How we across to people is decided only by a small part of the words we speak. The larger part comes from how you carry yourself. If you walking straight up, with your head held high, it gives others a better impression of yourself. Walk into an interview like that and you are more likely to come out successful in landing that job.

In conclusion, non-verbal communication plays such an important part in our everyday life so take note of the signals that you are giving out and get to know your own body language. Improving your own body language will be a better step towards creating a better and more awesome you.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How To Get A Woman To Like You In 3 Easy Steps

As a certified red-blooded male, one of the most important lessons you must learn is how to get a woman to like you.

Whether it's the snobby secretary from the 12th floor or the gorgeous neighbor who just moved in, you must be equipped with a few smooth moves that will impress the ladies.

To avoid making a fool out of yourself, here are 3 simple steps you can follow to get a woman to like you.

Step 1: Be Scent-sational.

Women can't help but be attracted to men who smell good. It's okay if you don't look like Brad Pitt, as long as you've got yourself covered in the scent department.

Some women like it when guys smell "clean" while others gravitate towards those who smell "sexy." Choose the right scent for the image you want to portray, but take care not to drown yourself in it.

Make sure you smell good whenever you're in the vicinity of the person you like and you'll rack up brownie points for sure.

Step 2: Keep Your Distance.

Becoming too friendly with the person you like might make them feel a little uneasy. The objective here is not to let her know of your affections but to get her to fall for you, isn't it?

Always hovering around her like a helicopter will only serve to alienate you. You can still be friends with her, yes, but avoid seeking her attention 24/7.

Besides, there are women who are attracted to men who seem so unattainable. Take advantage of this quirk and build an image of someone who can be a worthy challenge.

Step 3: Do Something Courageous.

One effective way on how to get a woman to like you is to do something brave that will make you seem like a hero. It doesn't have to be as big as standing up the boss. In fact, killing a cockroach or even helping someone out can count as a courageous act already.

This isn't the dark ages when you have to stick a sword down somebody's throat to be seen as a hero. A simple act of courage or kindness will single you out from every other man out there.

Knowing how to get a woman to like you is one thing, but it takes confidence to pull everything off. Believe in the person you are and don't ever take yourself for granted. Besides, the more secure you are with yourself, the more likely the woman you want will return your feelings.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Understanding Male Psychology - What Makes Him Want You, Or Not

What is it about a woman that makes a man want her? You really wish you had the answer to that question, don't you? Perhaps there have been times within your life that you felt you had men all figured out but then inevitably something happens and you realize they're still nothing but a puzzling mystery to you. When a woman gains some insight into male psychology it can help her see much more clearly what it is about some women that men find utterly irresistible. If you're serious about learning what makes a man want you or not, get ready to delve into the inner workings of the male mind.

Your attitude about yourself is going to play a key role in whether a man wants you or not. I know this isn't news to you. You've heard it before but I'm here to stress it to you. If you're a meek, unconfident girl who doesn't feel she's good enough, any man you get involved with will adopt that same attitude about you. That's not what you want is it? Men are captivated by women who can take or leave them. They love seeing a woman who is completely and utterly in control of her own life. If a woman comes into a relationship with the attitude that she's more than enough, obviously the man she has her sights set on will see that in her and he'll be naturally drawn to it. You're a prize so make him believe it too by showing him that you are.

Another tip about male psychology that will help you grab hold of the man you want and have the relationship you've long desired is if you don't chase after him. It's so hard not to do that when you instinctively feel that he could be "the one." Men can sense when a woman is desperate. That's not an appealing quality to any man. He doesn't want you to place yourself at his feet and proclaim to him that you are his for the taking. He'll see you as too quick to commit and way too serious. Let him do the chasing. He wants to. Don't make it too easy for him to spend time with you and never change plans just because he's called at the last minute to see you. You aren't any man's back up plan. If he wants to spend time together, train him to plan days in advance. That way you'll be showing him that you are worth the wait.

Men have little use for drama. It's easy to understand if you spend any time at all with a man and his friends. They aren't drama queens and they don't cause friction with another just for the thrill of it. Women are notorious for loving drama. Some of us thrive on it and it's never a good thing. It causes stress and anxiety and if you're in a relationship it can cost you the relationship. Men don't want to be subjected to the drama between you and your friends. They don't want to hear about every small thing that went wrong at work today. They love being with someone who can roll with the punches and who doesn't take life or herself, too seriously.

Which leads to one of the most important points you need to remember if you're trying to appeal to a man and make him want you. Embrace the fun in life, always. He doesn't want to be with anyone who is too serious or who takes herself so seriously she can't find her own faults. Live each day to its fullest and be spontaneous and willing to take risks. Let him see that you can think outside the box when it comes to planning dates and don't worry so much about what you're wearing or how your hair looks that you lose sight of the experiences with him. Smile at him. He'll see it as his reward for finding someone as special as you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What to Expect When You're Dating a Single Parent

There are a lot of misconceptions about single parents in the dating world, and it's really irritating having to dispel them over and over again. If you're considering dating a single parent, there are some things you might want to know ahead of time. Here are few, though admittedly many apply to single moms. If any of you single dads have something to add, please let me know!

Myth: single parents are "easy" or irresponsible The truth is, we're no "easier" than the average person. Just because we've had a kid doesn't mean we don't keep our legs crossed. If anything, we tend to be a bit more reserved because we know what a HUGE responsibility children are and to many of us, sex = children (didn't we all learn that in Health Class?). Yes, there's birth control, but that's never 100%. So don't just expect us to go home with you on the first (or second, or third) date. And if the single parent is young, don't assume that they had the child illegitimately. Thanks to Tom Leykis, many times I've received notes from people on internet dating sites critisizing me and telling me there's no chance in hell they'd date someone who will open their legs for anyone and get pregnant just to get child support from the father. Yeah, thanks for that. Just because I'm 27 with a 6 year old doesn't mean I was a slut. I was married for a year before my now-ex-husband and I decided to have kids.

Myth: we love to spend hours away from our children We had kids for a reason: to love another human being and help raise them in this crazy world. Yes, we do enjoy our time away from our children, but lengthy dates or spending the night are costly in more than one way.

1. We are either paying for a babysitter or having family watch our kids. Babysitters aren't cheap these days, so going to a dinner, a movie and then drinks can sometimes cost us a lot. And if it's family watching our kids, we have to be careful not to abuse that, otherwise they may not be willing to watch them again.

2. Spending the night before the relationship has progressed very far can have a negative effect on our children. While we may not tell our kids everything we did the night before, we will have to tell them something. And aside from the seasonal visitors (think the jolly man in winter and bouncing cotton-tail-donning animal in the spring), most of us don't like lying to our children. And having to pay for a sitter or have our family watch the kids for that length of time can make for one heck of a walk-of-shame. Personally, I can't imagine asking my mom to watch my daughter so I can spend the night with a guy. You know how moms can raise that one eyebrow up to their hairline and frown at you so hard you feel your innards turn to sludge? Yeah, no thanks.

3. While we want to date and spend time out of the house, we need notice. Getting a text asking us to "meet me in 30" will almost always guarantee a "no" in reply. Being responsible for another human being means just that. We can't just drop everything for an impromptu date. Be respectful and plan ahead. Just as most singles have their own busy lives, so do single parents, only we have another person's schedule to consider. Sorry, but helping my daughter build her project for school takes precedence over catching a movie at the last minute.

Myth: single parents are on the hunt for the next mommy/daddy for their child With the exception of some "hunters" out there, most of us are just looking for an adult companion for ourselves. Yes, it would be nice (sometime in the waaaaay future) for you to have a great relationship with my kid. But for now I'm just dating for myself. It's insulting to read that statement over and over in online dating profiles: "No baby-mamma drama please" or "I want my own kids, not yours." Yes, we are single parents, but we are still human beings looking for love. My daughter, as it is with many other children of single parents, has a steady relationship with her father. She's not looking for another one, and neither am I. We're all dating for the same reason: to love someone and spend our lives with them. Getting to know our kids will happen after the relationship has hit a certain milestone. Speaking of which...

Myth: single parents bring their kids on their dates/make their dates meet their kids before the first date This is a weird one. I've heard this myth, but I've never met a single parent who actually did this. This is such a bad one on so many levels, two of which are the most important:

1. Even as a single parent, if I went on a date with another single parent and he brought his kid to the bar/coffee house/restaurant/first-date-location-of-choice, I'd be a little freaked and annoyed. So much for "grown-up" conversations, and it would make me wonder if this person has a) no support system to watch his kid (meaning I'd be his only contact to the outside world), b) is so desperate to go on a date that he brought his kid because all of their babysitters were busy, and c) would make me think he is untrustworthy because he didn't tell me he was bringing his kid, leaving me in an awkward state of mind. It's like meeting your date's mom on the first date: intimidating.

2. Kid are impressionable and very much more aware of what's going on than we'd like to admit. While I have explained the dating process to my kid, I don't tell her who I'm dating or introduce her to him until it seems it's going to last. As a matter of fact, the only person she ever knew who I was dating was someone who'd been a great friend of mine ever since my childhood, and he had been hanging out with us for years before. Most kids form instant friendships with people their parents know, and to allow a child to meet a date is just asking for trouble down the road. The child will constantly ask about that person, wanting to see them again (making it super hard for the kid to learn that you are no longer dating that person and they'll never see them again), or the child may begin to resent that person for taking up too much of their parent's time and misbehave so that mommy or daddy can't go out. The only time I can see this might happen is if both the man and woman are single parents and they each bring along their respective children for a "play date." But even that doesn't usually happen until a few dates down the road. Most parents would want to establish a solid relationship with their date before bringing their kids together. 'Cuz what happens if Bobby accidentally kicks Suzie while he's on the swing? That could be a relationship breaker if both parents get defensive and don't know each other well enough to handle the situation.

Those are all of the myths I can think of right now. But here are some other tips:

  • Putting a statement in your online dating profile that says you're looking for single moms is kinda creepy. Yes, I love that there are people out there who are willing to accept me for the parent that I am, but telling me that you prefer dating single moms makes the alarm bells ring in my head. I will always assume the worst (I know, hypocritical, considering my opening statement to this post): that you have a thing for little kids. Just gives me the willies. Stating that you don't mind dating someone who has kids is totally fine, but saying that you prefer it is not fine. It's creepy.

  • As a single mom, I usually prefer to drive myself to our meeting place. This way you won't have to meet my daughter and I can leave on short notice if need be; kids get sick or hurt. I'm not about to make you drive me to a hospital if I get a call from the sitter saying my daughter fell and should get stitches. And (here's the paranoid girl in me speaking out) if the date's not going well, I need to be able to get away. I have a child at home I need to think about, and having to spend the next hour with a guy who creeps me out, then have him drive me home is not something I want to think about. I don't naturally assume every guy I meet is a crazy stalker/child abductor, but you can never be too careful. If you don't pick me up for our date, you don't know where I (and my child) live. As a woman, and a single mom, it's just an extra safety measure.

  • Yes, our kids come first. Welcome to parenthood. If you need to be the center of attention, you might want to avoid single parents. If our child has homework, a soccer game, dance recital, the flu or something else that impedes on our time together, the child will always win. Sorry. That's just the way it is.

  • Dating a single parent takes patience. As long as we've given you clear signals (or a flat-out statement) that we want to continue dating you, just keep asking us out, even if it seems that we say "no" every time because of prior commitments. We'll find a day that works for both of us. If you got mad at your friends because you always wanted to hang out with them while they were at work, you wouldn't be friends for very long. Same goes for single parents. If we say we can't do Thursday nights because we (or our kids) have a standing commitment, don't keep asking us to go to dinner and a movie on Thursdays. It goes back to the 2nd myth: we need to plan. If you want to go out this weekend, but I'm busy, work with me to find a day next week or weekend to hang out. Yes, dating a single parent takes work, but so do most other relationships.

  • We don't always talk about our kids. Yes, they are likely to come up in the conversation because they are a major part of our lives. But we have other aspects to our personalities too. We work, we have friends and family, we listen to music other than Silly Songs, we watch "grown-up" movies, we don't have our TV tuned to Barney 24/7, and we have interests that we most likely picked up before we became parents. So don't get upset if I relate to something you said by replying with an anecdote about my kid. It's like you telling me a story about a baseball game you went to; if it's part of your life, it's something you're likely to talk about.

  • Single moms are not likely to be in the best shape of their lives. Unlike movie stars and supermodels, we didn't have personal trainers to kick our asses back into shape while our nanny watched our children 3 days after giving birth. So if you're expecting us to be a size 0, good luck. About 2% of us will be due to genetics. The rest of us have curves. Curves that our little blessings (kids) gave us. And being a single parent makes it harder to get back into shape because of the demands on our time. So, please be a bit understanding if we don't have 6-pack abs. The free time you have to exercise is the time we're spending with our children.

I think the most important thing about dating a single parent is deciding if dating a single parent is right for you. I hold nothing against men who only want to date non-parents; they know what they want. But if you know I'm a parent and we decide to meet at a bar/coffee house/bowling alley and you tell me you don't date single parents, then what gives? Why waste our time?

I hope this helps a bit. Between dating-horror-story-hearsay and movies and television shows, single parents in the dating world have been trashed a bit. And, please: feel free to ask us single parents questions if you're unsure about what we need in order to make dating easier and more enjoyable for the both of us.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Approach a Girl With the Right Body Language

How to approach a girl when you have no idea what to say to her is not all that easy. But there are ways to overcome these hurdles. Preparing for the outcome is one of the most important things you can to do. You want to already have a successful outcome in your head. You want to prepare yourself for whatever you may run into out there. Getting right in your own head is the first step.

The second thing to do in how to approach a girl is look up a few resources that can help you understand if a girl is interested in you coming up to talk to her. There are a lot of signs that women give off to let a man know she is interested in talking to you. If you don't know what these signs are, then it will be really hard for you to know who to approach.

There are a lot of publication, videos and other material online that can help in this area. The more information you can process and put into the action the better off you will be when you finally get out there to meet someone.

The third thing in learning how to approach a girl is your confidence levels. Make sure you have a good idea how you want to come across to a girl. Don't come across as someone who you are not. Girls are really good at knowing when a guy is not being honest with them.

Be confident in who you are and live up to your own personality. If you don't have a lot of money then don't act like you have a lot of money. Contrary to popular belief, women don't just like a guy because he has a lot of money, a lot of muscles or a cool car. Women are much more complex than that.

Men who get girls based on just money, looks and other material objects may get a girl for a short amount of time, but end up losing her in the long run. These men do not possess the things a woman is truly looking for in a man. Confidence is a big one that all men need to have.

Finally you are going to really want to work the body language. Most guys have no idea how this works and in the end will lose the girl to a more interesting guy. You may have seen this in a club. A guy walks up to a girl and starts to talk to her, yet at the end of the evening, she is leaving with someone else.

What ended up happening is the guy that originally started to talk to her did not have the proper seduction technique locked down. A conversation can only go so far with a girl. A guy needs to engage her emotional, sensual and sexual aspects to be worthy of her time. Most men never get to this level and hence will lose a girl in a club to another guy.

Learning how to approach a girl is all about skill. It is a skill set that can be learned and when done right, it works really well. Just keep in mind you want to master the techniques that will match who you are. You don't want to walk into a place all suave and sophisticated if you don't truly act that way in real life. Use the techniques to engage the girl not to change your overall personality.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

What in the World Does She Mean?

Do you think that women don't really know what they want? No, not really -- women know what they want. However, they are just very hard to understand and are sometimes deceiving with their words and actions. As it is said -- women are from Venus and men are from Mars. Thus, there is this huge communication gap in between when it comes to certain aspects. Apart from verbal communication, body language also differ.

More often than not, men have always wanted to decipher what goes on in a woman's head. Let's take a look at the simple things that women usually say, and look at what they actually mean.

"I just want to have fun"

When a woman says that she just wants to have fun, she means it. However, it might not be the fun that you are thinking of. Most women want those typical "fun" relationships that are full of thoughtful and sweet surprises and other cheesy stuff.

"I'm very tired"

This line can have more than one meaning. It can mean that she really is tired and wouldn't want to do anything. Or if you're both in bed, it could also mean that she's too tired to do any work so it's up to you to do everything.

"Let's catch a movie"

Maybe she really wants to watch something. But often, movie dates are those that can let her have time with you. These type of dates that also take the pressure off both of you as you both don't have to always fill in "dead air".

"I'm always on Twitter and Facebook"

When a woman lets you know that she's active on social networking sites, this just simply means that she wants you to add her to your network. Yes, this is a positive sign that she's interested to know you more!

"Gimme 5 minutes"

To a woman, 5 minutes is as long as your 5 minutes when you're tuning into that football game before you finally decide to stand up and take out the trash. But most likely, 5 minutes turns out to be half an hour for women.

"It's not you, it's just me"

This is the OUCH. This line is a woman's way to dump you in a "nicer way". The truth is, she might not just be that into you and she wants something else with her life.

"No worries, I don't mind if you and your ex hang out"

No, she minds -- believe me! In circumstances like this, she technically trusts you but not you ex. If your woman says this, don't bother even seeing your ex. Trust me, it's for your own good.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An Important Link Between Wanting To Manifest Companionship And Truly Possessing What You Desire

Learning how to manifest love has been a very hot topic in the last few years. Manifesting is generally considered the ability to conjure up desired possessions and situations by using positive thinking. Many New Age professionals believe in the power of manifesting, from psychic advisers to life coaches. However, the true secret behind effective manifesting is to combine positive thinking with tangible actions. Here are some positive steps that you can take to supercharge your manifesting efforts.

It is commonly known that the first step in manifesting is to picture yourself with what you you desire. If you are looking to find love, it is important to first believe that you have already found it. While this is true, making room in your closet and buying a second toothbrush is only the first step in this process. Instead of sitting at home alone imagining the perfect partner, go out to a singles mixer to meet potential mates. While at the mixer, tell yourself that you are open to finding love quickly. Remember that your objective here is to get energy moving, it is not to immediately find your perfect partner.

It is also a good idea to check out some dating websites and create a profile for yourself. In doing this, you will be adding powerful energy to your positive thinking. Do not be discouraged if you go on a series of dates and do not find the mate of your dreams. The Universe likes to see you make effort, and it will reward you by aligning you with your perfect partner.

Another way to meet potential romantic partners is to join a club that focuses on an activity that you enjoy and meets regularly. This could be cooking, fine art, dancing or a book club. There are several websites online that help connect people locally who enjoy specific activities. Pick activities that you truly enjoy, and you will enjoy meeting other people who feel the same way.

Many people say that they hate dating, but they would like to fall in love. This is a nice thought, but going on dates is a very critical part of finding a partner. Even if you go on a date with someone and decide that you don't like them, you will be learning valuable information about what qualities you do want in a mate. When manifesting romance it is important to think positively, but it's just as important to take tangible action.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Secret Places to Meet Single Women That You Need To See

When you're out for the day, whether it's going to work on the transit system, going to the grocery store or going to the bar you're likely to see hundreds and hundreds of women. The problem however, is how do you tell the difference between the ones that are single and the ones that have boyfriends? This isn't an easy task and this is why I've put together this guide on the best places to meet single women for you. So let's explore the endless possibilities.

#1 Meetup.com and On From There

This place is great because there are actual groups where you can go meet and do activities with other singles. The have everything from sports events, pub events and even a wild party here and there. So it's not a bad idea if you're actually looking to meet single women. They have a really friendly atmosphere and you're bound to meet a couple of girls that you'll like. This is among the best places to meet single women and what's better than that is you don't have to keep meeting the women you like only there. You could definitely set it up so that you can meet with them later at your own even or party.

#2 Speed dating Events in Bars:

In some places like here in Toronto, there are actually bars that have these events almost every weekend. You have to pay a certain cover but you're guaranteed to meet a lot of women there. There are usually different bars that cater to different age groups so you have to watch out if you don't want to meet girls that are too old or too young for you. I don't think many people actually know about this and it's something really good to take advantage if you're single.

#3 How To Find Out If a Girl Is Single in Less Than 5 Minutes

Now for me this took quite a bit of practice, but I'm actually very good at knowing if a girl is single or not just from her vibe with me. With a bit of social interaction and practice you can do this too, however I want to share with you an even better method. This method is just simply asking for her number after 5 minutes and you'll notice how girls that aren't single will immediately announce it at that point. It's actually a pretty good test and once you get better you start applying even earlier.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Accessibility of Dating Websites World Wide

There are many dating websites that are available in the Internet today. The Internet has allowed many such dating websites to sprout from all over the world for online dating opportunities to happen between two interested parties. Although technically any one from anywhere in the world can join any dating websites from any country, it is recommended that one joins the site that is available in one's own country. There may be the same organization's branches in various countries which give the benefit of larger databases but accessibility of all the branches' databases will depend on the dating websites' policy.


When dating websites offer more than one accessibility through their various subsidiaries, that can be a possible advantage where more candidates as potential dates can be searched and matched if the dating organization allows an 'across the board' search over its various subsidiaries' databases. There are many web users who do prefer candidates of different race, culture and background. A lot of international candidates are preferred by many consumers today to get a better feel of the different culture and languages in the world.


More web users prefer to date international candidates online today as the Internet platform bridges the distance between them. One can be at one part of the world and another on the other side of the world and yet, they can be interacting easily on the Internet through these dating websites. It is like having a pen pal but online with the usage of technology where the interactions can be instant or online with emails, videos, online chats, instant messaging or Skype facilitates. Members of international dating websites can gain a lot more experience, knowledge and other benefits 'dating' international candidates than those from their own kind.

Membership payment

Different countries' dating organizations will have different membership criteria and payments even though they may be under the same organization world wide. The membership policies may be similar but the membership payment is usually in the local currency of that country. Hence, if a non-citizen wishes to join the dating website of another country, it may be possible if the organization's policy allows it but payment would be in the local currency. Every member of any dating website from any country is subject to that particular d. website's rules and regulations.


One must be careful if a global membership is desired; however, one can remember that there may be a possible time difference with different location online and candidates. Hence, the international members must be aware of the availability of the other party due to the time difference unless prior arrangements are made to interact at an agreed time. Emails and texting approaches may be available with international interaction besides the online chats, forums, instant messaging and Skype methods of online dating.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Failed Flirting - Signs She Isn't In to You

Nothing is more uncomfortable to watch than to see a guy who just does not get that a woman is not into him. As he tries and tries to get her to flirt back with him, the pain of watching a train wreck like that just increases. Well, I suppose that there could be something worse than watching a situation like that. It would be worse if that guy who just did not get it was YOU!

For that reason, so that you can tell if your flirting has failed, here are a few signs that you just need to quit it:

1) She does not laugh at anything funny you say to her.

Getting a cold reception on one joke is one thing. Getting a cold reception every time that you try to make her laugh, and she is being pretty obvious that she has no interest in you at all. When a woman is interested in a guy, she will usually laugh at least a little bit, even if the joke is not all that funny at all.

2) She has her eyes glued to her watch or her cell phone.

This is as close to her saying that she can't wait to get away from you without actually saying it. If she is glancing down at her watch just a little bit, that does not necessarily mean that she is not into you. If, on the other hand, it seems like she just cannot take her eyes off of her watch or her cell phone, then you pretty much are getting a big hint that it is time for you to go.

3) She tells you that she has a boyfriend.

Sometimes guys just don't get it no matter what a woman says. Sometimes they have that delusional idea that they can win over any woman that they want. When a woman says that she has a boyfriend but she is still being really flirty, that can be just a story that she is weaving to test you. When she is not being flirty at all and says she has a boyfriend, it either means that she really does or she is just saying that to get you to leave. Either way, you are not going to get anywhere with her.

These are not the only signs that a woman will give you to show that she is not interested, but they are pretty common and you might as well get the hint if she is giving you any of these signs. You may have failed with your flirting with her, but there might be another one that you can try to get things clicking with.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Perfect First Date Tips: How To Make Sure You Get A Second Date

Do we really know the Do's and Don'ts of dating? After reading a number of articles about dating, it's clear to see that what one person likes isn't always what everyone does.

After speaking to friends and family, I think we all clear there are some standard things that we don't do and that's talk about the ex, I mean why would you surely the fact that you are single would say that he or she wasn't the right person for you hence the reason you are on a date now, so be careful not to fall into that conversation else you could be hearing that old faithful line of excuse me I just need the toilet to never see that person again.

  • Mobile phone - we all need them we all like to keep check on who's doing what on Facebook this evening, or even checking those faithful dating sites seeing if that special person has come across your page, but really they are a complete put off when you're on a date and supposedly trying to impress this lucky person you are out with, we all want people who can talk to each other make you laugh and is interesting not someone who has to be emailed to get a conversation from

  • Drinking - we all like a drink some more than others but a first day is not a time for excessive drinking; you don't want to become some babbling fool before you have even asked for their name take it slow for the first night the conservative approach is always good, gives u a chance to see what the other person is like lets you know if that second date is going to be on the cards as the last thing you want is a second date all because the beer goggles went on.

It's not always about what not to do though how are you to know what to do when on a date, what is it that impresses the other person enough for them to be falling at your feet before the night is over.

  • Restaurants - I think it's pretty safe to say that taking the other person out for a meal is always a good start it's in a public place with plenty of people around so it gives security and gives you both a chance to talk without shouting over some banging music or being told to be quiet cause you have picked back row in a cinema.

  • Dressing up - Now you might be a tracksuit person or just a casual person, but I think it's pretty safe to say that everyone likes a person who can make an effort once in a while and on an occasion such as a date to look smart is always a good start, to hear someone rushing back home to get changed cause they are too over dressed for the other person is not a good start.

Who said dating was meant to be easy maybe this is why a lot of people now like the online dating approach it helps to break the ice and to find out peoples likes and dislikes before you make a fool of yourself in person.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.