Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Get A Girl Back - The Absolute Must-Do, Irrefutable, Rule For Success

There are a lot of things you can do to get a girl back, but there's only one absolute, irrefutable must-do. Without it, you're setting yourself up for a life of disappointment.

You've got to make yourself happy first.

I know that sounds like stupid, new-age b.s., but I'm telling you, if you're looking for happiness anywhere other than from within yourself, you're never gonna find it. And most importantly, if you're trying to make her happy and ignoring your own unhappiness, you're just going to be spinning your wheels.

Here's a familiar pattern in 6 steps that you might recognize:

1. You're unhappy being single and you think getting a girl will change that.

2. You get a girl and things are great for a while - you're in the "honeymoon phase."

3. Things start to be not-so-great because the excitement wanes and the unhappiness that was always there the whole time starts to creep back in.

4. You start getting antsy, frustrated, blaming-her, thinking that it just isn't working out. She, or both of you, become resentful.

5. You're single again.

6. You're unhappy being single and you think getting a girl will change that.

Sound about right?

If you're ever going to break this pattern, you've got to learn how to be happy before you start looking to get a girl back. And you absolutely need to learn to find happiness if you hope to get a girl back that you've lost previously.

This is one of the most important lessons I've ever learned: No one else can make you happy. It's not their job. It's yours.

And here's the sad truth: very few people want to be around you when you're not happy. The only exception? Other unhappy people.

So, how do you do it? How do you learn to make yourself happy? It's different for everyone, obviously, because what fires me up doesn't necessarily do the same for you. But here are a few steps that helped me:

1. Be okay with being single. Being single's great sometimes. Enjoy it. Go out with your buddies. Do what you want. Don't answer to anyone else. Don't shower on the weekends, leave your stuff laying around the apartment, whatever. You're single, bro. It's cool, seriously.

2. Really, truly understand what it is that fires you up. Make a list if you have to. List the things you enjoy about your job, your hobbies, your friends, your interests. Whatever it is for you. And really put some thought into it, because this is going to be your reference sheet. Whenever you're feeling down, check out the list and do something on it. Reconnect to what makes you happy.

3. Realize that no one but unhappy people want to be with unhappy people. It's really important for you to get to a good place if you want to get a girl back, okay? You were unhappy before and you've got to fix that before it will ever work this time.

And as you start to focus on your own happiness, realizing that you're okay being alone, and putting yourself in a position where you're attracting more happy people, that's when you start turning things around and ending the pattern.

Learning to put your happiness first and understanding that it's the most important thing you can do to get your girlfriend back, you find yourself moving down the right path and bringing into your life the relationship you've always wanted.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What to Do When Your Man Makes Himself Difficult to Handle? 7 Things You Shouldn't Miss Here

Are you frustrated and angry at your man because of his behavior? Has he been acting childish and stubborn of late? There could be many reasons for this and it is up to you to try and find out why he is behaving in this manner and is being so difficult. Here are some tips that will help you deal with the problem in a mature manner.

Don't push your point too much
If you find that he is being difficult to handle - just stop pushing too hard. If he finds that you are adamant to have your way, he will turn even more stubborn and try to be the winner here. No man wants to be the loser where a "tiff" with a woman is concerned, so lay off!

Try to figure out why
Maybe it is time to have a reality check and ask yourself why he is behaving in a particular manner. Look back and be honest with yourself. If you feel that you are guilty in some way and have contributed towards his difficult manner, then it is time to made amends and see if your apology makes all the difference to his behavior!

Ignore his tantrums
If he is going to behave like a spoilt child then he has to be treated as one! Ignore the tantrums and leave him alone when he is being difficult to handle. This may make him see that he is behaving in an immature manner and he might stop. Let him know that you think that he is being silly.

Have a serious talk with him
If you feel that he is being stupid and silly in acting stubborn and difficult then the best thing for you to do is to talk to him and let him know that you don't appreciate his behavior. This will also give him a chance to open up and let you know as to why he is being difficult.

Tell him that you can only take so much!
If nothing you do works and he continues to behave in a manner that is difficult and irresponsible, then you should give him an ultimatum. Let him know that his behavior is spoiling things between you and that you can only take so much. Threaten to walk out if he does not stop.

Be sweet, cajoling and irresistible
Most times a man who is being difficult just wants your attention - so give it to him! Don't be stingy with your kisses, hugs and loving. If you are tender, cajoling and sweet, he will be thrilled and feel flattered and loved. He will be too happy to play any more games with you.

Leave him alone with his moods
Sometimes when a man is feeling confused and trapped in a relationship for some reason or the other, he may react by being difficult and stubborn. This is the time to let sleeping dogs lie and don't fan the flames of discontent.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why Would He Just Stop Calling You? 7 Reasons Men Tend to Stop Calling All of a Sudden

You are flummoxed that your guy who till a few weeks back was unable to resist calling you time and time again has suddenly gone cold and stopped calling you. You wonder what went wrong. Whether it was you that ticked him off or is there something more than meets the eye. Here are a few possible reasons.

Go back in time
Well, to look for answers you will have to introspect and go back a little and analyze all that transpired between the two of you. Did you fight or was there a huge argument. If there was a fight why didn't you end the fight by coming to a resolution? A little bit of give and take would have solved the issue. To keep the relationship strong you need to be civil even when you disagree.

Third person
To paraphrase what princess Diana said in that famous interview she gave on television "There were three persons in the marriage". Maybe your guy was two timing you and was also seeing someone else. It could also be that the two of you never had such strong bonding that it broke so easily.

Maybe you don't excite him anymore
After the initial excitement the relationship has gone stale. Neither you nor he tried to bring the zing back. If he was looking for excitement and you were looking for stability then maybe both were pursuing different agendas. To keep a man interested you have to excite him continuously. He must feel wanted and desired as it satisfies and massages his ego.

Maybe he is making a point
He feels that you don't really value him as much as he wants you to. Therefore he is taking a break so that you miss him and realize his true worth. If the guy is really decent do not waste time thinking, go and get him back in your life.

He takes you for granted
Since you take care of all his whims and fancies he has begun to treat you like a doormat. Remember a relationship is a deal and if you let him walk all over you then you have only yourself to blame. Learn a lesson from this and do not repeat it in this or any other relationship that you may have in the future.

You were in a hurry
Your constant pestering for a commitment of marriage drove him away. Men take time to settle down and you need to give him that. If you came across as a desperate woman it is no surprise that he deserted you. Get him back in your life and tell him that you are ready to wait till he is confident.

He wants to see if you miss him
You may have been very overbearing and may have begun to take him for granted. In the process you did not take into consideration his feelings and his self esteem. He is so hurt that he wants to stay away so that you realize your mistake and improve.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, September 24, 2010

How Do You Know When It's Time To End A Relationship

If you're dating women, and not yet looking to settle down, marry and have a family, you probably won't want a relationship that lasts too long. After all, you want to sow your wild oats and experience all that life has to offer. My advice here is nothing to do with a long-term relationship and does not apply.

You may well meet the woman you believe is the 'one', but before that you won't want to get too bogged down, and my advice is - If you're not 100% sure after a couple of weeks, she's not the 'one'.

Assuming you want to have the maximum amount of fun with the maximum amount of women, here's when you know it's going downhill...

  • The sex starts to dry up - Uh-Oh! This is the first indicator. Women are often hotter than a hot thing at the start of a relationship but soon start to get a bit colder once they've got you in their clutches. Surprise, surprise, women use sex as a weapon. Don't let them. The first time she leaves you cold you for no genuine reason (periods, illness, you are enough of a gentleman to know what's genuine), accept it, but talk to her about it. Be honest. Unless she has a good explanation, don't arrange anything for a few days and she'll either start with the good stuff again or she'll sulk like a little girl. If she sulks just dump her for good, you don't need that.
  • She becomes less tolerant. At the start she won't mind if you smoke, if you drink, if you snore, if you play Starcraft 2 until all hours of the morning, but after a while she will become less tolerant of this. Now, in a long-term relationship, I say 'fair enough' she'll want you to become more serious, buckle down and earn money and create a home. In anything other than that, it's not acceptable. Women probably look at every relationship as a potential life match, no matter how honest you are about it she'll still believe you will change your mind when you realise that you can't live without her. Sigh! When you start noticing that this is happening, again be honest, tell her that she is taking you for granted and that you haven't changed since you guys got together and would she stop complaining about the things you do. If she starts ranting or acts negatively in any other way, dump her.

Now, from your point of view, other things may also be happening. If you notice that:

  • You can't be bothered to see her
  • You keep wanting to see other women instead of her
  • You'd rather stay home and watch movies

Then you're sick of her. It's time to move on.

Don't feel bad, unless you've lied about your intentions you've done nothing wrong. Never stay in a relationship in which you're not happy and constantly examine yourself to see if you are happy. Remember, you have almost unlimited options, so use them.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bob Grant Review - Your Guide to Becoming the Woman That Men Adore And Never Want To Leave

Bob Grant is the genius behind the successful book, The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave. He has given a number of women hope that they can captivate a man's heart and be able to keep him forever. So if you're asking who exactly is Bob Grant, read on to know more about him and his book?

Bob Grant has had 16 years worth of experience as a licensed Professional Counselor. For the majority of his 16 years in the field of counseling, his clients have mostly been women. During the course of his work he has gained the nickname of "Love Doctor" because of his specialty in providing a "cure" to true love and relationship woes.

Over the years, he has received a number of wedding invitations from the women he has successfully helped in his counseling sessions. He holds these invitations of greater importance than the several certificates he has garnered as a licensed professional counselor. It is a true testament that his methods do work.

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave is Bob Grant's compilation of the techniques he has discovered that offers a solution to the problem that women have had regarding men and relationships for years. Bob Grant offers a way for women to captivate the hears of men without having to go through the trouble of transforming themselves into someone they hardly even know.

It all boils down to that innate power that all women have: feminine power. All women are born with this but not all women know that they have this which is why it lies dormant in them for so long. Bob Grant's The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave will show you just how to tap into this feminine power in order to win the hearts of men around you. With this you can make men want to treat you like a goddess.

Bob Grant based the techniques and methods he used in his book on the real life responses and feedback he gets from his female clients. What makes this book really stand out is that it doesn't just tell you that men and women are different. It offers you a guide into how to make men want to be with you forever. In it, you will discover such things as the 5 things that men want from women and how to make men feel understood. Those are just the teasers.

Even men have found that Bob Grant's book is really helpful in their relationship with women. He has clearly touched on the issue that men and women have found really confusing and frustrating. He has offered a solution that bridges the gap between men and women and relationships. No wonder this book is such a hit.

I strongly recommend that you purchase a copy of The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave in order to really take full advantage of its power and say goodbye to all those heartaches.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Want to Make a Guy Want Me When He Has Already Rejected Me! 7 Tips on How to Make This Happen

Well this predicament sure is tricky, isn't it?

It may seem impossible, but it isn't. You can, in fact, win a guy back even if he's rejected you. Here's how it's done:

Get Some Distance

It's very important to let some time go by after the rejection has occurred. The last thing you want to do is act like the kind of girl that he's going to have to need a restraining order against.

So take a break. You need to let your wounds heel a bit, and he's made it clear that he doesn't want you around...for now anyway.

Re-Open Communication

After a decent amount of time has passed, (a month is a good goal), you can carefully attempt to re-establish communication.

The manner in which you do this depends on how close the two of you were and how entwined you were in each other's lives (if you worked together, had mutual friends, etc.) The important thing is you keep this first interaction friendly and short.

Make Him Want to Stay in Contact With You

Now that you've re-emerged and he's had a good reminder of you, you want to give him a good reason to stay in touch.

If he left something of his at your place, that's great. You can always use that as your reason. However, it's even better to give him a more personal incentive: Tell him about a cool event that you know he'd be into, invite him to a mutual friend's party, etc. You can even throw your own get-together and make it so cool that he won't be able to resist going.

Keep Things Cool and Casual

You've successfully worked your way back into communication with him and re-entered his life. Now, it's important to keep your game face on and not screw it up by being too emotional or re-opening the past with him.

Keep your cool and mentally let the previous rejection go. Don't let yourself think about it. Make it clear that you don't have expectations from him other than being his friend. This will get his mind going about why and also drive him a bit crazy; men always want what they can't have. If you pull yourself off the table as an option (or at least make him think so), then you're automatically more appealing.

Make Him Jealous

Once you've been back in each other's lives for a while (it's bad to do this too soon because it looks staged and obvious), it's time to make him jealous and remind him what a desirable catch you are.

Have your friends help you out by spreading the word that you're in a hot new situation with a new guy. You want the word to get back to the real object of your affection. Another way is simply mention your new "relationship" casually to mutual friends or acquaintances.

Start Flirting

If the jealousy game was successful, he'll be speaking to you soon and might even act very friendly as he grills you for information about your new "relationship."

Don't ask him if he's seeing anyone, because you want him to think that you don't even care. Instead, really get his blood boiling a bit with some very sexy reminiscing and flirtation.

Reel it All Back

Now that you have him interested and intrigued by you again, cut him off.

Be strong and do this even if you don't want to; it will benefit you in the long-run and make his desire for you stronger if you don't return his calls, texts, emails, etc. for a while.

He wants to see you and talk to you, but he can't. It's the perfect scenario and puts you in prime position to get him back. Once he does get to see you or talk to you again, he'll be putty in your hands.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Relationship Matters

Every relationship has a role in our life. It can bring a good effect or it can bring a bad effect. It is our responsibility to choose the right one for us.

Relationship matters depend on these things:

1. Working on the relationship. A relationship is not an event, it is a process, and once it is established, it needs to be maintained. Selfishness and ego can ruin the relationship badly if we can not control it.

2. Communication. Communicate clearly about your feelings and your thoughts about things that happening in your relationship. Tell your partner what you like and what you do not like. Your partner have to do it to you as well. Honesty and open communication is the key in this area.

3. Spending time. We can be intimate and close to our partner if we are spending time together. Quality of time is better than quantity of time. It is time for us to know more about our couple.

4. Understanding. Relationships can withstand the challenges with understanding from both sides. Respecting each other ways of thinking and feelings. This is also mean that we have to learn to accept each other differences. We need to understand that every person is unique and differences are inevitable. We can not make other people change as we want them to be, even if it is for a better good but we can not make them as our robot as they have their own style and characteristic.

Abuse relationship will not bring enjoyable relationship, it will only bring disappointment and insecurity.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

How To Use Pick Up Lines Effectively

Pick up lines are great conversation starters if used correctly can be very effective. However, if the wrong technique or words are used, it could be a source of great embarrassment. This is especially true if the user just use any ready made canned pick up lines he found on the internet or are taught by some other sources to deliver them.

That may be the reason why some people may not like the idea of using pick up lines on women or may have tried the wrong ones and so think that pick up lines do not work. This is simply not true because how can you start any conversation without conversational openers?

There are perhaps millions of guys who start conversations everyday with women for the first time all over the world. So pick up lines do work provided that you deliver them in the right context and manner to be effective.

Most of the times, the pick up lines that don't work are the ones used too frequently or have sexual innuendos. So the best way is to compose your own lines.

In this article I will be introducing you some of my favorite lines that worked very well for me. However, you must be aware that by putting up this article in a public domain, the lines I use here may one day be again overused and thus loses its effectiveness as girls are being hit time and again by men using the same lines.

My favorite one is just say "Hi". Yes, that is all. Keep it short and simple. You may think that is very naive because how can a simple hi be a good pick up line?

Well, here is the surprise. A poll was taken in which thousands of women were asked what they think is the best pick up line of all time and an overwhelming majority of them said it is the simple hi.

Furthermore, with a simple hi, you will never make the mistake of using a corny or cheesy pick up line and you will also come across as a friendly and sincere guy.

Another one of my favorite line is "There is a speck stuck in your hair". This can be used even if there is nothing there. The idea is to solicit a response. Think about it, which girl will not ask you back "where is it?" so she can flick it off. Even then, you can say that it is still there and proceed to flick it off from her hair. By doing that, some innocuous touching and interaction is established. From then on, she will say thank you to you and now is your moment to introduce yourself.

If you are the confident type and want to start a conversation without any fuss, then why not say "I noticed you earlier and wondered if you are friendly?" This is a hitting below the belt challenge to her because which girl will tell you that they are unfriendly unless you have just approached a well, nasty woman?

So most of the time, they will tell you that they are friendly and thus if they are friendly, they have no excuse not to continue the conversation with you right? Try them out and you will be convinced that good pick up lines definitely do work very effectively indeed when it comes to picking up girls.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Make Him Stick to You Forever! 7 Keys Which Will Always Keep Him Around You

Every woman wants to be sure that their man will stick to them forever. But to do that you have to make sure that you follow a couple of things which can help you keep your man with you forever.

Continue to look good
One thing that you must pay absolute attention to is the way you look. A lot of women take good care of themselves when the relationship is new but as the relationship matures they stop taking care of themselves. Ditch the old worn out clothes and don a hot new look for your man.

Try to look for ways to keep him happy
Look at doing different activities and things that will keep your man happy. It could be taking an interest in the things that he likes to do or encouraging him to continue with his interests even if you cannot be a part of it. Have a good time together and he will be with you forever.

Focus on your growth
Evolving is very necessary when you are in a relationship. Making sure that you grow along with the relationship is very important to keep your relationship interesting. Look at different ways and explore options to keep yourself interesting for your man.

Don't pile on him all the time
It is normal that you would want to spend time with your man but you also need to make sure that you don't become a pile on. Becoming an appendage will not help you in keeping your man with you forever. Give him some alone time and space so that he wants to spend time with you.

Sex things up
Sex is a very important part of a relationship. Keeping things hot between the sheets makes sure that your man is sexually satisfied and because of that he will not get bored with you.

Look at constructive ways of resolving problems
All couples have fights. Fights are a part of every relationship. But you have to make sure that there is a balance and your fights don't turn into you nagging him all the time. Look at constructive ways of resolving fights instead of going into the nagging mode.

Show him respect and make him feel good
Finally, you need to make a man feel good about himself when he is in a relationship with you to make sure that he sticks to you forever. Love him, respect him and show him that you care for him and things that he finds important and your man will stick to you forever.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Do I Know If He Is Just Playing Me? Learn If You Are Dealing With a Player Right Away

A woman's instinct can be a powerful weapon, or a paranoia-causing nuisance. If you have the nagging feeling that he's messing around and playing you, sometimes you have to look for certain signs before you directly accuse him.

Here's what to watch for:

He Doesn't Look You in the Eye as Much as You'd Like

If his eyes tend to shift around a lot, especially during important conversations, it may be normal nervousness that we all get from time to time.

There's always the chance that it's something not as innocent. A guy will be very uncomfortable around you if he's feeling guilty and he will avoid gestures of intimacy such as eye contact.

He Gives Too Many Details

If he always tells elaborate stories about what happened and why, who he was with, etc., that's a bad sign. It indicates that he spends too much time planning out his answers so you won't catch him in a lie.

He Uses Pet Names A Lot

Does he call you things like "Baby," "Darlin,'" "Angel," "Kitten," "Honey," or something along these lines? It may sound charming, and you may enjoy it, but keep in mind that many men love to use pet names with ladies because it lessens their chances of getting your names confused!

If he's dating several other women besides you, he can't exactly ask you all to wear name tags. He's likely to have screwed up names before and probably paid severely for it; as a result, this guy sticks to pet names to stay out of trouble.

He's Very Particular About Which of His Friends You Hang Out With

Since he's likely to doubt the ability of his buddies to keep their mouths shut and not give him away on accident, he'll be wracking his brain trying to decide who is "safe" to bring around you and who is not.

The life of a serial cheater or player can get very complicated; he has a web of lies to keep in tact every day. With lying about his whereabouts comes more lying. And the more people in his camp that are around you socializing with you, the higher the chance that one of them will say something that will blow his playboy scheming to bits.

He Changes or Cancels Plans at the Last Minute

His schedule is an ever-changing landscape if he's playing you. Men who juggle several women at once have to determine when to be with which girl.

Changing plans or canceling dates with you at the last minute is not only disrespectful, it's a clue that he's trying to keep a jam-packed dating life somewhat in order.

He Has Hundreds of Excuses to Not Spend the Night

He'll hang out at your place before the two of you make love, and of course he'll have sex with you. But if he's never ever actually slept next to you, that's a huge clue you're being played.

Womanizer types never want this kind of intimacy, and not only can he not commit to one girl, but he cringes at the thought of committing to you or any woman even for the night.

His Electronic Devices are all Password-Protected

This is the tell-tale sign of a cheater. He's probably learned his lesson: A paranoid girlfriend that he used to be with probably went through his Blackberry while he was sleeping or saw pictures and messages on his laptop that caused a huge problem.

Since he's incapable of changing and just doesn't have the ability to be monogamous, he is trying to beat the system instead. Password protection is only acceptable if he has some sort of classified government job; since this is unlikely to be the case, it means he has plenty of things to hide from you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tips for Women - Keeping Yourself Safe When Dating

Our first date with someone you have just met, especially online, is always exciting. There's the mystery and the thrill of meeting him for the first time. However, you have to keep yourself safe because you don't know this guy and you have no idea what he is. So how do you keep yourself safe when meeting somebody for the first time through a date?

Meet at a Public Place
If somebody arranges for you to meet somewhere you could have some "privacy," that should set off alarms in your head. Never, ever, meet somebody in private when it's still your first time to see him. Instead, arrange to keep yourself safe by selecting a public place instead so it would be easier for you to do that.
Also, avoid having your date picking you up at your home. This to keep your privacy safe. If he has built up your trust, then perhaps you could lower your defenses and let him pick you up outside your home but until then, arrange to always meet somewhere there's a lot of people around you.

Avoid Alcohol As Much As Possible
It is preferable that you don't drink on your first date. When alcohol has been imbibed on your system, there's a big chance that you will not be thinking clearly and could end up in a predicament you didn't count on in the first place. As much as you could, avoid alcoholic drinks on your first date. If you have to, keep your drink in sight. Some men are notorious for putting drugs into women's drinks so they can do whatever twisted intentions they have in mind. Drain your drink first before even leaving it out of your sight.

Inform a Friend or Family of Your Whereabouts
It always pay off to tell someone where you're going and who you are with. This will come in handy when you find yourself in a bad spot because people will know where to look for you and who they can approach when they need to find you.

Trust Your Instincts
Sometimes it's better to trust your gut instinct rather than try to read the situation. If you think that things don't feel right, find a way to get out of it... politely. You don't want to offend someone after all. You could tell him there's a sudden emergency at home or you need to go somewhere suddenly.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Recognizing When You Should

We've all had the time of regret that holds us after we've made a decision we wish we could take back. While it can be enjoyable to do something on impulse concerning specific situations, acting on impulse may not usually be the better idea as what you have learned from several long distance relationship advice. Sometimes it is advisable to sleep on it, and not make a quick decision that we might wind up regretting afterwards. Here are some methods to keep a clear head and stop yourself from doing something you can't undo.

? The Break-up. Chances are we all know that breaking up is difficult to do. And several times ending things with our long distance love could be more difficult than ending a local romantic relationship. This is because long-distance couples usually spend so much time reassuring each other that their love is real and that it will stand the test of time. For this reason, when a long distance relationship has ended, it may be extremely distressing. If the two of you have a disagreement, and after lots of shouting and weeping, the conversation ends with, "Maybe we should just break up", the two of you should agree to hang up the phone and sleep on it and find out how you feel the next day. If the relationship has already established a history of being chaotic, then it can be a wise option to end things. However, if the connection has been strong until now, then you're ready to step back from the situation before you both say and do stuff you regret.

? The surprise visit. Everyone loves surprises, right? Well, it depends on the surprise. Sending flowers is a lot different compared to turning up unannounced to your partner's doorstep halfway across the country. Until you have discussed surprise visits or if you think that your long distance love is strong enough, you really should cautiously think about dropping in on your mate. Sometimes these visits could make the person who is being surprised believe that their partner is "checking up" on them and that they don't have confidence in them.

? To the next stage. The choice to take a long distance relationship to the next level is one that should not be regarded lightly. Many times couples aren't entirely sure if they should establish a deeper relationship, however they create a moment's decision and end up regretting it after a short time. Remember that if your long distance love is supposed to last, you simply won't feel forced to leap into a decision.

Although you may attempt to make a concrete decision on brief notice, both you and your long distance love ought to conform to sleep on it and see how you both feel in a few days. Generally when things are about to get blown out of proportion, we can see it coming, but we get so involved in the moment that we just let it take place. Instead of allowing these situations to manipulate your relationship, a good long distance relationship advice is for both of you to acknowledge those feeling when they arise instead allowing them to go out of hand

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, September 10, 2010

How to Attract Beautiful Women - Why You Should NEVER Believe She Is Out Of Your League

One of the things that becomes clearer the older that I get, is that most guys really do end up believing that an attractive woman is out of their league. I had a run in with someone that I had gone to high school with, and it was a little eye opening. See, not too long after high school, this guy got with a girl that was incredible looking. It kind of took everyone by surprise, because this guy had no success with girls or women before this.

Anyways, flash forward a few years, and now, he is divorced from her. And let me tell you, it was not his choice. So, I got to talking with him a little bit, and it became clearer on what happened and why he had landed her in the first place. Like I said, that was always a bit of a surprise.

This guy, his family had a business, and his parents kind of spoiled him. They gave him a job that would normally pay maybe $ 35K a year, and they paid him $ 60K. Well, with that extra money, he had spend it all on that girl who became his wife.

Why am I telling you this?

Because a lot of guys get sucked into this trap, and it can have some serious ramifications down the road. Get used to buying a woman's attention and affection, and you will never really have it. And you might end up divorced a few years later and she will be able to take your money with her.

Why would a guy get caught in a trap like this?

Well, like I said, this guy had literally NO success at all with women before. And so, he felt like he was "unworthy" and the only way to make himself worthy was to spend money on a girl. Instead of developing the social skills and the attraction skills to attract beautiful women, he took the easy route.

How can YOU avoid this trap?

By discovering what really attracts women, by developing some core skills that literally creates attraction with a woman the moment that you meet her, you don't have to take the easy way out and rely on money to attract a woman. Because at some point, she is going to come to the conclusion that she NEEDS to have a man that makes her feel that way, and she will end up finding one.

And that could end in a divorce, an affair, or just leaving you in the dumps. You need to be able to have those skills that make you attractive to women, and more importantly, you have to BELIEVE that you are in the same league as her. If you DO have that belief, then you will never try to "buy" a woman's affection.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Am Overly Available to My Man! Does This Mean He Will Grow Bored of Me Real Soon?

Are you one of the women who are now just reminiscing the happy moments that you've had with the man in your life? Has your man either walked away from you or you're just waiting for the moment for him to say goodbye? This only means one thing - he could be dying of boredom. Given this situation, look back, were you always hovering over this man?

Call him often and he's out running.
Try checking on him every hour by the hour and you will have a man who'll wish for a different girlfriend soon! It's alright to call him once each day but to go overboard by calling him every now and then is just too much for any man to bear.

Is it a hundred percent YES all the time?
Look back on all those times that he's asked you out on a date. Did you always say yes? Or were there moments when you said that you can't go with him because you said yes to your girl friends first? Be there all the time and he'll definitely be bored.

A little time for yourself.
It really doesn't matter what you call it - YOU time or girls' night out - the secret here is to let him feel that you have other things that you need to do. Let him realize that he isn't the focal point of your universe.

Everything's based on routine.
Sometimes, being available could also mean doing the exact same things, at the exact same order all the time. When everything on your relationship is already based on routine, then this man has nothing more to be surprised about.

The absence of conquest.
If you give everything to your man - your time and yourself - then this automatically means that there's nothing left to conquer. Men love a good chase and you mustn't deprive him of that sweet, victorious feeling.

You begin to be behave like a creepy stalker.
Imagine appearing wherever he goes! Any man would be freaked out by such a behavior. If you appear too eager or too desperate, then consider your relationship dead.

Don't wait for him all the time.
When he comes home from the office, does he expect that you'd be right at the doorstep to greet him? That's what dogs do, honey, and you are too good to be doing a task meant for mutts. Do something to while away the time when waiting for your man. Don't just sit in one corner, waiting for him to come back from the office!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

How to Make the First Move on a Guy the Right Way! Making Mistakes Here Can Ruin Things for You

Are you the type of female that shrivels up and dies every time a handsome hunk so much as looks at you? Do you have trouble making any sort of move on a guy? Well your problems are over - here are some terrific ways of coming on to a guy effortlessly!

Look stunning
It is important to make sure you look stunning so that when he looks at you he is automatically and irrevocably attracted to you. Half the battle is won when you make a good impression the very first time. He will welcome any move you might try to make once he likes you.

Catch his eye
There is no way you can hope to score with him if you do not excite and interest him. He has to love the way you look, dress, talk and walk! This will make him anticipate your move even before you can make it!

A smile breaks the ice
The biggest ice breaker is your sexy and beautiful smile. It is true that when you smile at a guy the response is automatic and quick. He is bound to smile back. This makes it easier to go up to him and say hello. Besides, what man can resist responding to a friendly smile? He would have to be really uptight and bad tempered not to smile back.

Use a prop
The easiest way to get talking to a guy is to use a "prop". Drive a car that will make them swoon. Pretend that you need directions and let them drool over your set of wheels! It is easy to make your move on the guy when you have something to talk about. Walk in with a dog or cat that will make him curious and interested!

Your walk should match your talk
Just showing him that you are smart and beautiful is not enough. Walk in a way that shows him that you are self confident and happy being who you are. If you entice him with your attitude and personality - he is bound to fall for your charms.

Ask for help!
What man can resist a damsel in distress? Pretend you are in dire straits and need his help. He will love to be your knight in shining armor and will rush to your aid. While you are at it, make sure you flirt a bit and make him aware of how attractive and appealing you are. Be gushing and appreciative of all he does to help you.

Be there but act uninterested!
It's funny but the more disinterest you show and the more you ignore a guy, he wants to know you better! If you pretend that you are not interested in him, he is bound to get miffed and try to impress you or get your attention. It will be easy to make your move and hook him when you know that you have his attention. Give him a good look at your charms and he will welcome any move you make!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.