Thursday, May 31, 2012

How To Know When It's Time To Walk Away From A Date

Few people go on a date expecting to have a horrible time. In fact, it should be the opposite. When you go out with someone for the first time, or the first few times, you should only hope for the best. The best case scenario is, of course, the two of you getting to know each other better so that the relationship can blossom into something more. What happens, then, when the other person is wrong for you? What if the other person is really, really wrong for you? Even though you may be hoping for a good time, it's important to remember the following points so that you always know when to walk away from any date that's going horribly wrong.

1. The Person Is Mean to You

Whether you're chatting with the person on an online dating site or you're out to dinner with the person, you should always watch how the person treats you. If your date is mean or hurtful towards you in any way, don't be afraid to just walk away from your date. That's right, get up and leave. Even though it feels crappy when you do, you'll feel much better about yourself later on.

2. Your Date Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries

If you don't invite your date in after a particular outing and they give you a guilt trip or if your date paws at your body as he or she tries to get you to 'give it up' against your will, just walk away from that date. Anyone who doesn't respect your boundaries doesn't respect you at all, and that's a fact.

3. Conflicting Morals And Values

If you want kids, but the other person doesn't or if you want a traditional relationship and the person is already mentioning threesomes, it might be time to walk away from your date. You should only date people who you can see yourself meshing with years down the road if you hope for a deep and meaningful relationship. Otherwise, you may be just wasting time with this person who has much different outlook on life than you do.

4. You Don't Feel A Thing

If you're not feeling anything with your date, if you think the person is ugly, short, fat, too bald or maybe you think the person is attractive only you're not attracted to them, it's time to walk away. Why lead the other person on? Don't fool yourself into thinking that you 'could' feel something for this person. If it's not there, it's not likely to ever be there. It's best to walk away from your date right now.

5. Dating The Person Isn't Fun

Dating should be new, fun and exciting. If it's not, if the person you're with is dull or if dating the person feels more like attending a series of insurance seminars, it's time to walk away from your date. It's best to end things now before the other person gets too attached so that you can go out and find someone who adds a little more pizzazz to your life.

The Old Penpal Is Now The New E-Pal

Sending letters to "penpals" is an age-old tradition that many of us are familiar with. Such letters can be sent to correspondents halfway across the country or halfway across the world, and can allow one to build friendships, learn about different cultures or even learn a new language.

Some people got their first exposure to the concept of penpals as students in grammar school, when they would write to students of a similar age in a different country. They enjoyed getting responses with those exotic postage stamps on them and to learn of a life quite different from their own.

I personally remember finding a note tied to a broken balloon in the street asking me to reply to the address that was attached, which I did. Although I never got a response myself, I'm sure that the recipient was excited to learn that their balloon was found by someone.

Today there is no need to wait for "snail mail" (or for a balloon with a message attached). Fast and efficient e-mail may deprive us of the sheer visceral excitement of getting a physical message from someone, but it can still be exciting in its own way and it is certainly more efficient than the old methods.

Today, the term penpal is being replaced by e-pal (email pal), and the new technology carries the ability to send photos and videos along with text.

The old reasons for having a penpal remain. Children can learn in an exciting way of a culture and lifestyle that is quite different from their own. Those who are learning a new language can accelerate the process by communicating with someone who already speaks that language.

For a lot of people, modern electronic communication is even more intimate than the old methods. It allows people to form long-term relationships and share with each other in friendship and understanding. It can even lead to finding that special someone, one's life partner.

Some people find their life partner through an online dating service or other social network, and many see it as an end in itself, rather than as a means to an end. In other words, they enjoy corresponding with someone without feeling an obligation to ever meet face-to-face.

Relationships, whether they are up close and personal or long-distance, play a tremendously important role in our lives, and having an e-pal can be an important part of this. Today, there are so many options open to us that meeting people virtually is easier than ever before.

Online dating sites or social networking sites can be found today in abundance, and the best sites will allow you to filter correspondence by interest, location, age and many other criteria. If you wish to interact with someone in a fun and low-pressure way, why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose and a possible friendship to gain.

This news article is brought to you by GOING GREEN NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How To Charm A Man and Keep Him

Getting a man is quite distinct from charming a man. A woman may get any man and sleep with him if she wants. Charming a man means captivating his heart and his mind; and it is something that you need to reflect on and plan carefully. Charming the kind of guy you want is a form of art that will not only let you have him, but also keep him.

• To charm a man, you should know how to make eye contact. Being able to look into a man's eyes as he gazes from you is one step towards engaging him in a conversation. You should not be afraid of eye contact, but instead look at him straight in the eyes. This way, you will definitely be a stand out among other women.

• Always give him your sweetest smile. A smile can brighten your entire face and can bring positivity into any man's day. Guys do love girls who smile at them. A woman's smile can brighten up his mood; and when he sees you smile, he feels as if he can connect with you positively and easily.

• Always feel confident. Confidence is that self-esteem you show a man regardless if you look like a beauty queen or not. Confidence attracts men. They think that a confident woman is charming and sexy.

• Show your femininity. Femininity does not necessarily mean you flaunt your curves and figure by wearing sexy revealing dresses. Femininity is more than the physical attributes of a woman. Instead, being feminine means showing a man of your positive good attributes. Wear clothes that will fit your body properly without actually revealing too much skin. Act like a woman with kindness, gentleness and sweetness with whomever you speak to or socialize with.

• Let the guy know that you are interested. If you are at a bar or any other public place and a man looks at you with interest, show him that you are also interested in him. Simply glancing at him will give him the impression that you are not curious about him. Look at the man more than once and establish eye contact with him. Once you have spoken to him, discuss things that will help you get to know about each other further.

• Give him compliments. Just like women, men also like to be complimented. Say some positive comments about his new hairstyle, about the color or style of his shirt, about his accessories, about his little habits, etc. This will let him realize that you are actually noticing him.

• Give him quick and soft touches. When you are speaking to the guy, make sure you give him quick touches every now and then. It will make you feel closer to him instantly and vice versa. Brush your arms with his without seeming that it was intentionally done.

• Remain who you are. Some girls commit mistakes in charming a man by presenting themselves to a man using a different personality. Why wear sexy dresses to seduce a man if you are simply comfortable wearing sweatshirt and jeans? When you want a man to be charmed by you, show your true self and do not hide anything. He may fall for this façade, but you will not surely feel contented because you know that it is somebody else that he fell for and not who you actually are.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Boost Your Confidence and Your Chances of Finding the Perfect Man

It is not uncommon for women to be self-conscious of their looks. You may think you're not good looking enough to get into a permanent relationship with a man, but that thinking is wrong. Many times a person can almost convince themselves they do not have the looks a man is interested in, when in fact it is not only the looks that count.

Everyone is their own worst critic. We tend to look in the mirror and see our self as not that good looking, yet everyone else see's something different when they look at you. What you must do is break the chain of negative thinking and get yourself on the right track.

What you must do is reprogram any damaging patterns of thinking you have so you can turn your lack of confidence into a feeling of power. A good starting point is fixing the little things. Do not try to fix it all at once, have patience because it takes time to break bad habits.

Start by making a list of the things you like about yourself. Take into account things like your talents, physical appearance, hobbies or any little thing you can dig up. Every day you must look at your list at least one time, preferably more. Tell yourself that everything on your list is true even if your inner self is trying to tell you otherwise.

You need to break the chain of negativity about yourself. The more you repeat these affirmations the more it will become a belief.

Every time you are in front of a mirror take a look at the good points about you, avoiding those things you think are not flattering. Say something positive to yourself about them. Remember when people look at you they see the whole picture, not sections at a time. So the chances are they do not see the little things you are worrying about.

Now make a list of things you want. Write them in a way that shows you are already expecting to get them. Examples would be I have chosen to be beautiful or I have decided to be calm and relaxed. Make your list as long as you want, use your imagination. Go over your list daily and feel free to add to it as you go.

Anytime you are having bad feelings let them flow through you without suppressing it. Just let it get out of you without your worrying about it and eventually these feelings will not be an issue with you. You can completely feel them but let them go and over time you will start to feel better about yourself.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Best Christian Dating Sites Use a Variety of Approaches

Online dating and matchmaking sites give people more options in finding the right partner and the ability to make informed decisions before they do so. These sites accomplish this through many mechanisms to ensure success: member photos, detailed profiles, chat services, a messaging system and, often, audio and video.

Even though general dating sites are designed to serve people of all lifestyles, many Christian singles demand something more. After all, it can be difficult to meet other available Christians in this modern world, so Christian dating sites have sprung up to fill this need. These sites enable Christians to meet other Christians across the globe, across the country or in their own immediate metropolitan area.

As with general online dating sites, users have a wide variety of available choices among Christian dating sites. While most Christian dating sites cater to any age and denomination, others are targeted towards a specific demographic, such as those over 30 years of age.

The sites can vary in the way you create your profile and how you can contact other members. Most have questionnaires you fill out to describe yourself, but they can vary in the level of depth they get into.

The sites also vary in the amount of control they take over the process. For example, some sites are more like matchmaking services and match up two persons based on their answers to the questionnaires they fill out. The matching algorythm is based on the site's analysis of these answers and takes into consideration such factors as demographics, psychographics and general interests. However, the participants retain control over the process and can peruse the list of matches produced by the site in deciding whom to contact.

In addition, most dating sites will allow their members to perform their own searches based on whatever criteria they think is important. Depending on their member base, the sites then present an extended list of those who match that criteria.

Other Christian dating services take a less proactive approach and encourage their members to browse each other's profiles and to pick out the ones that they think would be the best match for them.

The questions such sites ask on their profile questionnaires tend to be more general than on the matchmaking sites, and are aimed more at getting the user to expand on his or her own personality and interests. Members can contact each other through a messaging system provided by the site that ensures anonymity until the participants are ready to meet each other.

As a Christian seeking to meet other Christians, you should consider the use of Christian dating sites as an important part of your overall strategy in your efforts to find the right Christian partner for you.

This news article is brought to you by CLEANING-TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Finding Your Soul Mate - How to Know If You Have Found the One

How to Find Your Soul mate

Finding a soul mate can seem like an absolutely impossible task for most people. Everyone wants a partner they can truly connect with spiritually, emotionally and sexually. Ideally, you will also share the same political beliefs and common interests as your partner. When faced with the daunting challenge of finding a person so similar to themselves, most people simply give up and settle for a less than ideal partner, rather than be alone. It is possible to find your soul mate. Here are some practical ideas to help you on your quest for the man or woman of your dreams.

It probably will not happen overnight

First, you need to understand that unless you are extremely lucky, finding a soul mate will not happen overnight. Very few of us stumble upon our soul mate while buying a latte at the local coffee shop. It does happen from time to time, but very rarely. You need to be willing to put in the necessary time. If you are a workaholic who spends 60 hours a week at the office or if you are working and going to school full-time, your odds of finding a soul mate are not great. You will need to modify your schedule to allow you to meet people and go out on dates.

Next, take stock of your own life

Ask yourself why you have not found the right person yet. Why haven't any of your past relationships worked? Be as honest and introspective with yourself as you can. Learning from the mistakes you made in past relationships allows you to grow as a person and it will help you to be a better partner.

Make a list of what qualities you want in your potential soul mate

From this list, choose the qualities that you are not willing to compromise on. You are probably not going to meet a billionaire brain surgeon who looks like Brad Pitt, so it is important that you not set your sights unrealistically high. While you should never settle for a partner that is less than you feel you deserve, if you constantly keep looking for perfection, you will continue to be disappointed.

Put the past behind you

It is not healthy to cling to the past, especially where bad relationships are concerned. Go through your possessions and dispose of any objects and photos that remind you of past relationships. Before you can start planning your future, you need to make a clean break from your past. Holding on to memories of failed relationships will only serve to sabotage your chances at future happiness.

Most importantly, keep an open mind regarding who your soul mate will be. He or she may not be the type of person you are expecting at all. They may be from a different race or practice a different religion.

There is a good chance that your soul mate is the complete opposite of the people you have been dating. After all, it stands to reason that if you have been dating one type of person your whole life without success, the chances are great that your soul mate will have a background that you will not anticipate.

There is no greater joy than experiencing this life with someone you truly love. These tips will hopefully bring you one step closer to finding your soul mate. He or she is out there somewhere, so never stop searching.

Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Help Make Online Dating Romance Spammers Obsolete

Online dating has been around for over 20 years, and has grown in popularity each year. Today, with over 1,500 dating sites, it is a $4 billion dollar industry with hundreds of millions of members.

As online dating becomes more prevalent, so does the existence of 'romance scammers'.

Who are romance scammers? They are individuals often located in Africa or Western Europe who join dating sites with a fake name and fake profile. They message several dozen (or hundreds of) members, and attempt to start a dialogue via Email (away from the dating site).

Their objective is to start a virtual relationship with someone, and then at some point request money, sight unseen. Sadly, this is a common occurrence, and people are duped every day.

Having said that, there are some red flags an online dater can watch for to ensure they don't fall victim to one of these scams. Here are some of the biggest ones:

1. There are no plans to meet in person. Romance scammers will never want to meet face to face, because they are not what their photo suggests. They will usually make up a story about being abroad for work. If there are no plans to meet face to face, move on.

2. Their grasp of English is typically poor. Romance scammers are usually not native English speakers, and this usually comes across in their messages. This is not to suggest that everyone with poor grammar is a scammer; however, if they claim to be native speakers and you notice many glaring errors, it is a red flag.

3. Their photo seems too perfect. It's common for romance scammers to use the most attractive photo they can find as their profile photo. They want to attract attention, of course, and this is the best way. If you are surprised that such a gorgeous person reaches out to you first with a desire to speak, it may be a red flag.

4. Insistence in communicating outside the dating site. If the first message you receive is accompanied by an Email address and an insistence to speak directly via Email, beware -- unless there is a good reason, there should be no problem communicating on the dating site's messaging system.

5. They ask you for money. This is, by far, the biggest and most obvious red flag, and yet people are still often duped. It should be an unbreakable personal rule that you never give money to anyone whom you met on a dating site, under any circumstances.

Online dating is so popular for a reason -- it is an efficient way to communicate with and meet other singles, and it can be a springboard to a meaningful relationship. Simply heed this advice and make sure you are not fooled by someone who it out for your money.

This news article is brought to you by FOOD AND DRINKS NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Flirty Text Messages - Trigger Your Man's Love Emotions With These Tasteful Texting Tips

Are you looking to add a little spice to your relationship? Have you thought about the affect that flirty text messages can have on him if you know the right way to use them? Would you like to find out how to keep a man thinking about you even if you are nowhere near him? With flirty text messages, you can turn those quick little contacts into messages that will stay with him long after he finishes reading them.

Flirt Selectively

The number one thing about flirty text messages is that you have to be careful who you're sending them to. Are you one of those girls who like to flirt with and tease every guy you come in contact with? If so, you may have an upset and jealous boyfriend on your hands. A guy does not like his girlfriend to flirt with other guys, but he probably loves it when you flirt with him. By the same token, he won't like it if he finds out that you're sending flirty text messages to other guys either. So save them for him and him alone.

Some Things Are Better Said Through Text

You can use a flirty message to say the things you may think about but don't want to come right out and say. Sometimes those down and dirty messages that fall flat when you try to say them face to face, work perfectly when you write them down. You can be hot and sexy with a text and leave him in a - can't wait to see her kind of mood. A short little text can be even better than a quick phone call or even a voice message.

The other good part about text messaging is you can plan what you want to say. You can work on that flirty little message until you know it sounds just right and then have the pleasure of picturing his face when he reads it.

Put A Smile On His Face

Texting is a great way to stay in touch with the person you love, when you are apart. If he's at work, your message can be a fun break in the middle of a tough day. If he's out with the guys, it's a great way of making him think about you, and if you can put a huge smile on his face when he's with his buddies, that's even better.

Receiving is just as much fun as sending when it comes to those flirty text messages. If you end yours with a question or make a comment that challenges him to reply, you'll be more likely to be able to join in the fun and get a reply. And don't forget the xoxo at the end.

Want to learn more about using tools like texting to make him like you more? Then I'd love to help you!

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITE.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Online Dating - Playing The Numbers Game

Are you meeting lots of females of all ages all over the internet. If this the case then good for you, you are doing an outstanding job. If this is not the case with your online dating life then we have a little bit of work to do so stick around and read what I'm about to say!

Meeting women of all ages on the internet is a numbers game and you have to message as many females as you possibly can if you want to be successful. That's right, you heard me correctly. We do not want to just simply scour the internet looking for our perfect soul mate to hit on and hope with our greatest wishes that she replies with the utmost enthusiasm.

We don't want to do this for one very simple reason indeed, she probably will not respond to our email. This is because while we may think that she is without a doubt the person we were born to marry, little do we know she is already receiving emails and messages from fifty other nice guys that seem just as great as you do.

For this very reason we have to treat our approach to online dating and courting women online differently then we would treat courting females in the real world at a bar or in the club scene. What we want to do in the unique online universe is we want to message and send emails to as many women as we possibly can on a daily basis and hope that we even get ten percent of these women to respond.

Just how many emails should we be messaging to women each and every week? The ideal amount of messages that we want to send is somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty and forty each and every week! This may sound like a lot to many of you females out there but it surely is not. Remember, if we are indeed very lucky to receive responses from some of these females, we will likely only get a few at the most. For that reason we must play the numbers game and go as hard as we possibly can.

Once these women finally do respond then we can arrange our date and pursue success. But always remember, there is no date until you have a response, so message a lot of women, and get those emails going!

Discover How Be Irresistible to Ladies

dating could be a lot easier and less stressful if you know how to be irresistible to ladies. It is a fact that some males find it hard to succeed in the dating game. Men should know how to attract women because everyone deserves to be with someone if they are unhappy on being single. If you are having difficulty and most of the time unlucky in the dating scene, there are ways to change your luck and succeed in dating women. Here are some useful tips:

Smile and wear a happy face. People want to see smiling and happy faces because of the good feeling it brings. Who doesn't want to share a smile or laugh? In this stressful life, a frown is the last thing a person wants to see. It is easier to be irresistible to ladies if you look approachable and always wear a happy face. It is said that a smile is a universal language and you can communicate with other people even without words if you just wear a happy and fresh smiling face. Smile is a signal that can reach almost everybody around you and they have no choice but to respond with a similar expression. Smile or laughter is infectious. If you want to get one, give one. Besides, smile or laughter is good for your health because it lowers your stress hormones, release your tension and relax your muscles. It is so hard to convince or charm a woman without wearing a smile because whatever you say doesn't matter if you do not have the friendly and refreshing facial expression which is a smile.

Make a good first impression. It is always good to leave her with a good first impression than recover from a bad first impression. You have to be aware and more careful on how people interpret your behavior because they do not know you. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to erase a terrible first impression and even if you managed to correct the bad gesture, the first impression you've created will always affect her future opinions of you. So you have to be very careful and you have to make a good first impression if you want to be irresistible to ladies. Of course, you do not have to be the person you are not just to impress her and give a good first impression, it is best to let her see the best qualities you like about yourself and that would be easy because it is you at your best.

Confidence is the key. A confident man is an attractive man. One of the great characteristics that draw women to men is the confidence men exudes. Of course, every man have fears in dealing with women especially on first meeting but you do not have to show your fears and you have to appear confident. Confidence include the way you dress, speak, make eye contact, your attitude, the way you handle things and the way you value yourself. You have to be the person who have high self-esteem and believes in your self-worth to be able to exude confidence. If you are a naturally shy person, confidence is something that can be learned and eventually you will appreciate your worth and the moment you become confident with yourself, it will be easier to be irresistible to ladies.

Show genuine interest. A woman feels great if you will show genuine interest especially if she is talking about something. Women love a great listener and someone who shows interest on things she's interested with. Be a good conversationalist who asks her more about the things she wants to talk about. Being interested or exchanging ideas and thoughts with her is making her interested with you too. A man who can show interest and carry a good conversation is an attractive man.

You may not have the fancy cars, signature clothes and fat wallet but you can be irresistible to ladies if you know how. Attracting a woman takes more than physical looks and material things. There are good-looking and rich guys who failed to attract the woman of their dreams and yet you will wonder that there are average looking guys who go home with the girl. Discover how to get the girl of your dreams visit Become A Woman Magnet.

How to Flirt by Text

New technologies have a significant cultural impact; technologies have even reconstructed our everyday romance experience. In the 19th century, people shared romantic heart notes by, writing, sending, and receiving letters on a regular basis through the US postal system. Now we are living in the Digital Age the use of text messaging has transformed how romantic partners communicate. I would like to give few tips on How to flirt by text.


If you just met a girl and you both exchange numbers, it's essential that you establish a playing field for flirting and even sexual rapport over text with her as quickly as possible. If you allow things to get formal with a girl over text, it will be challenging to get her in the sexy kind of conversation we're aiming at. It's also crucial that you maintain CONTROL of the conversation over text. A big mistake a lot of guys make is sending texts like...

Hey, how are you doing?

To a girl, I would call this the "I'm ok" respond; it's polite to ask how are you doing in your first text, but this text is NOT what we're going for...

Instead we are looking for something more enticing, "not over the top", but something flirty, fun, a text that will throw her a bit off balance. You want your text to be spontaneous making the girl you're flirting with to feel like she never quite knows what she's going to get from you. The "Pivot" texts should be you opening text. Having her thinking about you is the objective and this text will certainly get her attention. For instance, in this example let's assume you met this girl at a dinner party the night before. You both exchanged numbers. It's around 11am on a weekday...

You: Imagine this?

You: If you could be ANYWHERE right now and be doing ANYTHING where and what would it be?

Note how this isn't sexual at all. The key at this point is to start having fun with her. If she didn't respond, no need to worry just let it go and come back fishing later. If she respond, use it to your advantage and find out more about her. It's complete fantasy fodder for later! If she says she wants to be on the beach in Jamaica you can USE that and then SLOWLY start pursuing the conversation to more sensual places. For instance, once you have a healthy back and forth going...

You: Mmmm

Her: Huh?

You: Oh, just had this thought...well, I guess I'll tell you another time.

Her: No why wait for later, you can tell me now

You: Was just thinking about your lips...

Her: Ooh, what about them?

And from that stage you can continue to exploit her imagination.



This is a perfect situation to whip out what I call "Private Whispers" texts.

"Private Whispers" are texts you use when you and your man are in the same room but can't talk or flirt openly. So while you're all in the house prepping dinner, you send him a message that says.

You: Stop it

When he gets the text, he'll look at you across the room. Give him a little smile

He'll say: Stop what?

You: Teasing me

And then slowly raise the heat so by the time you finally DO have a few minutes together you're both feeling incredibly "romantic" and are ready to go.

This article is brought to you by DATE.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Conversational Topics That Chemically Attract Women - 9 Topics Guaranteed To Sexually Attract Her

In this guide, I will reveal 9 topics that almost "magically" make all conversations with women attractive, fun, and long lasting. These topics sexually attract women by default; plus you will never again run out of things to say.

I will provide ways to naturally introduce each topic. Follow this guide whenever you meet a woman at a bar, Starbucks, or on a date. These topics are attraction triggers, thus they make it easier to seduce women. They activate parts of the female brain that handles attraction & sexual desire (septal area, amygdale, hypothalamus, and many neurotransmitters). The hallmark of what I teach guys is attraction is not a choice, it can not be helped.

I will introduce the topics, elaborate, explain how to introduce them naturally, and then provide you with an exercise to speed up your learning curve.

Use these conversational topics to separate you from other guys. These topics subconsciously inveigle women to want you. Most all men ask the same boring questions: where are you from, what do you do, do you have any siblings. I teach my students that it is OK to ask boring questions, but only after you introduce 2-3 attraction triggers (conversational topics). Not only must you avoid asking those boring questions too early, but avoid answering them as well. Women will ask boring questions as a defense mechanism. If you let her suck you into a boring conversation, she will loose attraction and blame you for it.

Let's get started...

1) Early struggles to get ahead. Rags to riches or stories of redemption are loved by everyone. Telling a story like this will elevate your level of masculinity and strength in her eyes. Any story in which you inured pain while facing a daunting obstacle, only to arrive a better man will do the trick. It can be about the time you were broke and lived on streets, only to later start your own business; the first time you stood up on a surf board, or when you were a child and your parents did not have money for the electric bills. Stories like this will show her you are prepared to fight any challenge. She will feel protected by you.

2.) Your interests & passions in life. All people desire passion. Women especially seek out passion. If you do not have anything in your life you are passionate about, then you must figure out your ultimate goal in life and start pursuing it. Have you ever met a person that was passionate about something in their life? Were you drawn to them? Passion triggers massive attraction in women. Merely using the word will make her feel attraction for you. Rather your passion is traveling, arts, or pursuing your degree in Molecular Biology (like me), open up and show her.

3.) Lessons you have learned in life. Recounting an anecdote paints you as a leader of men. It shows you are a teacher, therefore others are students. This is sexy to women. I like to tell the story of the time I sold insurance. My mentor was always hard on me - borderline invective. After 7 days of no sales, I started coming in later and going home earlier; where as he would work a solid 12 hours everyday. I was heading home on the 8th day, feeling very defeated. Angrily he called me back. He told me I was being a pussy and I needed to find my source of motivation in life. He told me 1 of 2 things motivate every person. It is love, or fear. Instantly I knew my motivation - fear. I was horrified of living a life like my childhood: stressed out, unable to provide food every night, missing house payments, huge debt. The next day I worked from 7am to 11:30pm. Only made one lousy sale. The following day I enthusiastically did the same and my last lead led to a $3500 sale.

4.) Travel. Everyone loves to talk about traveling, even if they lack the means to travel. Do not list places you've been, rather talk about interesting or exotic places you traveled to. Recount how you mingled with the locals and slept at a local's house one night. Let her talk the most. Listen intently - she will reveal a lot about herself.

5.) Glorified gossip. Tell the stories of your friends. The crazier the better. It doesn't have to be a recent event, although tell her it is to add excitement. Never talk down about anyone, even the villain of the story - this frames you as a non-loyal friend. Do you have a friend who caught his brother sleeping with his girlfriend? Maybe a friend slept with his high school teacher after graduation? You get the point.

6.) Unusual experiences. Have you ever met a famous person? Anything bazaar or un-ordinary ever happened to you or a friend? As you recount this story, mix in facts with emotional strings. Do not just recount where, when, and why. Reminisce about feelings you had. Go into vivid detail about thoughts and emotions you felt.

7.) Current pop culture. This is one of my lesser favorites to talk about, but women love to discuss it so by default I "love" to discuss it. Use this sparingly. Do not sound like the guy that watches TMZ daily. When you discuss this story, act as if you are only somewhat familiar. Pretend you only know the major details - after all, you are a busy man with a lot going on. You have no time to watch TV all day. It is better to let her explain this stuff to you. You should merely bring it up and get her opinion on it. Pay attention - she will reveal her interest.

8.) Childhood years. Our childhoods have had a huge impact on who we are today. Revealing SMALL parts of your childhood lets her feel a connection to you. You will not just be the attractive, slick guy; but a real person who is capable of giving her the things she desires. Recounting your childhood encourages her to do the same. It will lead to a rush of emotions. Talk about the time you found a pack of baby kittens under your house and discovered you are severely allergic to them, or the time you got busted with your dad's playboy. Ask open questions thus encouraging her to recount her childhood - she will immediately feel a connection.

9.) Future ambitions. I should have listed this as number one. Nothing and I mean NOTHNG will get a female's panties wet like you passionately telling her what your future ambition is. Make sure you talk about this with every woman of interest - your success with women will increase 10 fold. Reveal your ambitions, and then ask an open question to get her to reveal her ambitions. Once you both do this, it is as if you share a bond. You are no longer just "a guy," but rather a high ranking potential lover.

You have the knowledge to make any conversation sexy & long lasting. You need to be capable of naturally implement these topics. You will introduce these topics by "seeding." Say something (or plant a seed) about what you plan to talk about.

Let's "seed" the topic early childhood memories. Try this:

"There is something about you that reminds me about this girl I had a major crush on when I was 6. I remember one time..."

Introduce the topic of future ambitions like this:

"This has been the longest week, but I've still enjoyed it. I've been working on this project tirelessly." She will ask "what project?" Mention the word "ambitious" as it is an effective attraction-trigger.

Pick out 3 topics and write a short story. Pick the topics that hit home. You may already know which story you will tell. Make sure it honestly happened to YOU! None-the-less, if you need to manipulate a couple of SMALL facts to make yourself sound better or to make it more interesting, do so. Never make up a story or lie, she will know!! Write then save the stories on your computer. Repeat each 4 times in the mirror for limpid stories.

Online Dating Success Secrets For Men

Why do most men fail when it comes to online dating? Or feel that the service has failed them? It's not their fault. They just don't understand online dating. When you understand how it all works, you'll be 95% ahead of most men.

Online dating is the perfect solution for individuals and couples looking to develop a friendship or relationship of one kind. It's become even more popular with new sites establishing themselves all the time.

Becoming a member of an online dating service gives you more options but you can also enjoy the free services first to see if it's a site that you'd like to join.

The more dating sites you sign up for, the better chance you have of meeting the woman of your dreams. Studies have shown that when you sign up at multiple sites, the success rate increases by 210%.

What Are You Looking For In A Date?

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make is to jump into online dating with no idea on what to write in the profile or preference section and end up feeling frustrated when they don't find that ideal person. Out of desperation, they end up accepting anything that the site offers. Don't make that same mistake. Ask yourself what it is that you want and write it down.

You'll need to set up a Screen Name and Password. A screen name can be anything that represents you as long as you don't use your real name. Make sure that you set up a separate email account for your online dating sites.

Once you log it's time to set up a Profile.

Setting Up A Profile

Knowing how to properly set up your profile can make the difference of being successful in meeting the right kind of women. For instance, if you're an 18-year-old man, chances are you aren't looking for women 55 years old, so set your preferences age appropriately. If you have any particular interests or hobbies such as sports, computers, photography, include this on your profile. It will make it easier for those that share your interests to find you.

As amazing as it may be, many people on online dating sites fail to complete their profile. They may put in a photo and location and that's it. If by chance, someone shows an interest, they're not going to learn very much about you and will continue searching other profiles.

A great picture of yourself may draw in many interested parties, but they may not be the type you want. You want to put information that makes you unique and stand out in the crowd without being dishonest.

Most people may say that looks don't matter, in all honesty they still want to see what you look like so always post a photo along with your profile and make sure that it's pretty current. If you post a photo taken ten years ago and when you were a few pounds lighter that's not being honest. Post a current, attractive and appropriate picture. As the old saying goes: "a picture can be worth 1000 words".

Finally, check your spelling and grammar. Misspelled words or improper use of the English language can easily discourage someone from taking an interest in you. You don't want to give the opinion that you are uneducated.

Keep your profile updated. The more you log in to the site, the more you'll show you're active, resulting in staying on top and getting more views.After you've completed your profile, don't forget about it. Come back from time to time to check on it so it stays current and others can see you're active.

Initiate Contact

For the first week or so, many people sit around waiting for interested people to contact them. When that doesn't happen, they move on to other things. Besides lessening your chances of meeting someone, your profile is pushed to the bottom of the pile because of inactivity.

Keep in mind that gone are the days where only men are allowed to take the initiative. If a woman sees someone interesting, you can be sure that she'll make a first move.

Once you've determined that you've met someone you really like, you're probably going to want to meet him or her in person. This is usually the next step. Hopefully by this time, you've known the individual for a while and are confident they're trustworthy and whom they say they are.

Always make sure your first meeting takes place in public, preferably during daylight hours. After you've known each other longer, you can make other arrangements, but always be safe first.

Copyright 2012 Max Curtis

Finding Singles Using Online Dating Websites

It is undeniable that in the virtual world, there is always more than what meets the eye. Regardless of whether we talk about the tall discount claims broadcast by online marketers or the new articles published by the hopelessly controlled mainstream media, it will not be unfair to say that you need to have a keen eye in order to be able to tell the truth from propaganda. Especially, when it comes to online dating websites, you can never be too careful as fake and scam profiles are quite popular in the online dating world.

In order to ensure that you don't fall for any scams; you need to be extremely careful. Following are some of the factors you need to consider while looking for suitable singles in the online world:

Check the age of the dating website

Ensuring the website you are treading on is authentic holds pivotal importance in your hunt of suitable matches. Hence, it is recommended that you check the age of the website using any reliable 'domain age check' website.

Check the number of registered users

It is important to ensure that the website you are using to find suitable singles has a substantial number of registered users. This is particularly important to ensure that the dating service you are planning to use has enough number of apt choices to offer.

Check the linked websites

Scam websites usually have other scam sites associated with them. Hence, if you find any recognizable fake website associated with the dating website you are planning to use, it is advisable to refrain from using the website.

Ensure the authenticity of the user

The authenticity of the profiles you interact with is unarguably the most important aspect to be sure of when trying to find suitable singles using any dating website. In order to ensure you don't fall for a chat-bot, you may use videoconferencing or meet the person.

Avoid pop-ups

Even if you are sure about the authenticity of the website offering dating service, it is recommended to avoid pop-ups unless you are about the offer being presented by the pop-up. This is particularly important as pop-up ads often redirect to malicious.

Although it is undeniable that the dating service websites can be of great help in letting you find your soul-mate, it is extremely important to give due consideration to the aforementioned unless you wish to fall for any of the fake dating websites hosted on the web.

This news article is brought to you by SELF-ESTEEM - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Internet Based Courting - Dialing People Soon After A Very First Night Out

In regard to all of us that have recently been courting women on the internet for a sufficient length of time, after learning the right kinds of expert advice, interacting with women online should become remarkably easy. All we have to do is learn to build our dating profiles correctly, launch an interesting conversation with the women we are pursuing, and everything following that should come rather easy.

But what should we do immediately after we talk to these women online? Many people wonder how soon we should contact these women.

This is an interesting question for most men out there to ponder and think about. Let's face it, if we do the wrong thing we could mess everything up.

For this reason first phone calls are tricky and we should really treat the first phone call as a very high priority. The first phone call is just as important as the emails we write and the pictures we put up.

The first thing we want to do is prepare for the phone call while we are still talking online. This involves making a few inside jokes that will be special between you and the person you are calling. This will strengthen the connection between the both of you.

The amazing benefit of this is that doing so will also offer you something interesting to discuss when you eventually call to meet up for a first date. You can refer back to this during your phone conversation and have your dating laughing very hard.

Inside jokes also offer a strong psychological benefit between your and your counterpart. This is because inside jokes are usually reserved for best friends and people of this nature. By creating one between yourself and the women you are calling from the internet, you are now psychologically inserting yourself into this exclusive friend zone that is a tight part of her social circle.

Another great trick to use when talking to women on the phone that you just met online is to talk about bad date stories that you both have had. Talking about your lousy dating tales is without a doubt always a fun time that women will enjoy engaging in. This can keep the conversation interesting for relatively long periods of time without any awkward silences.

Now, with all this said, don't hold your date on the phone for very lengthy periods of time. The strategy driving your first phone call should be to make your date as psyched as possible to meet you. We want to save some of our great stories and dating secrets for when we actually meet them. Good luck on your journey and best of luck with online dating in the future!

This news article is brought to you by POST-DIVORCE - where latest news are our top priority.

Looking For the Best Relationship Advice for Women

A relationship is very valuable to each of us. To maintain the happiness in a relationship, both the partners have to work continuously towards it. You need to devote adequate time to it and make sure it flourishes and grows stronger by the day. This will lead to the longevity of the relationship. A bond is made and maintained by a number of issues. It differs from one couple to the other as to how they will nurture their relationship. Mere love is not enough; a lot of other factors come into play. Though it is true that you have to be respectful towards your partner, you have to keep in mind certain other aspects too. This article will give you the best relationship advice for women so they can keep their relationship strong and last long.

Some people indulge in planning in advance before they get into a relation. We are not advising you to discuss the number of kids that you intend to have on your very first meeting; but you should make a list of your priorities and what you expect from the relationship. For example, for those who want the relationship to last for ever should elude the bar when you go out on your first date since the ultimate result of visiting such a place is a one night stand in 99% of cases.

It is always better to have things in your mind before you enter a relationship. Or else it is likely that you will face failure. Proceeding strategically is the key to success. Set out your goals and work accordingly. It is very important to have in mind the kind of partner you wish to have. It is better to stick to your aim since settling for less may cause complications and dissatisfaction later. We suggest that you enlist the kind of characteristics you seek in a man and then try to see who fits the bill the best. Remember your value as a woman and do not underestimate yourself by any means.

You should not take decisions impulsively or else you will regret all your life. Do not act rash if you are frustrated because of not having gone on a date for some time. It is essential for you to be strong and make the right decision regarding the man you choose. Often women become confused as to how to retain the spark in their relationships. They worry too much about their relationship. It is important to take things in your stride and worry less about everything. Communication is one of the biggest factors in determining the health of your relationship. Finding the best relationship advice for women would be really helpful. You can try these guidelines. It would be great to do a little research over the Internet.

Conversing freely with your mate can make things simpler for you. It is important to be respectful towards your partner. You should appreciate his efforts and adjust a bit to keep things going. An important relationship advice for women is that you should be flexible and allow your partner to be comfortable with you when discussing something. It is important to lend an ear to his opinions and then put forward your own. Spend more time with each other. Keep innovating constantly to keep your relationship alive and glowing with joy and merriment.

Making A Long Distance Relationship Work

Having a long distance relationship is a challenging situation between two committed people. A lot of people say that long distance relationship doesn't work. Even if the people are saying nice things, still you can say that they are not encouraging such relationship. Learn how to make a long distance relationship work in this helpful article.

Relationship requires a lot of understanding and communication in order to work. Distance adds challenge to the relationship. As a matter of fact, some long distance relationship fails. However, in today's internet world it is a lot easier to get in touch with your loved ones. As a matter of fact, it is very possible to fall in love even if you do not personally see the person. The relationship is made through the internet.

Communication is the essential key for the relationship to succeed. If two people are far from each other, it is best to make each other feel like they are just near, like distance doesn't matter. The perfect way to let your partner feel your presence is through constant communication. Through texting, phone call, and even online chat, you will be able to show to your partner your care. A 15 minute phone call a day will simply make a difference into someone's life. Actually there are many things to consider when searching for the right method on how to make the relationship work.

If both parties are committed, then it is still possible to keep the fire burning. Commitment in a relationship can be demonstrated by taking time to call, as well as keeping in touch all of the time. You should keep your loved one informed about what's happening in your life. This way you will be able to show the importance of each other.

Aside from commitment, you should also have the trust. The trust can be measured through the test of time. If trust is lost, the relationship can be useless. The trust as well as the constant communication is an essential part of a healthy relationship. Over the years, the trust and faith can be developed. These things make the relationship last. You should do a little research online.

A relationship will be successful if there is a feeling of intimacy and faith. As you know, being away from your loved one leaves you feeling anxious and lonely. However, a lot of people find it very challenging maintaining the relationship. The thrill as well as the excitement is there. If you look at it closely, the long distance relationship as well as local relationship is just the same. However, the challenge is raised on how to maintain and keep the relationship going. These things add spice on the relationship.

Having a long distance relationship is fulfilling, especially if you can make the relationship work. You and your partner cannot be physically together. So all you need to do is to send your partner a surprise photo or gift. It is a perfect way to show your partner that you care. You can set a visit occasionally. Aside from that, you should keep your promise. It is the best thing to do to be able to keep the relationship alive. Try to follow above guidelines on how to make a long distance relationship work.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

Some Unusual Date Ideas

Are you fed up with taking your date to the same places? There gets a time when you want to go somewhere different on your date, whether it's a first date or not. Over time you can get bored of going to the same restaurants and bars, which can have an impact on the successfulness of the date. It's not just who you're with that affects the date, where you go and what you do also plays a huge part. Why not try something more exciting? That doesn't necessarily mean more expensive; you can still do something more unusual without overspending. All you need is a great idea and some preparation.

Before you decide what to do, it helps if you know a bit about your date. That way you can judge if you think they'll like your idea. If you don't want to start out too adventurous why not arrange a day at the zoo or aquarium. Walking around talking about the animals ensures you won't run out of things to say. If the weather is nice you could always plan a day at the beach. Lying on the beach listening to the waves, having a picnic and eating an ice cream can be very relaxing. A day at your local park can be just as relaxing too. Why not take some card games with you to enjoy together while you're there or you could even take some roller skates or a kite. These are great ways to behave like a kid again and really enjoy yourself.

If you want to be more creative, you could suggest an art class. There's nothing stopping you going to the countryside with your paper and pencils and sketching the scenery. You could even try drawing each other. Even if art isn't your speciality, you can have fun doing it, plus you'll have a souvenir of the date.

An evening at a comedy club or seeing a musical are great alternatives to the cinema. Laughter is a great way to break the ice, especially on a first date, so a comedy club is a good idea if you're feeling a bit apprehensive. If those ideas don't appeal to you, you could visit to a planetarium or perhaps the circus. These will certainly give you something to discuss afterwards and will be a date you won't forget in a hurry.

If you wanted your date to be more physical, why not try indoor rock climbing, go karting, paint-balling or even white water rafting? These are quite adventurous ideas, so it might help if you know how your date would feel about these before you make any arrangements.

If you want to plan something unique, why not arrange a hot air balloon ride. It's not the cheapest date idea, but it's certainly unusual and very romantic. Unless your date is petrified of heights, it will be a date to remember.

Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

Online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.

This news article is brought to you by VOCATIONAL-TRADE-SCHOOLS - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Positive Side Of Online Dating

Looking to find the man or woman of your dreams? But you're out of luck when looking for them yourself? Then consider looking into online dating. Nowadays with everything becoming interactive, it's no wonder that there are instances that soul mates have found each other and chatted first online. There are tons of dating websites who promises their members that they can find the perfect match for them and all you need to do is input the stats that you're looking for when dating someone and after a few seconds you will be handed a couple of profiles that match your search.

Several positive sides to dating online is that you can easily find someone who can relate to you and who has a lot in common with your personality than those whom you are introduced with personally. This is because you tend to interact with someone a lot longer online even if you haven't seen the person yet. Giving you ample time to get to know each other and connect thus setting physical attraction aside first and concentrating on what really matters, which is each other's personality and see how it pans out from there.

Some people browse through online dating websites to possibly meet and interact with someone new. They simply want to meet someone who they can relate to and who can relate to them about certain topics and interests. Meeting someone new means that you start of fresh and that you get to know someone from the inside out and not by how they look. There are dating sites that give their members the option of letting them meet with their profile search match first or later. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they comment about your picture rather than getting to know you and interacting with you.

When looking for the perfect online dating site look for something that can offer you what you need and provides you with profile matches near your area. This will make it easy for you to meet up should you decide to and or to have several things to talk about and interact with. When you are looking for someone abroad to chat with and get to know with then you need to get to know each other thoroughly in order for you to be comfortable when time comes that you wish to meet up.

So looking when for love from the online dating scene make sure that you have ample amounts of patience and search thoroughly and wisely from the compatibility list that's provided for you to browse through. Chances are you'll stumble upon your soul mate very soon.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Get Rid of Someone Stalking You Online

online dating is a great way to meet new people and signing up to a dating site gives you instant access to a huge database of people you can interact and hopefully form a lasting relationship with. But as with any community, not everyone you will cross paths with is going to be a well-balanced and rational human being and it is not uncommon to come across individuals who refuse to take "no" for an answer and persist in harassing you online. So if this is happening to you, learn how to get rid of someone stalking you online.

What is the definition of an online stalker?

An online stalker is anyone who persists in contacting you even when you have made it quite clear you are not interested. On a dating site, you may find yourself the recipient of hundreds of unwanted messages from one person, typically someone you ignored or possibly rejected previously. If the stalker is a former date, or someone you have met in person, the stalking can filter through into other areas of your life, particularly if the stalker has your email address and other contact details.

Why do some people start a stalking campaign?

Some individuals cannot take rejection. Even when you have told the person you are not interested, they refuse to accept it and still persist in instant messaging, texting, emailing and calling you, often hundreds of times during the course of an average day. To begin with such attention can be rather flattering-after all, they must really think you're worth having if they refuse to take no for an answer-but before long, such unwanted attention is creepy and a little bit frightening.

How to get rid of someone stalking you online

Tactics for dealing with online stalkers vary depending on how serious the stalking has become.

  1. Unwanted messages on an online dating site: if your stalker has no other way of contacting you other than via the internal messaging service of the dating website, simply block their identity and if they persist by creating a new one so they can continue harassing you, contact the site admin or suspend your membership until the stalker moves on.

  2. Unwanted emails and other online contact: if your stalker has your email address or knows your identities on social networking sites, block them. Never be tempted to answer their messages as this only serves to encourage their twisted fantasies, although it is a good idea to keep the messages they send in case you need to produce evidence at a later date.

  3. Should your stalker take their harassment to the next level and start writing abusive stuff about you online, either by leaving vile posts on Facebook or composing vicious and defamatory blog posts, you need to report them as this is a serious offense. Collect as much evidence as you can (take screen shots and print them off) and contact your local law enforcement authority for further advice.

What should I do if the stalking escalates from online to the real world?

  1. Once a stalker has your phone number, the harassment becomes a lot more real and they can make your life truly miserable. Changing your number will solve the problem, but this is not always practical, especially if the number is tied to work or your business, so in this instance, consider buying a phone with a "block number" facility to screen their calls and text messages. Some phones have this useful feature built into the options and it can be invaluable.

  2. If online stalking crosses over into the real world and your stalker starts hanging around outside your place of work or following you in the street, it is time to call the police and make an official complaint. I am not suggesting that your stalker is potentially homicidal, but at the very least they need professional help and a chat from a friendly law enforcement officer might be enough to encourage them to seek counseling for their issues.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Alcohol On The First Date

First dates already have enough pressure to make a good first impression, to get over the initial discomfort, and to have a good time. Some people think meeting up for drinks on a first date can alleviate the anxiousness. Unfortunately, it has only been a disaster in my experiences. When someone lists that they are a social drinker, you think that it's just every now and then. You don't think it's every weekend, 3 days a week. I found this out the hard way. I should have realized that something was up when she asked me to meet her for a drink.

Even though I don't drink, I don't really have a problem heading out with an attractive lady to her favorite spot. And this lady was gorgeous. She also had a witty personality and a lot of spunk. I thought this could be a lot of fun. She asked me to pick her up around 8:30pm, which I had no problem doing. I look back on it now, and I should have realized that this was another red flag.

I arrive at 8:25pm and end up waiting until about 8:45pm before she was done getting ready. When she first came out of the house, I thought she looked gorgeous. I couldn't help but smile when she got to my car. So, I opened the door for her, and we were off.

We head into the bar and the doorman knew her name. We go up to the bar and the bar tender knows her name. A few of the patrons knew her name as well. I start thinking "how often does this lady come to this bar? What is she Norm from Cheers?"

We sit down and start talking; she begins to tell me about something that happened at work. She then proceeds to follow that story up with another rant about her ex-boyfriend. She only paused long enough to order another drink. This went on for at least a good hour and a half. Soon, I began noticing a slight slur in her words. She was pounding the hard stuff and all I could think was "Thank God, she wanted us to go 'dutch' on this date".

We passed the 2 hour mark and she finally asked about my day. As I started to respond, she interrupted with a vulgar laced tirade about her "baby daddy". I realized that she was officially hammered and that this is a weekly occurrence for her. She became more belligerent over the next hour and I began to see a side of her that was very unflattering. About 11:30pm, I asked if she was ready to head home. She stumbled out the bar and to my car.

I took her straight home and watched her stagger up to her front door. Before she left, she muttered something along the lines of having a great time. I swore to myself that I will never include alcohol on the first date. I also made it a rule to ask, ladies who say they are "social drinkers", how often they get drunk.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5 Tips to Writing Your First Message on Dating Sites

Firstly, I'll start off by saying I'm no Casanova, far from it in fact, otherwise I wouldn't even entertain the idea of frequenting dating sites in the first place. However, I have been using these sites long enough to know a bit about what to and what not to do. When it comes to the online dating newbie, it can be very difficult to get that first message out there and actually get a response. Your pinging these messages across yet you still find yourself staring at an empty inbox. As a result your self-confidence begins to drop and you start to think to yourself "why bother?"

Here are 5 of my top tips to get you started with your online dating first message:

1. Your message title - Granted, not all sites are the same, but a large majority I have used require a message title to be sent. It is crucial that you use a title that is going to get that person to open the message if this is the case. Do not, and I will repeat, do not leave your title as default! It will look like you have made no effort at all, and generally the default titles simply read "Hi" or "hello." Think of something creative, maybe an interesting question for example, or just any sort of statement that will make this person think "Hey! I wonder what this message says." Your title can get your message opened, a hurdle that must make sure you get over.

2. Don't underestimate the importance of your profile - Just like in the outside world you are going to be judged before you have even made a direct approach. I highly recommend you spend time on your profile, as the message recipient is likely to 'check you out' before they decide to respond or not. After all, its best they get to know a little bit about this mystery person before they go ahead and strike up a conversation. Get a photo uploaded and make sure there is some information about yourself.

3. Think about the person you are messaging - Take a look at their profile and actually read it! Try and work out what sort of person they are and what will appeal to them. Remember that dating site users are not all looking for the same thing. You can send what you perceive to be the most interesting or quirky message in the world and the other person may just think you are insane!

4. Keep it brief - Imagine you were approached at a bar and that person introduced themselves in the form of an essay, could you honestly say you would not lose interest? Well it's even worse online! If you are sending long-winded messages the reader will simply get bored and lose interest. The game is over before it has begun. The key to sending a message is sparking interest, throwing that rope for the other person to latch on to. A couple of lines are all you need to do this.

5. Be creative! - A very important one that follows on from the previous point. You need to be creative in your messages. The dating game has become a competition and you need to stand out from the crowd. "Hi, how are you?" simply won't cut it and you will dramatically increase your chances of a response if you go for something original. Pick up on something from the other persons profile, ask a question about it maybe as it not only gives the recipient something to respond to but also shows you've taken the time to read the recipients profile.

Again, I'm no Casanova; I'm just going off plain old experience. I'm also sure that the online dating guru's out there will correct a thing or two of what I've said, but for somebody completely knew to online dating and having no luck at all, then there's no harm in giving these very basic guidelines a try.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Men's Tips for Online Dating

You may have read a lot about online dating and what to do and what not to do when you are chatting with women online. For most men, online dating has something to do with impression but there are some things that still need to be checked in order to date the best women online. Here are some common things that can tell something about the woman you are chatting with.

Men should check the woman's online profile picture because it will tell something about her real personality. To some extent the picture would actually give more information about her than what she is saying while chatting. The next thing that you should deal with is your conversation. How the woman chats online will reflect on how she is in reality as well as her intellect. So, men should also check some wrong spelling or grammar when chatting online.

These are just some small things that a man should check on the woman he is chatting with online. On the other hand, for men to be recognized by women, online etiquette is also very important. For example, you should post something that will tell positive things about yourself rather than pictures or messages that convey negative thoughts. Just make sure you say positive words towards the person you are dating when you see her in person. The next thing that you should remember is to never post pictures where you are not wearing a shirt. Even though you have a nice body with 6 pack abs, there are women who may still think that it is rude of you to post pictures of you being half-naked.

You should always update your profile picture every now and then because this goes to show that you are serious about dating online. However, you should not expect that your picture alone could actually represent yourself in the most accurate manner. This is because there are people who do not look good in photos but are really beautiful or handsome.

Take note of women who already checked your profile but did not bother to post any message. This already means that they are not interested in you. In online dating, you will also experience being rejected many times. However, this does not mean that you should be discouraged from pursuing the girl of your dreams through online dating. Just keep on trying and do not let negative things turn you down.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How To Get A Guy To Like You Again

How do you get a guy to like you again? That's a terrific question. It deserves a thoughtful answer.

Before continuing, we need to discuss something else first. That is, do you really want to get this guy to like you again? In the other words, are you sure you want this guy back? Maybe you don't. Perhaps you feel lonely and just want him back because you haven't met anyone else. Don't roll your eyes. It's possible. It is.

Okay. You are sure you want to get him to like you again. You've decided that you made a mistake and want him back. Or, you ignored the guy until he stopped paying attention to you and now you want him to start paying attention to you again. Whatever the reason, you want him to like you again. Is this even possible?

Yes, it is. A guy might not like to be told this, and might not want to know this either, but it's true. A gal intent on getting a guy back can more times than guys want to acknowledge do so. How?

The number one way is to reconnect with him. That means first eye contact, then voice contact. When you see him, smile at him. Let your eyes do the talking. With your face lit up, give him a big warm "hello, and how are you" look or "hello, you look awfully good" look. Something special needs to be communicated from your face to his without any words being spoken. After you have smiled at him a few times, and spoken silently with your eyes and face, it's time to actually speak to him.

You could seek his advice on something or compliment him on what he is wearing. You could also tell him something you recently learned about that you know he would be interested in hearing about. Such as? Well, an upcoming concert or movie. You can even tell him about a newly open restaurant serving the food you know he always liked to eat.

The way to get a guy to like you again is to remind him that you are special and he deserves to be with special you. Pay him some attention. Listen to his concerns. Become friends with him again. You can even acknowledge that perhaps you made a mistake and want another chance of being involved with him.

Guys like attention. Guys like to be sought after just as much as gals do. They respond to kindness, thoughtfulness and really do like to be listened to. Find out where he hangs out, and be there at times he is there. Make comments to his friends that you are interested in him again. His friends will let him know.

Most important, how to get a guy to like you again takes time and patience. If you were mean to him, disappointed him or outright hurt him, he's not going to come back so easily. You need to gain his trust. Everyone makes mistakes; everyone is human. There's a saying "to err is human, to forgive is divine." Just because it didn't work out the first time, doesn't mean all is lost forever. Remember, you are strong... you are invincible... you are a woman. Go and get him.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Friday, May 11, 2012

How To Write A Dating Profile Even If You Failed English Class

Remember when your English teacher told you to write that five hundred word essay back in seventh grade? You had to write an entire page of nonsense on some topic that you weren't even interested in. What a waste of time. Or was it?

Imagine what your English teacher would say now if he knew you wanted to write another five hundred word essay today as an adult. This might be the situation you find yourself in if you're thinking of trying online dating.

If you're not a prolific novelist and you're dreading the process of writing a dating profile, you're not alone. Here's how to write about yourself in a compelling manner to a woman even if you failed English class.

Talk, don't write.
First of all, get out of writing mode. If I tell you to write something on a blank sheet of paper, it's difficult. If I tell you to talk to me and introduce yourself, it's easy. Therefore think of a dating profile not as a sheet of paper, but as a person. Talk to it, don't write.

Past, present and future.
Structure your profile into three sections starting with your past. What adventures, experiences and memorable moments do you have in your life? Think about the encounters that were the most exhilarating and jot them down.

Next, switch to the present. What are you doing right now in your life? Where are you career wise? What activities, interests and hobbies are you currently involved in? Try to include things that your soon to be girlfriend can do with you. (Ex: skiing, kayaking, rock climbing etc.)

Finally, think about what you want in the near future. Where do you want to be relationship wise in 3 to 6 months from now? Whether you're looking for something casual or serious, make sure you communicate it clearly so that you don't mislead the women you meet online.

Engage her.
How you say something is just as important as what you say. Don't fill up your profile with dry facts about yourself and expect truckloads of attractive women to come running. You've got to grab her attention and make her feel strong emotions when she reads your profile.

You do this by engaging her. Paint a vivid picture of who you are and what you're like with your words. This means including lots of details. For example, don't say "I enjoy going out for drinks with friends." That's boring. Instead, try something like: "On any given weekend, my friends and I get together for what we call a three "G" meeting. It consists of good food, great laughs and grateful friends."

Use the right tools.
We live in a digital world and it's chalk full of goodies to help you get things done quickly and easily. Spell checks, thesauruses, and word suggestion pop-ups are all the rage right now. Use them to your advantage so that you don't look lazy, childish or just plain stupid. Women are attracted to men that are intelligent so make sure your spelling, grammar and overall word flow are flawless.

Signs That You're Still Not Over Her

As the saying goes, wounds heal in time. Of course, this is something you may actually say a lot to provide consolation to your friends and loved ones who have undergone some heartbreak. Relationships are a normal part of everyday living. We get to witness so many of our friends seemingly happy spending time with the ones they're in love with, appreciating their presence in their lives and making it seem as if nothing could ever go wrong. You would also experience this in your own way, having met someone a while back who has turned your life around for the better.

However, not all is what it seems. Things turn ugly between you two, and you end up feeling frustrated over the sudden end of your relationship. You feel as if your world's about to end, and you don't want to carry on with this rather frustration emotion you carry around in your chest. Yet, there's still a part of you who wishes her back. Of course, this is normal. Yet, if many weeks and months have passed by and you still find yourself with the inability for moving on, it will be quite difficult to function properly in society. Below are some signs that indicate you're still not over your ex:

  • You may find yourself visiting her Facebook page every now and then. You always check out her profile page and see if there are any updates made. You start to feel rather sour in your chest whenever you see her having some fun with some other guy in her photo albums. This is a story that's all too common with grieving individuals who still have some feelings for their exes. You wouldn't want to admit it, but you're stalking her on Facebook.

  • You still keep all the gifts she has bought and you cherish them endlessly. All these things she may have given you still hold a special place somewhere in your chest. As endearing as this may sound, you're not exactly doing yourself any favors here. You're just prolonging your agony and making it difficult for yourself to get over her. If you haven't thrown them away, or even keep them in full display on your cabinets and shelves, you are most definitely not over her in any way at all.

  • You constantly put her as the focus of your fantasies. You still think about what it would've been like to be with her for much longer, reminiscing on all the things you did together and the things you could've done. This is a sure-fire sign of you still pining for her and a pretty obvious indication of the need for moving on.

What to Do (and Not Do) on a First Date

Having jitters on the first date is completely normal. After all, the first date represents the possibility that you may be going out with your future husband on your very last first date. Or it means you're headed for an evening with a total loser, which is always a bummer. Either way, the first date is the epitome of the unknown, and it requires a spirit of fearlessness to take a chance and go out with someone for the first time.

There's no reason a dynamic diva like you should worry yourself silly and obsess about making a good first impression. A successful first date requires nothing more than a little mental preparation, a strong sense of self and a comfortable pair of shoes. Feeling nervous about a first date? Not to worry. Following these first date dos and don'ts will take the guesswork out of the evening and put you back in the power seat.

Do dress to impress......yourself.

The most important thing to remember about a first date is that you want to be as comfortable in your own skin as possible. The best way to do this is to dress in an outfit that flatters you and makes you feel confident. Select an outfit because it makes you feel at ease, not because you're trying to impress your date. He'll think you look amazing no matter what you wear.

Do expect to go mountain climbing.

You don't want to show up to your date in new heels that pinch your toes or have the propensity to make you trip or fall. You may think you don't need to worry about shoes because you'll be sitting at a table or in a movie all night. Think again - he may have other date ideas. You may have a long hike from the car to the restaurant, or he may want to continue the date with a walk in the park or an evening of dancing - who knows! Be prepared to be on your feet all night and select your shoes accordingly.

Do come ready with interesting things to talk about.

One of the biggest fears associated with a first date is the awkward silence. If you show up to your date well-versed on current events, you'll put yourself ahead of the game. Practice a great joke or two in front of the mirror before your big night, and you'll have the perfect anecdote for a lull in the conversation when it shows up. Having opinions about political issues or spiritual matters will also come in handy if you feel the need to further the conversation on your first date.

Do ask questions, but stay away from clichés.

Asking a man, "So, what do you do?" is played out. So is asking him what his sign is or to describe his ideal woman. You want to let this guy know you're a cut above the rest. Set yourself apart as a fabulous first date by demonstrating a sense of originality and striking up an unconventional conversation. I have used what I call "The Question Game" to get me through many a">first date.

I'll say, "So, do you want to play The Question Game? I ask you a question, you ask me a question. No question is off limits and you must answer every question honestly."

No man has ever told me he didn't want to play and it always makes for an interesting evening.

Don't get drunk.

Getting smashed on a first date is an absolute no-no. For starters, you need to keep your wits about you at all times - you don't want to put yourself in a position where you might be taken advantage of. Secondly, most men get turned off quick by an inebriated woman. You don't want to say or do anything you might regret on a first date, and you don't want anything to cloud your judgment as you size up your date. Stay away from the alcohol.

Don't eat ribs or anything with poppy seeds.

If you go to dinner on a first date, be careful what you order. Don't choose foods that are messy or make you look ridiculous while you're eating. Also keep in mind food sticks to the teeth and creates a memory not soon forgotten. Chances are, the guy won't tell you if you have a hunk of pepper in your teeth. He'll let you go the entire evening looking like a fool and never call you again. It is perfectly acceptable, by the way, to excuse yourself to the ladies room to check your pearly whites before you order dessert.

Don't have any expectations.

Go on your date with a completely open mind. Don't expect him to open your door, pull out your chair or act like a gentleman. If you expect him to behave a certain way and he doesn't, the date will be a real let down. If you build him up in your mind as Mr. Perfect, you will surely be disenchanted when he falls off the pedestal you've built for him. Expectations are a set up for disappointment, which may cause you to forego a second date with a perfectly good catch. Find out who he is by observing his natural behavior and do your best to stay free from judgment.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and the relationship of a thousand kisses begins with the first date. Stay true to these dos and don'ts and soon, you'll be strolling Lover's Lane with your new man.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To Please Your Man

Are you struggling to find the answers to how to please your man?

Frustrated with your efforts and seeking to find a solution?

Now listen up and STOP whatever you are doing to discover the secret strategies to how to captivate a man and make him fall in love with you. There are some simple easy to follow psychological steps to how to please a man and it's not what you may be thinking.

Before we get started it is important to understand that the steps you need to take to how to please a man are not hard to put into practice once you know the magic formulas.

You only get one chance to make a first impression

Most men will admit there is nothing like the sweet smell of a woman. The amount of times the sweet smell of a woman comes up in a guy's conversation will astonish you. However it does depend on your choice of perfume. There is a very thin line between a cheap and nasty perfume and something that smells tasteful.

All women thank god are unique you could have chosen the most expensive perfume and yet it does not do the business for you know what I mean? Under these circumstances get a second opinion from a friend that you know and trust. Find the perfume that suits your individuality you are unique.

On the same subject you could have chosen a really tasteful perfume but the amount you applied was just too much. When this happens it creates the impression to a man that you are not sophisticated and perhaps a little desperate to be noticed. This also applies to guys you may have noticed how they overdo the aftershave sound familiar?

This may sound crazy but with regard to your bedroom activities you need to change your mind set and lose all your inhibitions and always be looking for fresh ways to please your man. Although they shouldn't men talk to their mates to how good or bad you are in the bed. These are the things that stick in his mind just how well you satisfy him in a sexual way. Sweep your inhibitions under the carpet and try to please him in every way.

Men love women that are independent. One important factor they want is women that WANT them rather than women that NEED them there is a big difference do you know what I mean? If you can take care of the bills and all the mundane tasks that man hate is a sure way to how to please your man. If he has had a tough week at work and has agreed to take you away for the weekend then by offering to drive part of the way is another way to keep him happy.

By taking action and using the simple strategies in this article you are now in the position to please your man. Now you can get rid of your insecure feelings and move on to enjoying a healthy relationship and discover more advanced strategies to make him love you even more.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

Get A Man To Marry You Faster Than Greased Lightning!

How To Start At Hello To Get A Man To Marry You

You have found the man of your dreams. He is great husband material, but you scared him off and he hasn't called you back. If this is a continual pattern in your life, I have good news for you. A woman can start from the very first hello to attract and inspire a man in ways that pierce his masculine shield and very deeply touch the core of who he is a man deep inside. When this kind of magic happens, a man takes over the momentum of the relationship and moves it to the next step all on his own.

Why Is Your Relationship Stalled At Stop?

So many men and women live stuck in this cycle not fully understanding that the reason their relationship is stalled or stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing but extreme frustration day in and day out is that the signals are mixed up. Others can't seem to even get from the first date to even get her man to open up to here. What is really going on inside of a man's head?

What does it take to turn on a man's undying devotion and enthusiastic long-term commitment to you and a future for both of you together?

Millions of women are burdened with the fear that they are wasting their time with the man they love. The man she loves gives no indication that anything will ever change in the future. You can live with them, sleep with them, have their babies, cook for them, clean for them, massage their backs until your fingers ache, and still no ring and no commitment of a life together.

Is This What A Woman Truly Desires?

If you are truly desiring to have a life with a man, have his children and share his free time and all of your love, you have the right to want and wish for a lifetime commitment from him. Many women give away way too much of themselves to find out that the man has taken all of her favors and then walks away with someone younger or someone that looks a bit "newer" that he might like to try out.

This is so very painful and it is just plain wrong. Women all over the world want to know how to get a man to not only love her, but want to commit and have a future relationship with her without being a witch to get there? She knows a good man when she sees one, but it is excruciating painful when he walks away and she has done her best to do all the things she thought he wanted. Then, he stops calling her. Short-term or long-term relationships result in the same kind of heart-aching pain. Most relationships start off on the right foot but end up with the man walking away with cold feet. What is the answer to this agony?

See the video at

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Attracting Women Does Not Have to Be So Difficult

Commonly, I will hear guys refer to the act of attracting women as something that is difficult to them. They will refer to it like it is something that they want to be able to do, but a part of them believes that they just don't have what it takes to ever get better at it. I understand where that line of thinking seems to come from. It comes from the perception that unless you are a wealthy man or a guy who is famous, then you are out of luck when it comes to appealing to the hottest women out there. While that may seem true to you to some extent, I am sure that there is also a part of you that recognizes that not every guy who is good at attracting women is famous nor are they wealthy.

So, it really cannot be an absolute rule at all that you have to be one of those things in order to get good at attracting women, even the above average types. It's easy to make up rationalizations in your mind of why you are not excelling at the dating game when you can easily explain to yourself that it all has to do with the amount of money that you don't have or when it has to do with the fact that you are an ordinary guy who might never be famous. That does not really mean that you can't attract and date the kind of women that you want to. It does not have to be that difficult, if you can at least begin to imagine yourself having the skill to appeal to women without needing fame nor fortune.

What Can You Do to Make it Seem Easier to Attract Women?

Personally, I believe that the most significant change that a guy can make is to just stop thinking that it has to do with the superficial things and to realize that you can do very well if you have the right personality and character traits. You don't have to be a millionaire to come across like a real alpha male to a woman. You don't have to be well known to have charisma and charm. Those qualities and those traits are going to be what makes attracting women seem easier than you might have ever imagined, if you realize that they are much more important than anything else that you might perceive to be stacked against you.

Finally, you also need to just take chances once in a while. Even if you don't know for sure that the woman you want to speak to will be attracted to you in any way, you should not shy away from trying to see what you can do to connect with her in some way. You might end up being pleasantly surprised at just how well you can do with women, but you will never be able to realize this until you are ready to take chances now and again.