Friday, September 23, 2011

How To Stop Dating A Married Man

There is no doubt about the fact that for plenty of women, dating a married man can be quite an emotional experience. Irrespective of whether you have just started dating him or doing it for an year or so, you are going to face difficulty in finishing a relationship with a married man.

Lots of psychologists are of the opinion that women who date married men suffer from emotional abandonment issues during childhood days. It is worthwhile pointing out that ending a relationship with a married man has lot more factors attached with it.

If you want to stop dating a married man, it is advisable that you look out for an excellent therapist that knows fully well the natures of women that are addictive. It includes dating men who are emotionally not available. There is a strong possibility that your motivation level is going to be quite high when dealing with married men. When interacting with therapist, keep in mind that you are talking about your emotions, not his.

It is always a good option to treat your attraction toward a married man just as an addiction. In case if you are of the view that that your relationship with a married man is quite similar to a drug and you can do anything to get that particular men, it is a clear sign that you are suffering from a relationship addiction.

In this scenario, it is advisable that you begin attending Al-anon meetings or another right kind of group therapy on a regular basis. Recent study has come to the conclusion that listening and interacting with individuals who share identical backgrounds is going to go a long way in ensuring that you remain honest to yourself. What's more, you will also get an idea of why you are dating a man that is married.

In order to ensure that you stop dating a married man, begin writing all the important things in a piece of paper or your laptop which attracted you initially. As mentioned above, it's all about your feeling, so focus only on it, rather than on his.

When you have made up your mind that enough is enough and you want to leave a married man, just move on and change the direction of your life. There is no point explaining anything to anyone. Try to focus on things that excite you, it will give a new dimension to your life.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Courting and Dating - How to Make a Good Impression

Do you have a date tonight? Are you prepared for it? Are you confident that your courting and dating skills are up to speed? You may consider that the first date is the most difficult, but this is incorrect. Achieving a second or third date is much more difficult. The first date must make a good impression so that the woman will say yes to going on another date. If you make a lot of errors on the first date, you'll be unlikely to get the second date. You may be confident but there are still many dating errors that guys make without even realizing it.

Here are some courting and dating tips that can help you out.

1. Do not ask a woman out on a date without first putting some thought into it.

If you want to make a great impression on a woman, you will have to put some serious thought to it. Try to avoid the standard dinner-and-movie option. Think about doing something different. Try to stand out from the crowd. You could go for a hike to check out a great view, or you could have picnic on the beach at sunset. You could hire a boat and have dinner on that. It doesn't have to be fancy. A picnic of sandwiches and sparkling wine can make a great impression. Be unique - don't do the same old things guys always do. Make it special for her.

2. Do not make the first date like a job interview.

Don't submit your date to an interrogation. It's OK to ask her some questions to show that you are interested. Just don't ply her with a stream of questions. Try to balance the conversation by telling her some things about yourself - like what your occupation is, what hobbies you have and what makes you laugh. Throw in a couple of funny jokes to make her giggle. This will make her more receptive and she'll open up about herself. She'll be willing to share information about herself with you. If you bombard her with too many questions, your date will feel nervous and overwhelmed.

3. Connect physically.

Men often don't realize that women like a physical connection. This does not mean you should kiss her on the lips straight away. You might just take her hand or give her a kiss on the cheek or a hug. If you are courting a woman and you don't display any physical affection, she might think that you and she are just friends. There will then be no opportunity for you to get this woman to be your girlfriend.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

When Should I Text Him?

Usually the time we struggle most with the question of should I text him is in the beginning of dating or when we have just met a guy we find attractive and interesting. A guy we would like to get to know. We want to reach out and push things along. This time in the beginning is when you should be texting and calling him the least.

When texting guys, it's okay to answer them if they text first of course. It's not okay to initiate. If you send the first text every time, how do you know if he is really really interested? If you think that because he always replies so he must be interested, you could be very wrong. Guys that allow the women to pursue them that they aren't pursuing are often setting you up to be the girl for now, not the girl he falls in love with. It's easy, why turn down easy?

I know women who will text a guy and if she gets no reply, she texts him again. This is not good, don't do this. If he isn't answering, there is a reason. If you are one of these women that then will think, "what if he didn't get it", chill out. Have you ever went back into your sent messages to make sure the text message actually went? If by chance he didn't get it, if he is interested, he will text you soon enough, relax. If he doesn't, he isn't that into you. You texting him again will only make you appear desperate, so no don't text him again. It's an attraction buzz killer!

I also know women who will think up reasons to text him. They have some sort of information that they feel will be of interest to him, so they use that as an excuse to make contact. The only time it's okay to text him first with such information is if is also doing the same type of sharing with you. Don't over share and don't be the first to share. Let him come to you.

As a rule when you should text him is only if he texts you first. There really is no other reason to text him unless he is your boyfriend already and your relationship is established. Texting a guy everyday like so many women do will kill his attraction, not grow it. It equals to a guy a girl who is pushing for a relationship. Pushing makes guys run.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Do You Get A Guy To Want You?

Image the scene, you spot him from across the room and suddenly... your heart starts to miss a beat. You don't understand why, you really can't put your finger on it, but you know that you want him! The only trouble is... he doesn't appear to be noticing you at all. What are you going to do in a position like that? If you run off you would have given up and missed a chance to get to know him. You want to get his attention except you do not know how.

This is a very frustrating situation to be in and is sure to make you wish you could cast a spell on him. But there is a way around it without too much difficulty and make him feel he wants you. And even reverse the tables and cause his heart to miss a beat after noticing you if you go about it correctly.

How to get a guy to want you is about finding out the right way beginning from his initial approach and you leading as a result of the commitment is a talent few woman have. However, contrary to the common belief it's possible to learn the skill of attracting a man, and better yet, having the ability to make him commit to you and adore you...even if he is a man who has fear of commitment.

If you believe that togged up in revealing clothes or giving a guy the 'come on' look is going to get a man addicted toward you, it is time to reconsider. Eye-catching clothes, stylish hairstyles, or openly sexual mannerisms have really zilch to do with attracting a man or even get a man addicted to you. As strange as it might seem, getting a guy to want you is about the way you carry yourself and your inner beauty that can get a man addicted to you to the degree that he stays addicted to you for life.

Most men are quite shy about meeting new women, even the guys you wouldn't think would be, when putting themselves under pressure to meet women. So how do you get a guy to want you? You have to set the scene for him so that you allure him, so he has no choice but to notice you. Once he sees you're a confident woman he will be captivated by you.

If you want to get his attention, then you must show him you're a confident woman. Some guys do go for shy women but they usually have their own faults and the type you want to avoid, the majority are actually looking for women with confidence. Use your body language to show him how confident you are and give off the vibe and he will notice you.

Men feel nervous when its time to make their move, so if your standing there with negative body language, chances are he will avoid speaking to you because you don't look open and inviting enough. Keep a welcoming persona so he knows that you want his affection. dating can be fun and easy when you really know the right way of attracting men and making them pay attention to you.

Every relationship starts with a significant meeting and did you know that your possibilities of how to get a guy to want you begins with day one? How to get a guy in the course of the first meeting consists of showing him your fun side by looking for something in common that you have. You don't have to pretend to be fascinated in things that you are obviously not into but if you ask the proper questions and dig deep enough, you are sure to find something that you both find interesting. Build on that subject matter and use it as your starting point.

When you do find a man you are definitely passionate about, try to prevent yourself from directly pressuring him about any kind of commitments. As an alternative is to make him compete for his position in your own life and keep a small number of close male friends around you. This will provoke his sense of urgency and he'll see you as a prize grasp. He'll be in a hurry to get hold of you before somebody else does.

Another method is to make him chase you instead of vice versa. Men not only loathe being overwhelmed by a woman's blatant attention and coming all over them, they additionally can't stand the company of women who suffocate them with love. Instead, act distant and hard-to-get. You do not have to be by his side each and every time he desires you to. Basically, make sure that he realizes your worth all through the time that he spends with you. Even though he loves this chase, he is also falling totally in love with you in the process. Before long you have accomplished your goal - you have mastered the knack of how to make him want you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, September 12, 2011

SMS Flirting Tips - How To Text To Someone You Like

For years people have penned love letters/notes to their sweethearts. A new twist on this romance classic is text flirting. Flirting by way of a text message is an ideal way to bond with someone whether you are just adding a little touch of spice to an old relationship or trying to start off a new one.

The following SMS flirting tips will help with your text messages

Clarity - There is a word limit for text messages. This means that a lot people have gotten into the habit of using abbreviations when text chatting. When flirting by text messaging, it is essential that you ensure that it is clear and brief. There is the risk of the person you are texting having no idea what the different abbreviations represent and thus not understanding what the message is saying.

Humor - Maintain light-heartedness and fun when doing SMS flirting. For persons who may not be familiar with each other, humour is an ideal icebreaker. Jokes, light teasing and 'suggestive' talk can be effective as long as it is kept subtle. Avoid negative conversations; you will appear to be hard to please if you use the time to rant about work or friends. Do not pressure them to return a text message or question them about a meeting time. They will think you are clingy and probably desperate if you get too serious too fast.

Timing - The times you send out text messages can be critical. It must not be assumed that the person is sitting and waiting for you to send a text. They are probably at a job where they may not have access to a cell phone or which does not permit them to use it. Almost everyone hates being woken up so you should avoid sending a text message late at night. Use good judgement and send the text at a time you think they are most like to receive the message and are able to answer.

Emoticons - Just like when you talk to a person face to face you depend on facial expression and tone of voice to help you to know what is being said, using emoticons in SMS flirting can help you to express yourself. Placing a smiley face after a suggestive comment or a joke, will let the person understand that you are not really being serious. On one hand, it is not recommended that you over-use emoticons but conversely they are great in helping to prevent embarrassment and misunderstandings.

Know When to Quit - If the person does not respond to the text message you sent, avoid sending another one. If it is that they are busy but want to talk, they will respond to you when they are able to. It serves no good purpose to embarrass yourself by sending additional messages if they are not interested in talking. You will run the risk of annoying the person and then not getting any response at all as a result. Like in real life, flirting by SMS messaging should not be too serious but FUN.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 Steps To True Healing After A Breakup

The phone rings and you hear the dreaded words "We need to talk." Then you get the knock on the door, your significant other comes in, and everything spirals down from there. The next thing you know, you're hearing "We just aren't connecting the way we need to be" or something similar to that. Whatever the specific phrase is, someone has just broken up with you.

Let's face it, it's never good to hear any form of the words "We need to breakup." If you are hearing those words, though, then you need to know two things. First, you need to know that this happens every day to people (and not just you). Second, and more importantly, you need to know that you can and will feel better. So let's talk about what you can do to not just temporarily feel better, but to really get over a breakup. Here are 6 steps to get you totally over a breakup.

  1. Ditch The "Poor Me" Syndrome: The first thing you need to do is to stop thinking about all the things you could have done to prevent the breakup. Don't think about that one time you didn't call, or about whatever you're thinking about in this mental mind game through which will be tempted to put yourself. Instead, really think about why the relationship didn't work out. There is no one particular event from the past that if you changed it would change the breakup outcome. Breakups are the result of a series of events. So dig deep and think about what this relationship was really about, so that you can embrace the lessons it has for you. Don't beat yourself up about it.

  2. Avoid The Alcohol: Right after a breakup, it may make you feel better to go out drinking with your friends and 'trash talk' your ex. The next morning, however, you are going to actually feel even worse. Your friends have great intentions. It would be better for you, however, to go out with your friends and do something fun that doesn't involve alcohol. Spend the time with your friends really talking about how you feel and having your friends listen.

  3. Go Ahead And Grieve: It's perfectly alright to grieve after a breakup. It's actually healthy to cry and to grieve when a relationship ends. So don't be hard on yourself if you want to spend a week crying your eyes out and being really sad. It's really is quite healthy to get all of that out of your system. The people who suppress all their feelings about a breakup and never allow themselves to grieve are the ones who will never learn the lessons they need to learn from the experience.

  4. Put It Down On Paper: Do some journaling and write down all the things you're thinking and feeling about the breakup. After you've shared your feelings with yourself for a few days, you'll start to notice that you are feeling better. You will be better able to discover the deeper issues that caused the relationship to end. You will also learn what lessons there were for you in that relationship, and become much more clear on what you really want and need in a relationship. So start journaling and start being really honest with yourself.

  5. Don't Give In To "The Replacement Theory": There are many people who mistakenly believe that the best way to get over someone is by finding someone else to replace them. I call this "The Replacement Theory" of dealing with a breakup. Unfortunately, this strategy will not help you really get over a breakup, and may actually cause you more pain in the future. Do not start dating someone new too soon after a breakup. Do not start looking for the next relationship before you've taken the time to get over the one that just ended. The people who start dating too fast after a breakup usually end up repeating the same failed relationships over and over again. This actually leads me right into my last step.

  6. It's All About You: After a breakup, spend at least thirty days just doing things that you love. Connect with friends. Take long walks. Go and work out at the gym. Do whatever it is that you really enjoy. Do things that are good for you. This time should be spent getting yourself healthy and embracing yourself.

Breakups are hard, but it's in the aftermath of a breakup that our greatest lessons are learned. If we can learn the real issues that caused the breakup, then we won't repeat the same failed relationship again. So stop blaming yourself and start looking deep inside yourself. When you do that, you will not just "deal" with a breakup. You will truly get over it.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Alpha Male Qualities That Easily Attract Women

The easiest way to pick up women is to have alpha male qualities. It is hands down the fastest way to turn the tables and get girls chasing you. Every man has it within him to become the alpha. It is a part of our DNA and part evolution. This is real science here, not some made up mumbo jumbo trying to teach you outdated techniques. If you become alpha your interaction with women goes up by automatically. So how do you become the alpha?

I've broken it down into 3 key traits. These traits are at the core of what it means to be a real man.

Alpha male quality 1

Confidence is the first thing that an alpha male must have. Without confidence there is no alpha. Real men don't care what others think about them. They know what they want and aren't afraid to go after it. You can see the confidence in the body language.

I like to call it supreme confidence. And remember, supreme confidence isn't just pure ego. There is a way to be cocky with a woman and have her loving every minute of it, but this isn't it. It isn't bragging so much as it is about not worrying. Have you ever heard the phrase "never let them see you sweat", that is what this means. That is the confidence that an alpha male must have.

It might be natural, but this confidence can be learned. So don't ever forget that.

Alpha male quality 2

An alpha male is a leader. Leadership is really key and women love it. This also comes back to evolution. Women have a built in desire and need to be led. They are looking to their man to fill that leadership role. This is what you must fill for them.

How many times do you hear a woman complain about her man? Don't give her room to complain. Take care of your loose ends. That is what a leader does. He makes sure his business is handled. Women love alpha males because they know that they won't have to worry. You may not find it sexy, but you are a man and we think different. Just accept it. Trust me.

And you should know that leadership can be learned.

Alpha male quality 3

Alpha males are funny. They understand how to use humor to put a woman at ease. And when a woman is at ease it becomes so much easier to get her into bed. Your humor needs to be mixed with a healthy dose of confidence. This is what we refer to as cockiness.

Cockiness mixed with humor is a great weapon in seducing a woman. It shows that you have a brain. If you tease a girl while flirting with her it does two things. It raises your status up above theirs and it triggers a feeling in her mind. That feeling is really important to turning a woman on. And that feeling is one of confusion.

Why? Because every other time a guy was flirting with her, he did whatever she wanted, like a lapdog. Humor sets yourself apart from these other guys.

Some guys are naturally funny, but humor can be learned. Don't forget that.

These 3 qualities are what makes up a true alpha. If you have these qualities or are willing to work on getting these qualities then it becomes so much easier to get hotter women in your life. Every man has the potential to be alpha male. It is a part of our chemistry.

If you want a better life you need to become the alpha male. This will be the best change you can make if you want a better life.

Alphas have more success, not just with women, but with every part of life. There is more to being an alpha male than just these 3 qualities, but they make up the bedrock of being a man.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Breaking Up Without Breaking Down

During Memorial Day weekend, I had a heart-to-heart with someone very dear to me who will remain anonymous. We talked about love, relationships and a certain young man she has feelings for--dare I say love? Well, one of the things I shared with her is the importance of guarding her heart, something I wish I had done years ago.

Had I done that, it would have saved me a lot of heartache.

I remember being completely smitten and wrapped up in this one guy.

I couldn't even imagine what I would do if our existence as a couple came to an abrupt end, though I would eventually find out. At the time, I was living in a new city, only knew his friends and family, and was completely dependent upon him for companionship. Consequently, when our relationship crumbled, so did my world. I literally felt like I didn't know what to do, or where in the world I belonged.

I was left heartbroken and emotionally distraught. My feelings were poured out, spilled onto the floor, and trampled over.I didn't know how to move on from years of hearing "I love you" and basking in romantic moments spent with my one and only love. Instead of saying, "Oh well, God has someone better," I was crying and saying, "My life is over!"

It took a long time for me to see myself as a single woman who could stand on her own two feet. I was pretty shaken up. Apparently, I'm not the only one who has experienced this. After having come through that most unpleasant season in my own life, I'd like to share a few things I learned that I believe will be helpful to you.

Never Lose Yourself In a Relationship. I once made the mistake that many women make: building their lives around a man. Although breakups are naturally difficult to handle, they especially hurt when you put so much of your heart, mind, and soul, into a relationship. That's why your wholeness cannot be dependent upon a "love connection."

Because, in the event that a sweet relationship turns bitter, if you lost yourself in that union somewhere along the way, you'll find it nearly impossible to move on. That chapter of your life will have ended, but you will remain stuck in a time long since passed, and won't be able to turn the page. So ask God to make you whole within first. Then you won't lose yourself, your identity, your individuality, or confidence, even if you lose that relationship.

You are worth more. After I came out of a bad relationship, I was lied to and mistreated so badly, I second-guessed my worthiness to even have a good man. Sadly, I wasn't sure I truly deserved to be with a mate who would love me as Christ loved the church, according to Ephesians 5:25. It took a lot of time, but during my healing process, God began revealing to me how valuable I was to Him. Once He renewed my mind, I was finally able to reject the vicious lies that framed me as an unworthy woman who would always have failing relationships. You shouldn't accept such falsehoods either. Instead, trust that you are worth far more than rubies. It doesn't matter what your ex put you through. Ignore it and believe what the Lord says about you. And God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Guard your heart. I don't promote going out with every Jim-Bob that comes your way. Excessive dating, or feeling the need to always be in a relationship, is unhealthy. Sometimes, it's better to take a break from dating and get your life together so you'll be prepared when love comes your way. Even when you meet men who seem really nice, I caution you to guard your heart. Everyone's intentions are not right, so don't allow everyone who says "I love you," or "You're beautiful," to sweep you off your feet so quickly. I admit it; I did that. And it was a mistake. If he wrote me poetry, sent me flowers and told me why he thought I was the most beautiful woman in the world, I was putty in his hands. Try not to be that way. Accept compliments and kind words for what they are, but don't allow them to put you so high on a cloud that you forget to pray about the one delivering those compliments. Everyone you meet doesn't deserve your heart.

The Pain Won't Last Forever. After being emotionally invested in a relationship that ends badly, the experience can be pretty jolting. It's normal to feel like your world has been shattered. Whether he cheated, lied, walked away, or moved on as a part of a mutual decision, the fact remains, he broke your heart in a million pieces. But know this. Your heart can and will be pieced back together again. The pain will go away. Your internal wounds will heal. With the help of the Lord, you'll bounce back as a thriving single woman. And when the time (and the person) is right, you will enter into a healthy relationship. In the interim, spend time praying and seeking God for deliverance from any brokenness and baggage. He has the power to restore your joy, peace, and faith in true love.

I know a breakup can feel like a devastating blow, but you can go through it without completely breaking down mentally, emotionally, or physically. When you know who you are, what you're worth, and what God says about you, you can live your life with joy-single or attached.

During you in-between times, the most important thing is, knowing God has a plan for you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

10 Great Truth Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend

Keeping your relationship strong can rely on complete honesty from both sides. Here are 10 questions to ask your girlfriend or boyfriend that can test their truthfulness without causing relationship problems. This relationship advice can help you avoid heart ache:

1) Ask your girlfriend or boyfriend if they think you are sexy. This is a simple question, but also a powerful one. If they give you a one or two word answer, follow it up by asking why. You should get a feel from their response how they truly feel about you. If you get a response like, "Well, I'm with you aren't I?", this could be a flag that you need to work on your relationship.

2) "if you could get back with your ex girlfriend or boyfriend, would you?" The important thing is to pay careful attention to how the question is answered here. 99% of the time, the answer will be no even if it were not true. But, if your girlfriend/ boyfriend tries to change the subject quickly, this could mean that they are not telling you the whole story.

3) If something happened between us, would you get back together with me? This should start a conversation between the two of you. You may be able to learn more about each other from this conversation.

4) Would you leave me if I were bound to a wheel chair? Your guy or gal should be100% supportive if you were to be in a situation like this.

5) What color are my eyes? This will show you how much your girlfriend or boyfriend pays attention to you. If your relationship is strong, you should know this about each other.

6) Did you miss me? After being away from each other for awhile, your girlfriend or boyfriend should be quick to show you that they miss you. If this is not the case, it may mean that there is something else going on.

7) If you could be with any other guy/ girl, who would it be and why? This is a tough one, but should be answered only by stating that you are the only person that they want to be with.

8) Would you move on if I died? If so, how long would it take? Another loaded question that should spark some conversation that could help you to get to know each other in new ways.

9) What are 3 words that you would use to describe me? Hopefully they are nice words....

10) If we were in a car accident and you had the choice to save yourself or to save me, what would you choose?

Most of the questions are designed to spark conversation to help you learn more about each other is very different ways. You should be able to tell if there is dishonesty by awkward pauses, changing the topic quickly, and avoiding the question all together. Get back your girlfriend or boyfriend, and draw them closer to you by discovering new things about each other.

Need to pracite what you'd just learned? Find your match on a free dating site.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.