Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Want To Get Married But My Boyfriend Doesn't

You have been dating him for quite a long time now and you think that he should want to marry you. He has told you many times that he loves you and cares for you and that you are the woman of his dreams. As far as you are concerned you will be together forever. You want that magical moment between the two of you that is so romantic. This may have been the best relationship that you have ever had and you are really committed to it. You have always felt like you made a great couple and both of you are loving and supportive. He may put up with many of you neuroses in a very charming and graceful way and when you are feeling down he can really make you laugh. This guy has won the hearts of your family and friends but he doesn't want to get married.

You probably assumed that you would eventually get married since he probably did everything else that you have asked and you know he really loves you. He may treat you like a queen and you feel it too! Deep down though you may have a feeling of wanting to be more complete and you keep telling yourself and all of your friends, I want to get married. This kind of just nags at your insides and even though you also really love him and want that everlasting romance story you feel like it is just not going to happen for you. Maybe not and maybe it might just work with a certain amount of effort on your part.

Maybe he has said he doesn't want to get married because of all of the other marriages that he has heard about and how they didn't last. I guess no one has ever told him that it may not last like it is now either, especially since you want more. But, he thinks that paper is the most binding commitment that he will ever sign and maybe he is not ready to get married, and maybe he is just not ready to marry you! That is something that you have to really take into consideration. Just because a man loves you and says he cares about you doesn't mean that he wants to marry you. Your boyfriend may not want to get married at all. He may have all sorts of excuses not to get married. It is up to you to find out why he doesn't though. He may not even know the real reason himself.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Everything's Going Great - So Why Is Your Date's Online Profile Still Active?

You thought everything was going great with your new date. You've been out a few times and you haven't decided to date anyone else. Then you find out that your date's online dating profile is still active. What the heck? Is your date trying to play you? Should you confront the person and demand to know why they're still playing the field? Before you act, you might want to calm down, take a deep breath, a step back and look at this from another perspective. Let's look at a few reasons why your date might still have an active online dating profile.

Not Yet Sure

One reason why your date might have an active profile is because he or she isn't quite ready to commit. Even though you may be falling for the person, that doesn't meant that they feel the same way. You need to make sure the other person feels the same way you do before you fly off the handle. It may be that you have stronger feelings than your date does. Or, it could be nothing at all.

Forgot To Delete It

One possibility is that your date completely forgot to delete the online dating profile. Let's just say for a moment that your date has been so caught up in the romance you two are sharing that he or she hasn't even logged into the site in question. In that case, you'd be flying off the handle for absolutely no reason. Of course, if you see that your date is actually online when you view his or her profile, it's going to be a little hard to believe that they just forgot. Still, you should give the person the benefit of the doubt. They may have forgotten or they may not have gotten around to it. You should never assume that you're being played, especially if you have begun to like and trust this person with all your heart.

You're Not Married

The fact is, you have no right to tell your date whether or not they should delete their online dating profile. Even if things are going great between you two doesn't mean that things will go right weeks or months from now. Maybe your date is leaving his or her options open. If this is the case, should you tell the other person to delete the profile out of respect? Again, you have no right. The best thing you can do is date the person, vow to have a good time and hope for the best.

If your date hasn't deleted his or her dating profile and you've been dating for some time, you can bring it up but you shouldn't press. Let the other person make their mind up whether or not to delete it. If you force them to get rid of the profile, that could backfire. They might resent you for it. It's best to let the relationship evolve and to trust the other person. If you two are meant to be, your date will get rid of his or her profile in due time. Relationships are based on trust, remember? If you don't trust the other person, you have no business being with them, whether they have an active profile or not.

This news article is brought to you by FREE ROMANTIC DATING SITE BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

What Attracts Men to Women - Some Insights for the Modern Man

Just like any other guy, you probably already have a particular dream girl in your mind. But as you grows older and after having met with different women, your preferences will start taking on more definitive characteristics.

For the most part, you will never forget your dream girl but maybe understanding what attracts men to women will help you understand why you simply can't get certain women out of your mind.

So what attracts men to women? Here are some things for you to consider.

• Women who smile a lot. Men will always be up for a challenge but they will let their guard down with any woman who smiles a lot. Authentic smiles are what attracts men to women because aside from appearing generally friendly and approachable, a woman who is always smiling will seem very happy and content. No one likes being around miserable people so it is no secret why you gravitate towards the smiling ladies. And when people are happy, they are also usually more confident. A confident women is definitely attractive.

• Women who are confident. Confidence is what attracts men to women because there is just something so hot and irresistible about a woman who is in control. Men like being needed, of course, but a woman who lacks self-confidence just ends up being so needy it starts to be repulsive to guys. Gone are the days when women are relegated to simply obey what the men have them do. Today, women are appreciated more for being their own person.

• Women who present a challenge. This is not to mean that what attracts men to women is simply the chase. Rather, men just simply do not like women pursuing them. It has to be the other way around. Men have to do the work. They may run into a lot of hassles because of it but every man will agree that it has to be the man who does the work in the art of courtship and even in seductive circumstances. They will also tell you that usually the effort they put in is tantamount to the reward they get afterwards so everyone is happy in the end.

• Women who are funny. In the same way that girls like men who can make them laugh, men too want women who can make them laugh. There is nothing more horrible than finding out you do not have the same kind of sense of humor.

• Women are cool. The "cool girl" image is what attracts men to women because it allows them to enjoy all the good things about women without having to deal with a lot of the bad stuff. Basically, the "cool girl" is one of those girls that can pretty much hang with the boys but still stays cute and sexy. She's fun and laid back and does not come with a lot of drama. She can be herself but still seem like she is one of your buddies; well actually. A very cute and sexy buddy.

• Women who are fit. There are different kinds of body types so what attracts men to women generally differs. However, there is still a general preference for a smaller size. In fact, men are more likely to notice a woman's body way before they start looking at her face. Most men will be so focused on her hot body to care. If she does have a pretty face, then that's really just a bonus.

• Women who are mysterious. No one likes the full 9 course meal being dished out too soon. Obviously, this is because it takes away the excitement of getting to know each other. Unfortunately, some women are just open books and you pretty much get to figure out almost everything about her on the first date. This makes things boring during the courtship process. Consequently, some men may feel that it is just not worth more effort and these men might men stray away sooner than one would hope.

Dating Tips For Guys Who Don't Know How To Seduce A Woman

These dating tips are designed to help you understand and seduce a woman. If you are at the point of reading this article, I bet you have already figured out this isn't all that clear.

Seduce a Woman: Acing the Initial Date

1. First dates are scary. You want to look good and try the best not to make a fool of yourself. These tips will help you through the first few hours and seduce the woman you are with.

2. Keep the first date short and simple - No longer than 2 hours. Do not pick her up from home, instead arrange to meet in a public place. Women get pre-date jitters too, Particularly if she has never met you in person before.

3. The majority of men have no idea what should happen about paying on a date. It's rather easy, if you want a second date, offer to pay, however be wary if she asks you to pay. A few women will offer to pay half, this is usually because they are being polite... don't fall for it. The rule of thumb is pay in full for the first 3 dates, after that if she continues to offer, let her.

4. Ask her questions. It's boring to be on a date where the other person does all the talking. By asking questions you are proving you want to get to know her personality. If you are worried about what to ask, you will find heaps of ideas on the internet.

Seduce a woman: Beyond the First Date

• Do not mention how you envisage your marriage with her or how many children you want to have with her with in the first four months. If commitment is not on her mind, she will want to run in the opposite direction. However, if she is the one to bring it up, don't let it bother you.

• She will be interested to know what your views of marriage and family are. Let's face it, why would you waste time dating someone with different values.

• If you upset her, and she tells you it is ok, don't believe her. What she actually means is this is strike one, strike two you are out.

• Keep it interesting, don't fall into the same pattern each date. Space your dates out, don't plan to see each other every day. The relationship will fail and she will lose interest if you skip the fun dating part or if you give up your life to be with her.

Now keep in mind these dating tips won't work for every guy or on every woman. Dating is supposed to be an enjoyable way to seduce a woman and decide if you are interested in her back. Remember not every woman you meet is meant to be your soul mate.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Relationship Advice - Are You Acting Too Desperate?

Just because you want to be in a solid relationship doesn't mean you have to rush it. If it's meant to be, it will happen in its own in time. But some people just can't seem to wait that long and their attempt to rush things comes across as being desperate. This is a sure way to drive someone away. That is why it's important to know if you are acting desperate... so you don't run off a potential partner.

How do you know if you are "too desperate?"

1. You plan out everything for both of you... everything. This leaves no room for spontaneity on the other person's part. Being so controlling means you want to make every effort to ensure your time together goes exactly the way you want it to. You have the "perfect" scenario planned out in your mind and nothing will interfere with those plans!

2. You make absolutely sure you are always with someone. Lag time between relationships means wasted time to you, time that could be spent cultivating a relationship. Typically, you won't really let one person go until you securely have another one lined up and ready to take a shot at.

3. You look for someone who is just a little too agreeable. Passing over perfectly good people just to find the one person who allows you to control their life... is a major sign of desperation. Eventually, no matter how laid back or naive the other person is, they will see what you are doing, get freaked out... and move on!

4. You hang on to someone even after it is obvious the relationship is over. Even after the breakup and it has clearly ended, you still don't seem to get the message. You constantly attempt to contact the other person. This screams desperation and cements the end to any possibility of reconciliation. Others pick up on this too, and see this is something they want no part of.

5. When a relationship ends, you make it your mission to alert everyone (even those who don't care), of exactly what happened and how it could never have been anything you did wrong. The blame always goes on to the other person... the ex. You were perfect in the relationship. There is no reason why anyone in their right mind would ever consider dumping you.

In other words, all of the people you have been involved with in past relationships were losers. But don't believe for a second anyone actually believes that!

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Online Vs Agency - Has Dating Online Made the Traditional Agency Redundant?

In the good old days of matchmaking magazines, when all adverts were in black and white and had box numbers instead of emails, we wrote on paper, used stamps and envelopes and waited several days or even weeks for a reply. Those organisations that have weathered the storm have considerably enhanced their businesses by the move to online dating, but what of the more traditional agencies? How have they fared against the high-tech world of laptops, smart-phones and social networks?

In Britain, the Association of British Introduction Agencies, which has its roots back in the early Eighties, does have some online dating sites on its books, but most of its patrons are the long-established face-to-face introduction agencies. The majority of these have websites of course, as they still need to attract customers, but what they offer usually involves phone calls, meetings and events, as opposed to emails, winks and video messaging.

Some agencies specialise in anonymous matching, for people who really don't want to get involved in social occasions. Others delight in arranging all kinds of activities and holidays for professional singles. Across the Room, for instance is based in Suffolk and runs events from Norfolk down to Cambridgeshire, Kent and Berkshire. They give prices for some of these (from £8.00 for Club Nights to about £45 for Dinner Dances) but don't mention how much it actually costs to join. This reluctance to make fees obvious is not necessarily taken from some sort of elite rule-book, but is perhaps a little conspicuous by its absence. You might say it's one of those "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" situations. Not all agencies, however, are at the top end of the market.

African Caribbean Partners offers a reasonably economical package with annual fees of between £200 and £450. Berkeley International, by comparison, is very much at the top end of the market, with offices in London, New York, Moscow and Cannes. They provide a high class service for professional people, and their fees, as you might expect, start at around £9,000. The Caroline Crowther Introduction Agency, like many others, is based in the South of the UK and offers to interview prospective clients in their own homes before compiling a personal profile.

So what have these companies got to offer that you can't find with the much more accessible, and let's face it - cheaper, online dating sites?

To begin with, many of these organisations have been running for several years and have built their reputations on their experience and understanding of relationships. They take time to get to know clients in great detail so the carefully chosen couples they introduce are likely to be on the same wavelength and have similar temperaments. Admittedly, the agencies do tend to target professional people, so aren't likely to offer bargain-basement deals that can swing it for some of the middle-of-the-road dating sites. There's no messing around here - this stuff isn't for the guys and dolls out on the pull on a Friday night, it's for serious people with a commitment to finding that perfect partner.

It's true that money is high on the agenda - there may be a great many individuals who would jump at the chance of hiring what is, after all, a traditional matchmaker, but who either cannot afford the luxury of a personal service, or simply do not have the time or the energy. Time, however, is a no excuse, as many agencies will happily do all the leg work to create profiles, find suitable matches and present the happy client with a ready-made soulmate. That's an over-simplification, of course, but there are scores of people who want just that - someone to find what, and who, it is that they're looking for, without having to go through the rigmarole of social niceties, parties and boring dates with people who will never, ever tick the right boxes for them.

Most agencies operate a service that would under no circumstances be classed as online dating - they don't list thousands of profiles on their websites, offer video messaging or any of the host of other tricks and gadgets that dating sites use to get people chatting. Instead they use the successful techniques of the past: social interaction and conversation. They say it's a dying art, but for the introduction agencies, it's what makes them different from all the rest.

This news article is brought to you by CELEBRITY MUSIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Top 7 Qualities Women Look For In Men

There are many reasons why women gravitate towards a man but sometimes, their choice is surprising or even puzzling to other men. When we see a beautiful woman with an average man, we form theories and conclusions, most of which are unfounded. Are women the kind of creatures men will never understand? Maybe not. There are certain attractive qualities women look for in men and some of them may just surprise you. Here are the top 7:


Nothing puts a damper on a blossoming romance than a man who thinks everything is bad or not good enough. A negative man is a downer, someone who takes energy from those around him. Frankly, being negative is tiring... and boring.

The smarts

Intelligence scores high points with women but only if it is exhibited in an interesting, humble way. However, a guy who flaunts this wonderful quality in a condescending way will only drive women away.


Surprisingly, an attractive woman likes a man who is a challenge. Beautiful women are spoiled by men's attention and often feel jaded about the amount of interest they receive. A man who is not always available, however, presents a challenge to them. Suddenly, the man becomes a goal and a very interesting one at that. Just do not stray too far, though, because it shows you are not interested in her and she might look for attention from someone else.


Women (as well as men) like attention. A woman likes to know that the man was thinking of her and is actually paying attention to what she is saying and doing. Show concern when it is needed and be there to offer support or a kind word when the time calls for it.

A big heart

Do good guys finish last? Not always. For many women, a nice guy is someone who has a working conscience, someone who can actually make time to be generous and help out those in need. If you volunteer at an orphanage or soup kitchen or find the time to speak for the less fortunate, it shows concern for others and the lack of selfishness on your part is intoxicating for her.

A great sense of humor

The women that funny guys such as Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Jack Black, Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller attract are some of the most beautiful ladies on the planet. We like to think that it may be because they are rich and famous but this pattern is repeated even among the average guys. The common denominator? The ability to make someone laugh. Women love a man who is funny because it is a sign of a guy who is easy to get along with and comfortable with himself. Besides, laughter is a great aphrodisiac, the kind that overcomes the limits set by social background, religion and culture.

An eye for romance

Women will always find a romantic act attractive, so do not roll your eyes at a gesture or word that others would find a cliched routine. Being romantic allows a man to connect with a woman in the most intimate way possible without making love to her. It shows that you are in touch with your emotions and unafraid to express them. That is something that makes you irresistibly attractive.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Do You Have a Clingy Vibe With Men?

Are you afraid that your clingy vibe with men screams: "I need you, I need you I NEED you"?

There are some women who can do and say ANYTHING when with a man and not push him away. These women have a certain confidence about them that always puts a man at ease and never makes him feel "weird" or "off-put" in the relationship. How do they have this confident, do-and-say-anything vibe?

They are not wrapped up in a man. See, you can love a man, care DEEPLY for him and really need him in your life, but if you feel like you wouldn't be OKAY without a certain man (that he would take your whole happiness away with him if he left), then you are going to have a "scary" vibe about you that is not going to sit well with a man.

This vibe is going to make you question everything you say. It's going to make you worry about the meanings behind everything he does. It's going to make his efforts NEVER enough for you: a person is never going to permanently fill a void in your life and your heart knows this, so it makes you pull and pull more and more from him. Your needs become a bottomless pit.

I get emails all the time from women who are upset that a man didn't invite them to a certain dinner or didn't ask for more quality time, or were silent too long on the phone concerning a question asked. These women stress out over the "why" of every little thing. They stress out so much, they have to write me page-long emails.

WOMEN WITH A CLINGY VIBE feel they can't just express themselves freely in their relationship. They feel "frozen and scared" to speak up to their man (a man THEY ARE GIVING THEIR SACRED, GORGEOUS BODIES TO FOR SEX), and this scared and frozen feeling makes all the anxiety WORSE.

This scared and frozen feeling makes them believe they are "too much" for the man. They feel that the feelings of desperate need and deep fear of losing the man, which are whirling around inside them like a chaotic storm, would scare any man off. And all this fear and anxiety, all this shutting up and keeping feelings hidden, shatters these women's' self-esteem!

The best way to change your VIBE around a man is to stop thinking that only a certain person (or relationship... or ONE relationship) can offer you a happy life.

You have to start living fully for TODAY. You have to find the miracles and joys present in everyday life and celebrate them NOW.

Go take a stroll... literally walk away from your obsession over him:

Look at the trees and think about all the storms they've weathered. Smell the flowers planted in the park by your house and listen to the rustling breezes. Open your senses to the world around you. Even thank the plants around you for the air they provide you or the flowers for their beauty.

Get more IN TOUCH with the world around you and with your feelings. If the walk makes you sad, cry. Feel your feelings and don't be afraid of the negative ones. Step into your emotions. Sometimes we start obsessing over a man as a way of running away from our deep feelings. In fact, it's been proven that women with depression have more tendencies toward dramatic, unstable, adrenaline-producing relationships that keep their dopamine and seratonin levels up.

Don't be afraid of your dark feelings and learn to just "be" with yourself. Ask yourself this question:

What can I do for myself, free of a man, to feel happier with my life? What am I missing that I think only this man can provide?

Listen to your inner voice's answer. Usually we feel so lonely inside, so disconnected from our bodies, our feelings, our families, our neighbors and friends, that we think that only a man's love can makes us feel whole again. We feel like hollow vessels and we don't want to slow down and feel ourselves, so we do and do for a man, think and worry about him and our relationship, all to avoid "the silence".

It's UNFAIR to a man to put this burden on him. It's unfair to him to have him have to be around your clingy vibe. He wants to be with a woman who can enjoy life with him, not who will look to him as the solution to her life pain. He wants a woman who doesn't read into everything and has enough confidence and independence to not "freak out" if he decides he wants a night off, for example.

A clingy vibe is like a rock tied to a man's ankle, pulling him under water: You can say and do all the "right" things, but if your vibe SCREAMS with need, he will feel heavy around you, like he's drowning in your presence.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

3 Proven Romantic Ideas for Her

Men by nature like to protect their women, though in recent generations society has discouraged men from being too "soft" when it comes to talking about their emotions. However, women still really need to know that their men love them even when they are having a bad hair day or feel overweight.

Whether you are in the state of transforming a friendship into romance or have been in a relationship for a while, you can use some or all of these three proven romantic ideas for her ideas to bring more passion into both of your lives.

  1. Write down your feelings. In this age of Internet technology, we tend to ignore classic romantic ideas for her such as writing love letters or even brief notes. If you share a home, place notes with compliments such as "You are so beautiful" and "I love you" in different places around the house. If you are still in the courting stages, then try a handwritten "Thinking of You" card. If your love is established and of epic proportions, write down all the things you love about her. She will treasure such letters, notes, and cards forever.

  2. Send random text messages showing you care. Yes, we just discussed the important of classic expressions such as notes. But we cannot deny that texting is one of the quickest, most direct ways to get a woman's attention. What you type and how often really depends upon the stage and dynamics of your relationship. Don't be creepy by sending 20 text messages a day to a woman you barely know. However, most women will feel flattered by a well-considered, non-sexual compliment at any stage of a romance.

  3. Plan a special occasion. Have you both always wanted to dance as well as Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the classic romance film "Dirty Dancing?" Take some dance lessons in a local group or private classes with an instructor. Do you both work a lot more than is healthy for your relationship? Finagle a weekend or even a night away from home, work, and all of the demands of everyday life.

As you can see, using these romantic ideas for her need not be expensive nor does it need to rob you of your masculinity. Trust us, women appreciate the simplest gestures. The cliche, "it's the thought that counts" truly applies when it comes to all types of romantic ideas for her.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Get Him To Fancy Me: How to Be The Girl Of His Dreams

Have you ever wondered why some women have this certain appeal to men? It seems that they have every man on the planet wrapped around their finger! You scan her from head to toe and there's nothing so special about her. Sure, you don't find her special but there is something that men see in her. We all want to be that kind of woman and find a man who will love and adore us for as long as forever, but do we really know how? Most of us don't have any idea! If you've finally met the man of your dreams and you want him to be in your life, you have to be that kind of woman he needs. How do I get him to fancy me?

If you want a guy to adore you, you must first have to learn what men want in a relationship and what they are looking for in a potential lifelong partner. Contrary to what most women believe in, men don't always go for the typical attractive woman that the media chooses to portray (beautiful, skinny, has big boobs, has perfect skin and has long hair). While these women can easily attract men, the question is, is there all there is to it? Of course not! It doesn't matter what your size is or if you don't have the face of Natalie Portman, if you are comfortable in your own skin, men will find you attractive. Women who carry themselves well are sexy in a man's book. You don't need anyone to compliment you to know that you are beautiful. Keep in mind though that being confident is a far cry from being arrogant.

If you would like a guy to fancy you, you have to be sure who you are on the inside. When you walk into a room, own it! Whether you are wearing a sexy red number or pajamas, walk with confidence and hold your chin up. Don't be threatened if he doesn't call the next day. Have a life outside of your relationship and your man will admire you for this. You should be perfectly fine having your own independent life. Avoid being clingy or needy and don't get jealous for no reason. Being jealous once in a while with your man's officemate is cute but if you keep obsessing about it, you are creating unnecessary tension that will not help him stick around a little longer.

What else can I do to get him to fancy me? Men like being nurtured which means that you have to be that woman who comforts him. When he remembers you, he should be able to think "coming home". One guaranteed way on how you can make him feel nurtured is by cooking for him. Remember what your mother has always said that if you want to win a man's heart, you have to learn how to make his favorite chicken pot pie? Impress him by cooking all his favorite dishes. I'm sure he is going to appreciate your gesture.

Lastly, you can win a man's heart by addressing his fears. Men are protective of their freedom and with that said, they want to be with someone who is not going to take it away from them. Don't nag him whenever he hangs out with his friends. As long as they're not hanging out in a strip club, you shouldn't be complaining. If a guy cares enough about you, he is going to know his limits and won't do anything to make you suspicious and insecure. When he tells you that he is going to play poker with the boys on a Friday night, don't think that he's just trying to avoid you. He's been doing this before you came along so don't give him hell about it.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Why You Can't Depend on Online Dating Alone If You Want a Girlfriend Soon

For those men who think that joining up with an online dating site, that it is going to be the automatic solution that they have been hoping for because they want to get a girlfriend soon, think again. I don't say that to be negative or to be pessimistic or anything, it's just that the way that most men approach online dating - they are really passive about it. Being passive and waiting for a woman to just kind of fall into your lap is not the best approach if you want to attract a girlfriend soon.

I do think that it can be a good part of an overall strategy. It's not bad to join a site and then also go out to bars and clubs or other places to meet women. To rely on it alone, though, that may not be your best bet. There is a good reason for that. For one, not every site will have a large selection of women in your area. There are some areas where you are lucky if they happen to have 10 women in your age range. Once you filter down the ones that don't match up well with you, you would be lucky to end up with 2 or 3 that really might be a good match.

There are some ways that you can get around this, though.

The first thing that you can do is broaden your search a little bit. If you find that there aren't too many women within 5 or 10 miles of where you are searching, you may want to try 20 or 50 miles. That way, you are not limited as much in the amount of women who pop up when you search around the site.

You can also decide to join more than one site. While that may cost you a little bit more money, you are a lot more likely to come across more women that way. Remember, dating is kind of a game of playing the odds. The more women that you can come across, the more likely it is that you will end up with the girlfriend that you want.

Finally, I highly suggest that you look at online dating as a part of your process for finding a girlfriend and not the entire approach. Go out to clubs and bars as well. Go to coffee houses or book stores or museums. Broaden your search as much as possible, because that is going to make it easier for you to be able to end up with a girlfriend.

This news article is brought to you by PARENTING KIDS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Learn How To Make Women Want You

Making women to be smitten by you is not as intricate as it seems. To make women feel an attraction for you does not require extravagant gesture, rock tough abs and expensive gifts. In fact, all you need to have is little charisma and good manners. By mastering some qualities, you can set your way to be the man every woman looks for. One common mistake that a man makes is being desperate, anxious and intimidated-constantly in quest of woman's approval. Women often look for an ideal man who is not only self-sufficient and confident but also respectable. When men display such attributes by maintaining their eye contact, slow gestures of body and good posture, you can know how to make women want you.

The first impression of a man leaves positive or negative impact but dressing is equally a significant part of impression. Dressing sense of a man is similar to make-up of women that they put on to look more stunning or even prettier. Men can probably boost their appearance by their styling and dressing sense. It is always worthy to keep yourself up, stay updated with current trends and become accustomed to a style that suits your personality and improves your look. Most of the women love well-groomed, cleanly dressed and stylish men that simply want you to be organized and self-concerned.

When it comes to learn the secret of magnetism and accustom "how to make women want you", men should be able to draw them emotionally. There is no doubt that women are emotional and they really want to feel love and spend some happy moments. Having some women friends can be the most excellent strategy for consistently meeting them. Having female friends can lead you noticed by some more women and this will help you overcome anxiety of being able to approach a woman. To be very precise, women talk to men engaged with other women even if they are friends. Men should learn to gratify the craving of women for compliments. This definitely separates them from other men who mess up the situation and wind up sitting alone in the bar.

Men should focus on the value and expectations of women from them to be stronger in relationship. By giving compliments in a confident voice with a smile on your face, you can acquire any desirable position in the mind of women. It is quite astonishing to accustom that women normally complain about men that they have no idea of likes and dislikes of a woman. This is the reason why women often feel anxious about being dumped. Needs of every women are different and men should cater even the silliest requirement of their partner. In order to learn how to make women want you, all you need is to get a hold on the comfort level when approaching a woman. Alike men, women are also attracted to strangers they meet all over their lives. A stranger who is unique, mature, successful, interesting and well groomed can easily draw the attention of women.

The (Ugly) Truth About College Dating

The usual romantic-comedy flick is centered on a plot about love being found in typical places, most of the time, if the target audience is young adults, in a school setting. This can either be in high school or for slightly more mature audiences, in college. dating is often depicted as quite easy, with the typical boy, usually ruggedly handsome, falling for the gorgeous girl-next-door, who reciprocates his feelings just as fast. There are minimal mistakes, just quick and easy dating which eventually turns into romance. This, however, happens often only in movies, because in real life, it is hardly the same.

For one, not everyone is born ruggedly handsome or gorgeous. Each one has a different personality type which may or may not be quite difficult to handle. The challenge is to find someone with the same personality traits, or someone who can at least tolerate them. It can be a series of trials and errors, with the next date even worse than the last. College dating is a prelude to real-life dating. It prepares you for what lies ahead.

Once you're lucky enough and you've found your ideal partner in terms of personality, the next obstacle to overcome is your schedules. Unlike high school, in college, everyone has different schedules and classes you'd have to sync with to maintain a perfect relationship. The challenge is to still be able to meet with each other, despite the differences in schedule. Find time to walk each other to and from school. Also try studying together. It adds to bonding time, and who knows, your partner might know the answer to that hard question in chemistry class you've been trying to solve all night.

If peer pressure is strong in high school, think of it as a lot more powerful in college. The lure of all-night parties with all-you-can-drink alcohol, sometimes even with prohibited drugs, may take a toll on your relationship. If you're single, these kinds of parties can be opportunities for you to find a potential partner. If, on the other hand, you aren't, college parties which have a reputation for sometimes being too wild, may also be detrimental to your current relationship. Establish trust with your partner and ensure the stability of your relationship.

On the other side of the spectrum, some who have been too engrossed in college dating may also fall in the trap of neglecting their friends. Some spend the whole time holed up in their rooms with their partners and eventually stop thinking about how it is to spend time with friends. College dating may take up too much of your time, which may end up with you having to forego your friends, and even worse, your studies. The key here is to balance your time with your partner, while also balancing your studies and your social life. Make your partner realize that studies always come first, your social life, including her, a close second. Dating might seem like tedious work, especially in college, but with the right frame of mind, things might eventually seem like something out of the movies.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Finding the Right Breed for Your Needs

Puppies need to be stimulated all the time. They like to play, to chase and be chased. They run and bark and chew things. They thrive on adrenaline. When you ignore them or when the fun stops they can become forlorn.

That got me to thinking about men who thrive on chaos. I've been with too many of those. I meet them and they are so relieved to have met me. "My ex was nuts," they say. "I had to take care of her X habit," or "All we did was fight and I hate fighting." "You are a breath of fresh air, so easy to get along with." A common thread is that they insist, "I hate drama!" I can't tell you how many dating site ads have "Please, no drama" in their profiles.

Yes after several months of easy breezy no fighting, no arguing, again and again these chaos-resistant men become edgy and depressed, anxious. They pick fights, sabotage the relationship or their jobs. Often they try to engage me, to fight. One man actually paced back and forth, his hands shaking. He wanted to have a yelling match with me but I refused, I instead sat calmly. He looked ready to implode and I was frightened so left. I've been puzzled by this repetitive behavior for years.

It wasn't until I got my puppy though that it hit me. I reviewed the successful relationships of people I know. There's a lot of drama and strife in those couplings. Some spouses cheat or drink or have troubled kids. Or they suddenly adopt children just when their lives calm down and their biological children have grown. Or they get unexpected live-in grandchildren. There are job losses or in-laws or foreclosures. And they plod along, close as ever riding out the rough times and savoring the few and far between peaceful moments.

I hear from men that living with their exes was intolerable, their lives were too chaotic, but me and my "no waves," approach is a situation they also can't handle. So where's the balance? Do I need to interject strife and drama into a human relationship to make it work? I think no, that with a healthier man, one who truly does not want drama, that he might like a little boredom, might like a life that, except for unavoidable life events, is pretty damn calm. I know I would welcome it. Just as there are some dogs who are content just to be around you, who play with their own toys or pet friends when you're at work but give you center billing at night, there are other breeds who will never be happy to sit still. Those dogs will become aggressive without enough exercise. They will pace back and forth, trying to engage you when you just want to relax and watch a movie.

In summary, for me, it's a matter of choosing the right human "breed," the kind with the correct temperament for my needs and my particular temperament. For example, Labs or Golden Retrievers are great for some people, but not me. And I've been with way too many men who exhibit Beagle traits: forever restless, jumping out of their skin, anxiety, possessiveness.

I love my puppy Lily, who I'm sure will mature into a quiet little calm thing. If not, I'm happy to toss a ball for her or play tug of war. But finding the right human is going to be a lengthy scientific process this next time. No more "look at that cute little face!" mentality or "let me rescue you from the shelter and give you a place to live."

Perhaps there is the right man out there for me, but right now I can't be bothered. It's PUPPYTIME!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

How to Create an Online Dating Personals Profile That Gets Results

So you have decided to find love online. You have made a good decision. But now you realize that all the world has to judge you on is that tiny online dating personals profile. For such a small box it has to say so much. Not only does that personals profile have to show you to the world, it also has to let the world know what you are looking for. Your profile will be your first exposure to a potential match on all the dating websites.

  • Whether it's a singles dating website, married dating website, Christian dating website or any of the others the personals profile will be about the same.

First you will need a couple of decent pictures of yourself. The pictures you select will have to be appropriate to the type of website you decided to use. Always have one nice picture of yourself to put up front. You will see many profiles with slightly or blatantly sexual pictures on their main profile picture. Don't do that! Put a good clothed picture of you on the front of your profile. Now depending on the type of website you are using upload a couple of gallery pictures into your profile for invited or permission only guests to view. This works on two fronts. First the nice picture up front gives people a good impression of you and really shows them you. Secondly if they are interested in seeing more pictures of you it works like a reward. They have to go into your gallery usually with your permission and the anticipation grows.

Your gallery pictures should reflect the type of site you are using. If you are on a singles dating site you may want to have a swimsuit picture or a picture of you at home. If you are on a Christian dating website you should stick to lots of clothes. But say you are on a cougar website (websites for older women seeking younger men) then your gallery photos might need to be a little risqué. The reasoning is this you are on a casual sex type website and attempting to entice a younger person to your boudoir. Go ahead and pull out all the stops. Now for men this is different if you are on an older man seeking younger women type of website don't post pictures of your junk.

I repeat, men do not post pictures of your junk.

Women have said time and time again that they don't want to open your gallery and see your penis. Post some shirt off or swimsuit style pictures in your profile but not anything more. If a woman wants to see your stuff she will ask you.

  • Second let's decide what you are looking for.

This is your opportunity to weed out all the potential mismatches. When you put what you are seeking into your profile it clearly tells the world what is important to you. You don't have to be extremely specific just general categories will work well. For instance don't put in that you are seeking someone who enjoys going to college basketball games on Saturday nights featuring big ten teams. Put someone who enjoys sports in your profile. This will not only let everyone know what you like it will give them an idea of what you don't want.

Now put in a description of yourself. Be honest on your online personals profile. If you are lucky you will get to meet potential matches and you better be who you said you were. No big surprises. Think of three adjectives that come to mind about you and build a sentence or two on those. For instance tell them you are an active person who enjoys the outdoors and being around the water. Or perhaps say that you are a cultured person who enjoys going to the theater. Short but mentioning the categories that are important to you. This will keep a Broadway play fan from being stuck on a date with a demolition derby fan.

These preferences will also be used by the website to attempt to match you with potential mates so be honest.

Don't present yourself as anyone you don't want to live up toin your online dating personals. Don't ask for anything you might not want to live with. From here it's just a cruise. Reading profiles and meeting potential matches can be fun and give your life some real zing. Don't expect the first match or meeting to be perfect but enjoy the process all the same. Most of all meet some great people, enjoy the process and have fun.

Good Luck!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

How To Attract A Girl - Ways To Make Her Fall For You Without Saying A Word

Want to know how to attract a girl? Then keep this fact in mind: Only half of your conversations with a woman is verbal. The other half is physical! And in this article, you'll learn exactly how to attract a girl... and it has nothing to do with what you say.

Slowly Make Her More Receptive To Your Touch

To make a woman develop feelings for you, you'll need to slowly make her more and more comfortable to your touch. You can't kiss her before she's 100% comfortable with you touching him, can you? Of course not!

When you're in a conversation with her, see how comfortable she is with your touch. Does she keep her hands to herself? Or does she have a more open posture, totally comfortable with your presence?

If she still seems uncomfortable with your company, then don't touch her yet. Get to her good side by engaging her in an interesting conversation, and making her laugh with your jokes.

How To Touch Her Without Scaring Her

The key to touching her without scaring her is to NOT make it a big deal. When and if you DO touch her, make sure you do it as if it were the most normal thing for you.

For instance, when you first greet her, offer your hand to shake hers. It's a friendly, harmless invitation to touch, and it builds trust instantly.

Later on, when she doesn't seem nervous at all around you, feel free to casually touch the outside of her arm while you're talking to her. Again, act normally -- as though you were nudging her just to get her attention, and nothing more.

In short: (1) make sure she's comfortable with you, and then (2) touch her like it were the most normal thing for you. If you do it correctly, she'll realize you're one of the most confident men she's ever met -- and that's really sexy!

How To Know You're Doing It Right

You know you're doing it right when she gets MORE comfortable with you the more you touch her. Soon, you might notice she's looping her fingers around your arm while you're walking together, and she might not mind you having your hand at her waist.

The bottom line is this: If you want to know how to attract a girl, you have to be brave enough to be a REAL MAN. If you'd like to learn more about what women want in the dating game, then I'd love to show you!

Unattached Sex - How to Get Friends With Benefits

What is Friends with Benefits? It's a very nice arrangement where two people are able so sleep together - yet they remain unattached and still see other people. So many guys out there want this, but they don't know how to manage expectations correctly.

Let's start from the beginning. A man approaches a girl and he manages to get her phone number. Later, he takes her out on a date. How should he act? Apart from being charming, and completely on his A-Game he needs to set the correct frames right out of the gate. Do not run deep comfort. Keep it playful and keep sexual tension high. If the girl sees you as boyfriend material she will try and foist this frame on you, and most likely wait before sleeping with you. If she does this, you may well already be sunk!

You want to lead this interaction all the way to the bedroom and fuck her brains out like the amazing guy you are. Right after sex is a crucial time; when I am in this position I normally say something along the lines of: "You know what Rebecca, you're pretty damn cool. Most girls would start getting all clingy and talking about a relationship after this, but you aren't doing that." Even if she wants a relationship she won't talk about it than, because she wants you to think she is "cool"

This frame is the most important thing. You cannot feel guilty about just wanting sex. Girls go out looking to get fucked ALL THE TIME. You are a guy with a high sex drive. Embrace it. Love it. Just think of it as two cool people giving each other a mutually enjoyable experience.

Now that you slept with her and set the frame, you need to cement it. Keep going out with her once a week at most. If you see her more, social conditioning is going to kick in. Make sure every time you see her as well, it ends in sex.

You already have everything set up. You just need to not fuck up at this point by making yourself seem like boyfriend material. This means don't get jealous if she fucks other guys, don't complain about your problems at work, and no romantic dates please...

In closing, friend with benefits is straightforward and you can do it with a non-needy and dominant frame. Just make sure that when you find out she is dating me to, you won't be mad!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ins and Outs of Interracial Dating and Relationships for Interested Singles

Interracial, Biracial, mixed relationships are all words describing a partnership of two persons with different skin color.

Who am I?

Well I am a white British male married to a black African woman. We have been married for five years and we have a beautiful 12 month old daughter.

Why write about Interracial relationships?

Simply put because I think many of us are missing out on what could be perfect partnerships with those of another race from ourselves. What I'm going to do is explain the in's and out's of dating between white Caucasian and black African backgrounds, although the same can be applied to dating other races too. For those not sure about this idea hopefully I can encourage you to give it ago and look for love with some amazing people you would never have thought about dating before.

Stumbling blocks

Firstly some people think they are just not into the appearance of another race but I urge you to think what difference is there really? Are you sure the features are unattractive or is there something going on at a deeper level telling you it's not right?

Once in a mixed race relationship, it's not all plan sailing there are difficulties with dating another race. Fact is, you are going against the grain of our ancestors. The history of slavery is still ripe within many people and they will meet you with adversary.

What I'm talking about is usually small subtle things, frowns, a strange look in the street, laughing, whispering to friends, without sounding paranoid it's common for myself and my wife to pick up on strangers doing these things.

This happens in shops, restaurants any public place really, and what do we do? The best thing we can do ignore them and show em we are having a good time.


Your social network enlarges. I know this happens with any relationship. But you are more likely to have relatives in other countries and so you now have new places to visit, go on holiday and explore!

And not only sample but experience the culture first hand. For example, I've fallen in love with traditional African food.

Also you will find your being invited to new events, parties, cultural festivals or other family gatherings.

Your enlarging you cultural perspective and identity and you will learn new things about yourself.

Fact is, interracial relationships fly's in the face of racism and the idea of separation and superiority between races. Why do you think people frown or laugh at my relationship with a black African woman or vice-versa?

Maybe we need to realize that being in a stable, loving and prosperous relationship is what matters and put attitudes of skin color aside.

In summary

In summary, dating interracially is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture, meet people you would never normally get the chance to meet and I truly believe play a role in creating a better world.

Building Attraction With Text Messages

It's hard to believe that not too long ago the ONLY way to communicate with women after meeting them online was to call them on the phone.

After getting her number, you then had to agonize about what to say when calling her. And even worse, what to leave on her "answering machine!"

Remember those days?

Well, if you're fairly young maybe you don't remember them but isn't it wonderful how technology has completely changed the game?

A few years later, emailing became popular and that allowed men to email women instead of calling them. This worked pretty well but was still rather inconvenient and lacked the luxury of instant communication because you had to do it from your computer.

Then a little later came the advent of TEXTING!

Whoever invented texting did guys a HUGE favor as it suddenly became much easier to build attraction with women without talking to them on the phone!

And what it did for Online Dating was even bigger!

The digital path of communication from first email to meeting in person used to involve only emails and phone calls.

Now it's a breeze as you simply go from first email - to text - to meeting in person completely bypassing talking on the phone!

No more struggling to come up with witty phone conversations. No more memorizing messages to leave on her machine.

Texting got rid of ALL OF THAT and has become so popular now that it is the primary method of communication between couples who are dating.

I rarely talk to women on the phone anymore. Everything is done via text and that makes learning how to text in a way that builds attraction extremely crucial!

I call this "text etiquette" and there are some specific rules that MUST be followed when texting women.

Here is your crash course in "Text Etiquette:"

  1. Use HUMOR in your text messages! - This is how you build attraction. If possible, use humor in EVERY text message you send to her.
  2. Keep it short! - Texting is like Twitter... you want to keep it short except when the content requires it to be longer.
  3. Timing - Don't be too eager when sending text messages. Don't answer her five seconds after she messages you. As a general rule, wait at least ten minutes to answer her texts. There are exceptions but use this as a guideline.
  4. "Mirror" Her Messages - What I mean by this is you want your messages to be around the same length as hers. If she sends you a number of short texts repeatedly, send her short texts. If she is sending you short messages and yours are really long this will lower your value.
  5. NEVER send angry or negative messages - Remember, women are emotional creatures and the goal is to keep the "positive momentum" going as long as possible. Negative energy or texts that get too logistical will kill it!
  6. Do not ask to meet up more than twice - Say you asked her to meet up and she didn't respond. You text her again something humorous and get the positive momentum revved up. Then you ask her again and she still doesn't agree. DO NOT ask her again! Wait a week or so and start over with humorous texting. Asking to meet up over and over lowers your value.
  7. Don't get mad if she doesn't respond - If a woman doesn't respond to your text it could mean any number of things. The best thing to do is ignore it and send a humorous text the next day like nothing happened.
  8. Suggest meeting up at a HIGH point in the dialog - If you are having trouble getting her to meet, use more humor and get her laughing and once you succeed, suggest meeting up together. Remember, making her laugh with texts gets her more attracted to you and that's a PERFECT time to ask for the meet up.

Ok, those are just a few of the guidelines you should follow when texting women. Remember, it's really important to maintain your value and AVOID neediness at all costs! Stick to these rules and you'll have no problem building rock solid attraction with women from Online Dating sites.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

5 Tips on How to Get Him to Date You

You've been pining on a guy for the longest time and you are dying for him to ask you out. Your nerves are getting in the way and for some reason; you shoot him that don't-you-dare-come-near-me stare whenever he's around. Or when he tries to strike up a conversation, you get so terrified and the only way to conceal it is by talking too much about yourself. Is it your fault that the guy who graces your dreams is not asking you out on a date?

Here are a few tips on how to get him to date you:

1.) Be Polite and Don't forget to Smile

One thing that attracts men the most is a pretty smile. If you manage to maintain a sunny disposition, you are going to attract his attention and he will think you are fun to be with. When you wear a smile on your face, it makes you look more approachable. This is especially helpful if the guy is shy. He won't be intimidated to come up and talk to you. If you act like a snob, it will take a very special man to break down your walls and that hardly ever happens in real life. Be respectful towards others so you'll be treated the same way.

2.) Be Confident

Ask any guy and he will tell you that the sexiest quality that a woman can ever have is confidence. It really doesn't matter what size you are, as long as you know how beautiful you are both inside and out, it's going to transcend and the people around you will see that. Try this trick- when you walk into a place, act like you know where you're going, even if you don't. People in the room will stare at you, keep your head up and think you are the sexiest woman alive.

3.) Don't Act Needy or Desperate

If there is one thing that repels men, that is desperation. Being desperate roots from a person's need to find someone. When you give too much importance in finding a man, you lose yourself in the process. You become less confident and you will have the tendency to settle. Stop telling everyone in the office that you are looking for a potential husband and you have to find one as soon as possible because your clock is ticking. You have to realize that relying on someone to make you happy is a big no-no. You have to be happy on your own before you enter a new relationship.

4.) Learn How to Flirt

If you want to know how to get him to date you, you have to learn the art of flirting. Some women are born with a knack for flirting but some need a decent amount of training. Don't worry because if you keep practicing, you are going to perfect your moves eventually. Watch how your friends do it and ask for some tips. Flirting is a great way to let a man know you are interested in him. Aside from touching your hair, you can use playful gestures like touching his arm quickly while you talk to him. If he likes you he is going to flirt back with you.

5.) Gather up the courage to ask him out

If you've done everything on the menu but he still wouldn't ask you out on a date, why not ask him yourself? Is this a desperate move in a man's book? A sensible man would say this is quite a turn-on. If he rejects you, move on. At least you know you tried. Can't crucify a girl for trying!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Single Parents And Online Dating: When To Introduce Your Kids

As a single parent, you are hoping to find love through online dating. You're not alone. Millions of single parents have taken to online dating and many of those have found love. While finding love is the ultimate goal, you also must think of your children. Online dating and dating in general can be extremely fun and exciting, but it can oftentimes be difficult on the kids. To help protect the kids during this time, here are a few tips for single parents who may be new to the online dating game.

Keep Kids Out Of Photos

It's understandable to want to show off your kids every chance you get, but you might want to wait a little while before showing them off to the ones you're dating. You can list that you are a single parent and you can list information about your child in your profile, but don't get too specific and save the photos for another time.

When In Doubt, Leave Them Out

As a general rule, you should try to refrain from introducing your kids to new dates until you're sure they're going to stick around. If you introduce your kids to every first date you have, for instance, and you go through five or ten before you find the right one, that might be very confusing to a child.

Instead, have the kids stay with friends or family while you go out with the person to see if you click. Of course you want to see how the person acts around your child or children, but reserve that time for when the person is a little more familiar to you.

When To Bring Them In

If, after three dates or more, you decide that this person is someone you could see yourself dating for a long period of time, then you can introduce them to your kids. At this time, you can just let them know that this person is your new friend and that you're going to be going places every once in a while. The kids will usually understand a newfound friend and the going out part won't matter as long as you find them a good sitter.

Online dating and just dating in general can be so much fun. Let yourself determine if you like someone before bringing your kids into the mix. This not only protects them, but it makes online dating as least complicated as it needs to be.

This news article is brought to you by GLAMOROUS FASHION NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Is He Ready For A Relationship? How To REALLY Tell If A Man Loves You

You may be feeling like you are falling hard for the new guy in your life, but how do you tell if your goals align with his? Is he in it for the long run or does he just want to have fun? If you are too intimidated to ask outright for fear of scaring him off then you have come to the right place. There are a few clues your man could be giving you that will tell you if he is here to stay.

Don't Ask -- Instead, Pay Attention

You may understand guys a little more than you think if you chose to wait to ask him how into you he is. There are few things that move faster than light, but a man that has been asked to reveal his feelings could definitely beat the record.

Men are easily intimidated creatures, especially when it comes to talking about romance and their feelings. Questions focused on how much they do or do not like a girl can make them run, so move slowly and act with patience. Pay attention the way he treats you and you will see that the age old wisdom that says "actions speak louder than words," is correct. You know that anyone can spout words, but it is in his actions that a man really tells you how he feels.

Does He Make Long-Term Plans With You?

One sign that he may be into you for more than just fun, is whether or not he makes long term and thought out plans with you. If your guy wants to show how much he cares he will make plans with you that go further than the "now" that demonstrates he wants to spend quality time with you.

If your guy continually calls you last-minute to simply hang out to watch TV or play the Wii, then he is clearly not too worried about impressing you and probably doesn't care too deeply about keeping you around.

Is He Willing To Wait For Sex?

The most blatant sign that your man wants to stick to you like glue is his reaction to whether or not you are ready to have sex with him. If flees the scene, then he is obviously not the right guy for you and was only hanging around for one thing- sex.

If your guy is supportive of your decision and agrees to wait for you (for ten more years if he has to) it is safe to say he may be around for awhile. His commitment to you, for more than just sex, shows you that he is really into you and looking for something a little more long term.

Want to learn more about making a man fall in love with you? Then I'd love to help you!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Get Him to Come to You: 3 Tips on How to Attract a Guy

We think we know a lot about how relationships work because of the numerous self-help books and articles available on the internet but there seems to be a great amount of confusion because of so many conflicting views. There also seems to be confusion whether or not chasing is still necessary. Whatever your reasons or, sometimes all it takes is a great deal of trial and error but who has the time to do that when other women have been there already and they can tell you exactly what works. If you want to know how to get him to come to you, first, you have to learn how to attract a guy. If you fail in that department, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but having a guy ask you out on a date will seem to be an impossible task.

1.) Don't Act Desperate

One major turn-off for guys is desperation. No matter how attractive you look, a man won't get attracted to you if all you talk about is getting married and having babies. Whatever you do, do not talk about how worried you are that the clock is ticking and you are looking for a serious relationship on a first date. I think for us women, desperation roots from the panic we feel of growing old alone and when we keep thinking about that, we put too much importance on finding a man. I find life rather ironic because the more you look for Mr. Right the more he eludes you.

You have to realize that the key to attracting men is to make sure you value all other aspects of your life such as career, family, friends, hobbies, etc. as much as much as you give meaning to having a man in your life. When you keep an equal weight on every area of your life, you become more interesting and attractive. This will also make you feel more confident.

2.) Don't Play Games

I don't understand why so many women think that playing mind games will get them the relationship they wanted. You act unavailable and then you expect a man to work harder. You wait 3 days before replying to a text message and when a man does the same you get infuriated. You ignore the guy and pretend he doesn't even exist when in reality you are dying to talk to him. Sending a guy the wrong signals will not get him to come to you and the sooner you realize that the better off everyone will be. Playing games can ruin every great relationship you can potentially have. If really like the guy then let him know. If you can't tell it to his face, find ways on how you can make him feel you are into him but do it subtly. You don't want to be all over him that you'll end up scaring him away. Be yourself and be honest.

Keep in mind that when you start a relationship with games, you will never be happy and everything will fall apart eventually. A relationship should have honesty as one of its major building blocks.

3.) Dress Attractively but not Provocatively

Men are visual creatures, we already know that and the fastest way to get his attention is to dress up attractively. Sadly, a lot of women take this the wrong way and think that the more skin she shows the better her chances are in attracting a guy. Sure, wearing skimpy clothes will make a man look at you but how far do you want to take it? Dressing to show your curves doesn't equate to baring all. You can dress attractively without giving everyone a view of everything you got. Make sure you dress appropriately for every occasion and choose the right size for you. Choose dresses that compliment your body shape that leaves a lot to the imagination.

Cyberstalking 101: Dating Re-Con Made Fun And Easy

You've recently met someone and you'd like to find out a little bit about them before you actually go on a physical date. Not a problem, thanks to the Internet. With a little know-how, a first and last name and a few other details, you can find out all you need to know about your potential Mr. or Miss Right. The following tips will let you cyberstalk your potential date without them ever finding out.

If you have apprehensions about doing this, it's perfectly understandable. It's not nice to spy on other people. On the other hand, you're merely doing research. If you were about to buy a house, you might want to get on Google and search the history of that house, wouldn't you? And if you were buying a used car, wouldn't you want to get on the Internet or a service like CarFax online to help you determine if that is a good buy for your money? Of course you would. So don't think of this as spying. It's merely dating re-con.

Name In Quotes: To search for your date, search using the person's first and last name in Google. If you have their Facebook page, that's even better. We'll discuss that next. When you search in Google, you will see all websites and pages where that name shows up exactly as you've typed it. In some cases, you might see mugshots pop up, court settlement records or you might even find an address and phone number.

Reading through the various search results that come up should give you good insight into the person you're about to go out with. You can always go deeper, however.

Social Media: If you have their Facebook page or you come across some social networking profiles during your original Google search, pay attention to their photos. The photos they post, especially if they are tagged by friends, can often give you better insight into the way the person lives their life than any profile ever could. You can also see if they're getting a little too close to others in the photo, which means you might be dating a player.

If the person's social networks are private, click over to the Google Image search and see if you can find the person in any photos that way.

Going Much Deeper - For A Cost

During your search for information, you may come across those services that allow you to do a thorough search on someone. For a nominal fee, from $5 to $30 or more, you can get the person's physical address and oftentimes they're previous addresses, along with a phone number, employment record and all sorts of other information.

For most, this would be taking things a little far. If you have your suspicious about someone, this is a good way to get those suspicions proven or shot down. Though it might better to have the person tell you about themselves when you finally do go out on a date.

Cyberstalking someone is perfectly understandable if you want to avoid dating a creep or a criminal or, worse, someone who's married. It's up to you how far to take it. Just know that the opportunities there to go as far as you want to go.

This news article is brought to you by MOVIE CRITIC NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Singles Say Random Facts About Themselves on Dating Sites Are Not a Good Practice

Similar to resumes for jobs, dating profiles have a tendency to be exaggerated by the users creating it. This is not too surprising in order to garner interest from the opposite sex and make the profile as pleasing as possible. In some cases, the users put up pictures of their youthful days and this can be as much as ten years! Perhaps most people's thinking behind these actions is to first get a male or female single interested in them and hopefully they will see the 'other side' of your redeeming qualities. However, one could argue that if the initial dissection of your profile was unimportant, then why do it in the first place?

In all honesty, it is always a good idea to be truthful upfront and then you don't have to make lame excuses during the date. Can you imagine, when you strike up a conversation about something during a date, you are fumbling to find a good excuse. You can come across as someone who is not always truthful and your dating partner may even consider you to be somewhat deceitful which can hinder the development of trust between the two. Often men can be forgiving of women who lie about their age since they understand how hard it is for them to attract men of their own age or younger. Some men are blessed with genes that make them look far younger than they are and lying about their age can also be forgiven by other women. Equally some men can look far older than their generation and in that respect they have a bit more convincing to do with their dating partner:-).

What many singles don't understand is that they can make their profile much more appealing without having to resort to fudging the dating profile in the online dating sites. Here are some examples:

1. Age
If you are concerned about you being too old or too young then there are tips you can use to convey to other members that 'age is all in the mind'. Here you need to highlight activities that does not in any way become representative of your age. Show the numerous activities that reveals your energy level and convey to the user the message that your interests and activities will continue into old age. Remember some young people can behave exceptionally lethargic and lazy and be less active than a typically older person. These qualities are not very appealing to many women or men for that matter.

2. Photo
If you have ever seen photos of yourself, you will find that you can look very different from one picture to another. This is mainly because of the lighting and angles at which photos were taken. You can easily take flattering photos of yourself by taking the shots in a natural setting. Make sure to take photos with outdoor light if possible and when the sun is not too high. Also use zoom with a higher aperture setting to make the face more flattering by blurring out the background. Try and experiment with pictures of yourself wearing various outfits since some colors can accentuate your face and looks. Have a photo session with your friend or friends, it can be fun and very productive. Remember photos can reveal a lot about you and not just the age, it can reveal your energy level, temperament and many other things related to your personality.

3. Content
Some people forget the importance of content. It is very surprising to find many users in online dating sites that fail to completely fill up their profile. This can send the wrong message to serious users who may think that life is too much of a rush for you and you may treat your dating partner in the same manner. Give careful thought as to what you want to say and by all means use buzzwords to attract attention. You can highlight the 'doing' stuff with words like 'love', 'excited', 'passionate' etc.

It's not necessary to fib on your dating profile in online dating sites when it comes to age, photos or any other content. There are many ways that you can make your profile more appealing without having to resort to such tactics. With some imagination and creativity you can easily make your profile very attractive to the opposite sex that points to your many redeeming qualities.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Basic Dating Do's and Do Not's: Just in Case You Don't Already Know

Everyone has had their experience with a bad date here and there. Maybe you didn't feel the chemistry with that person or you just could not get a good conversation going without it being awkward. It can really be frustrating at times, but it should not stop you from going on to meet new people and hopefully find that right one. Let's look at what the basic dating do's and don'ts are just in case you really don't know.

Don't date someone that you don't feel an attraction to. People will tell you all sorts of things, but date people that you like. He or she may have a great car or they may be extremely good looking, but if they are not your type, don't do it. Just because someone is nice looking does not mean you're going to be into them. Follow your gut and go with dating someone that you really feel that genuine attraction to.

Don't look at other guys or girls that you find attractive when you are out on a date. It's not only rude but it's not a very smart idea. If you want to be looking at other people, you should have gone out on your own instead of on a date. Be into the person you're on a date with and focus your attention on them.

Do feel confident on your date and do have a great time. Be a bit flirty and have an open and fun conversation with your date. Don't act like you're all clingy and need attention because that's going to be a turn off for your date. Relax and enjoy the company of your date. Show your date how interesting you can be and how much fun you are.

Dating agencies can be great ways to meet people too. When using dating agencies to meet someone there are some do's and don'ts you should keep in mind as well.

Do give the dating agency an up to date picture of yourself and one that shows you smiling. Someone looking for a date wants to see a person who looks happy and looks like they are fun to be around.

Do give the dating agency a unique profile about yourself. Give some interesting details so someone wants to find out a lot more about you and always say positive things.

Don't tell your date that you are tired of the dating scene or tell them about all your bad dates. Try to always say positive things with your new date.

Don't talk about your ex's. This is a no-no on a date. This is going to give your date the impression that you are not over the ex and not ready to move on. Keep the conversation on the both of you and learning about each other.

All in all, go out and have a great time on your date. Relax, have fun and learn all you can about this potential next person in your life.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to Attract a Man and Get Him to Chase You

It'll be nice if we can apply the phrase "go for what you want" in all areas of our lives including the love department. For a woman, we are taught to apply this backwards which means that men should do the chasing. Although it hardly makes sense these days, we cannot deny the fact that we, women, still want to be chased. Men love to work hard and winning a woman's heart is treated as an accomplishment. So, how do you get him to chase you?

This topic can easily get confusing as there are many contradicting views about it. I know one thing's for sure; playing games will not give you the result that you want. There are some dating rules that I just don't understand like you are not supposed to reply to a guy's text message until after 3 days or you should never return his call and let him ring your phone multiple times before you pick up. Women seem to play games today more than ever because of all the irrational ideas they are putting in our heads. What happened to being honest about your feelings?

If you want a man to pursue you, you have to make him realize your value. Men give importance to everything they have to work hard to achieve. It's simple, we naturally value something or someone more when we invest or work really hard on it. When you make everything easy for a guy, he won't treat you as his most prized possession. Keep in mind that we are treated exactly how we want to be treated. In other words, we teach people how to treat us. This does not mean though that you have to play hard-to-get to the point of pushing him away. Don't pretend that you are not interested in him at all when the truth is you want him and you are dying to spend time with him. Don't ever tell a guy you are not interested in him when you really are. Men can't read minds and they will not waste time trying to decipher a single sentence and all its hidden meaning. If you tell him you don't like him he will not go "Uhhmm maybe she wants me to work harder". If you can follow one principle in your relationship it should be "Always say what you mean and mean what you say". Once you learn how to do that, you won't have to deal with a lot of drama and frustrations down the road.

One thing that attracts men is positivity which means that frowning 24/7 is not allowed. When you radiate positive energy, you attract people who are positive as well. Don't spend hours talking on the phone about your ex or how bad your breakup was. It wouldn't make him stick around longer either if you fill him up with all the drama in your life each time he calls you. If all you do is whine about your appearance or sulk about your job or your mother who keeps letting you down, he would walk away from you.

If you want to get him to chase you, you have to learn how to compromise. Being flexible is a big plus for guys who are looking for a committed relationship. You can't go by the book and stick to your rules all the time because the more you do the more conflict you will encounter. Being open will result in a smoother partnership. If a guy feels that you are not willing to compromise to meet both of your needs, he will see nothing in the future but petty arguments. Prove to him that you are willing to compromise early on so he'll realize that you two are a making of a happy, couple.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Signs He Is Cheating Online

Online dating has increased our dating options but it has also opened up opportunities for cheating. Online cheating (as with ALL cheating) starts as emotional cheating where your man begins to share his feelings, dreams and hopes with another... and then progressively begins to be sexually stimulated by his online partner through sexy messages or images. The relationship may then progress to a meeting with her so that they can physically consummate a relationship that has already been consummated online. So how do you guard yourself from online cheating? How can you tell whether he is cheating online or not? What are the signs that he is cheating online?

1.Changing online habits. A man who starts to cheat on you online will change his online habits to match his new interest.

Increased secrecy! Since he is cheating on you then he will be increasingly secretive when he is online. He may suddenly shut down the computer or the window that he was engrossed in when you come close enough to see the computer screen. He may move the computer and place it in such a way that you can no longer easily see the screen or surprise him by your sudden appearance. When he is online and you come close to the screen he quickly shuts down 1 or more windows on some pretext... and it happens every single time. This is a clear sign that he is doing something online that he doesn't want you to know about.

Increased time online.The computer is his new best friend... and he neglects you to spend time with it. Whatever time he once spent on you is now spent with the computer. You may feel rather foolish since you are actually jealous of a computer... and he may play that card to get you to back off.

2.Diminished interest in you but more sex after his computer sessions. A man that is getting his emotional needs met somewhere else no longer needs to discuss things in depth like he used to do with you. You will feel very confused because on one hand there will be an emotional distance between the two of you but on the other hand he may want more sex since his online interest is arousing him. The sex will thus be mainly to fulfill his own needs... and he will often come already aroused by his online interest.

3.He smiles and sings like he did when you started dating. A man who is cheating on you online will be inexplicably happy... and dreamy. He may be with you physically but you will see him smile to himself as he reflects on something that made him happy... the other online woman. If you ask him why he is smiling he will give you some lame story that would not make any rational person smile.

If you see a number of these signs without a reasonable explanation then know that he may be cheating on you online... or watching pornography that he thinks that you would not approve of.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Let Go Of Emotional Baggage And Stop Feeling Emotionally Needy

Do you know that neediness is one of the greatest impediments to healthy and successful relationships? Do you know that the majority of people feel emotionally needy and they acquired this through early life conditioning that remains stored inside of them much like an old outdated computer program referred to as "emotional baggage"? Finally, do you know that is now possible to completely and permanently delete/erase this "emotional software" thereby restoring you to a whole, complete, emotionally independent, secure, self confident, capable adult? Want to learn more about how this might happen for you?

So how does one become needy and how can they be restored to a state of wholeness and emotional self sufficiency?

Well, let me start by saying that when you arrived here you were already whole and complete!

I know that many of you will find that hard to believe because that experience may feel totally unfamiliar to you.

Many of you have been led to believe that the reason you are feeling needy is because your parents failed to meet your needs for love, care, attention, validation, acceptance, understanding and so on and that they are somehow to blame for your current feelings of "deficiency".

As a result many of you continue to buy into the belief that there is a special someone out there who might be able to give you what your parents failed to supply you. This has led many of you to engage in relationships that might be referred to as "co-dependent" based on a hidden contract that goes something like:

"I'll fulfill your unmet needs if you fulfill mine".

When individuals feel they have found such a person and they agree to the contract they call this "falling in love". In fact all it is however is a contract of mutual exploitation and control. Does that sound like love to you?

Does it surprise you then that so many relationships built on such a premise fall apart so acrimoniously?

The wholeness that represented you at birth is often ignored and over ridden by the parent's need to meet their own unfulfilled needs. You simply became the vehicle/servant who was conceived to meet those needs.

In other words your true essence and purpose for being here was overridden by the need to please parents simply in order that you could survive your vulnerable baby and childhood years.
Unfortunately by the time you became a young adult you lost almost complete awareness of your essence and purpose and were so invested in playing out the expected roles thrust upon you that this left a deep feeling of emptiness inside.

That "emptiness" is a) responsible for all the feelings of neediness and b) is due to the "absence" of "You" in your mind/body and center of your life.

That emptiness can only be "filled in" by your restored presence. So how does that happen?

Well simply by deleting/erasing from your subconscious mind any/all roles and externally imprinted expectations that have nothing to do with you. These roles/expectations are laid down in the form of limiting negative beliefs and memories from early child hood i.e. what we commonly experience and refer to as "the emotional baggage"!

This erasure can now occur easily, effortlessly, permanently, and completely with a new coaching process developed a decade ago that is accessible to anyone who can read and write.

When one goes through this experience they find themselves returning to their Authentic Self which is an embodiment of feeling whole, emotionally self sufficient, complete, independent, secure, self confident, self assured, self respecting and mature to name a few.

In my view it is only from this place from within one's self that truly healthy relationships can emerge.

If you would like to stop feeling emotionally needy then kindly go the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone/Skype coaching consultation that will begin to help you on your way to wholeness and successful relationships today.

My Date Had A Great Time And I Didn't - How Do I Tell Him/Her?

Have you ever been out on a date with someone and it didn't go so hot? What if you got a text later that night from your date telling you how much fun she/he had? How do you tell someone that you didn't have as much on your date that they did? This isn't going to be easy, but the truth is best if it comes out now instead of later.

The Problem Will Not Go Away

Many people's first reaction when faced with this dilemma will be to simply not contact the person again. This of course is easy if you don't mind hurting the other person. However, if your date had a great time and you didn't and you suddenly stop contacting them, that is going to hurt much worse than the truth ever would.

For that reason, it is always best to let the other person down easy. It's good for karma, it'll make you feel better and it'll at least give the other person closure as to why the relationship didn't work.

Now, you have a decision to make. Do you want to see this person again? Don't be so rash to kick the person out of your life forever. There must be some reason why the two of you went out. Was it a physical attraction or was there something more? Why didn't you two have a good date? Was it situational? Was the restaurant too busy? Was the food awful? Or was your date simply boring?

Before you contact the other person, think very hard as to why the date didn't go as planned. If you do want to see the other person, you'll want to ask them out again. You will also want to mention the bad date.

If You Do Want To See The Person Again

The moment the person texts or tells you that they had a great time, tell them that you didn't. Just come out and say it. You can say something along the lines of, "You had a great time? Me? Not so much." Of course they are going to wonder why. You can decide to tell them or you can simply say, "I'd just like to try again if that's ok." The other person will want to make the date extra special and it's much more likely to go as planned this time.

If You Don't Want To See the Person

Depending on how you feel more comfortable, you should pick up the phone and call or text the other person to say that you are sorry, but you're just not interested in them at this time. You don't have to mention the bad date if it's not obvious. If your date chews with their mouth open, you don't have to tell them about their bad manners if you don't want to. Of course, telling them will help them improve, which could help them improve their chances at finding a match later on.

Or you can simply tell them that you're not interested and that you'd like to see other people. Most people will leave it at that and you'll be able to end things easily while providing the much needed closure the other person wants and deserves.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Exciting World of Online Dating

The world of online dating has never been more popular than at the moment. It has managed to reach out to a wide range of users, across countries, races, languages and cultures. While many people have the most romantic and beautiful stories to tell about themselves and their quest to find that one special person, there are just as many who have met with disappointment. So one can say online dating does mirror real life dating in many ways.

While the debate over which form of dating is better and safer continues, it is hard to ignore the obvious and vital positives of online dating. With online dating, you can screen a potential list of matches according to your preferences or likes and dislikes, which is almost impossible in real life.

And if you happen to like more than one person, you can always exchange messages and views to determine the right person for you, a practice known as two-timing in real world. Jokes apart, some other benefits include knowing a bit about your interest and his or her likes and dislikes, which more often than not prove instant ice-breakers and great conversation material. All this you can take care of either sitting at home, a café or even a park, as and when you can take time off. Surely a luxury the real world dating scenario can't offer under any circumstances.

Lest you think online dating is a world full of roses of all hues, let me add it has its share of scammers and deceitful people. These are the people who are in it just for the money. But if you think of these as isolated instances and are careful enough while dealing with people over the internet, then a world full of amazing possibilities is open for you. Most dating websites today pay great detail to the needs and particulars of their users. While some of these sites may charge a premium to let users access their database, there are many that provide the user with access to their database free of cost.

These online dating websites have precise search options which lets the user browse through requirements like age, sex, sexual orientation, relationship status, relationship history, currently looking out for and many more. Searches can also be refined by location, distance from user's place, hobbies, reading habits, TV preferences and many more.

As has been mentioned throughout this post, online dating is a boon for people in today's fast and hectic world. On the benchmarks of ease of use, choice, matchmaking and saving of time, online dating scores a perfect ten. For people who have been yearning for that perfect companionship, love and passion in their lives; enrol yourselves today with an online dating website. And get working on that profile pronto.

This news article is brought to you by FOOD AND DRINKS - where latest news are our top priority.