Saturday, October 30, 2010

Do Guys Always Run Away From You? Here Is the Reason Why This Is Happening and Know What to Do

When guys run away from you or any girl, something must be the matter why they do this. Something in your behavior or personality makes them fear the future or the idea of committing themselves to you. You will need to look into yourself to find the answer.

Do you put them off?
Perhaps you put them off in certain ways that they always run away from you. May be you're too shy and do not communicate or interact with them beyond what they have to speak with you and they find this a one way communication only.

May be your dress sense
Perhaps it could be your way of dressing when you go out with them. You either don't wear the right kind of outfit for the place they take you to or your clothes are much too old fashioned for today's styles. Go out and look at what's the latest in fashions.

You may be attracting the wrong guy
May be one of the reasons could be that the guy you're attracting is the wrong kind of guy and not the type best suited to the kind of person you are. Make sure you know the right kind of guy before you try to attract him. Find out more about him first.

Do you get too imposing on them
Men are apprehensive of women who are too imposing and want their complete attention and time. You have to learn that he is just a guy you are dating at the moment and he would resent your being too imposing while in the initial stages of knowing one another.

Leave him his space
Don't encroach on his space right from the beginning. You shouldn't do so even later because no man or even woman likes that. Every one wants their own space and privacy and if you encroach on him now, it will only put him off considering the future.

Don't pin him down to commitments
A sure shot way to send him running as far as he can from you. Men do not at any stage want to be tied down to commitments. They want to do things of their own free will and not have strings attached to every relationship from the very beginning itself.

Degree of unreliability
There may be a degree of unreliability which puts your guy on uncertain ground. May be he thinks you may not make a reliable or dependable partner eventually. Perhaps you do not meet up to his expectations either. These could be some of the reasons why guys run from you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dating Profile Tips: Five Ways to Boost Your Profile

Do you need dating profile tips? Are you tired of waiting for a match? Do you want to make the most of your personal profile and boost your chances of meeting the perfect match? If you're making a new profile or if you're looking for ways to make a profile better, these are some tried and true ways of improving your chances. It never hurts to try!

Tip Number One: Your Photo

It might seem like a no-brainer, but one of the best dating profile tips is this: Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to show yourself in your best light. Here are some ways to make sure your photo is the best it can be.

? Keep It Current - Keep a current photo of yourself on your profile. If the picture you are using is more than a year old, you should replace it.

? Use Your Own Photo - If you're not satisfied with your looks, take steps to improve them. Get a friend to take several photos of you, in different outfits, different lighting situations, and different poses. Never use a photo that is not of you!

? Keep it Tasteful - Be sure to use an appropriate, tasteful photo of yourself. You're looking for a partner - not pimping yourself out!

Tip Number Two: Be Truthful

Can you imagine meeting someone who seemed like a good match, only to find that everything he or she said was false? One of the most important dating profile tips to follow, is to tell the truth about who you are. You are you, and nothing is going to change that. Don't lie.

Tip Number Three: Be Creative

While it is essential to be truthful, you do want to be creative. You should avoid using cliches, and you'll increase your chances of success by writing a good profile statement.

Tip Number Four: Be Clear About What You Want

Of all the dating profile tips out there, this is probably one of the most important. Don't talk about what you don't want, talk about what you do. Whether you are looking for a creative, passionate bookworm or a fun loving goofball, find a way to say what you want. Talk about personality traits you find attractive, and be sure you make yourself clear.

By stating what you want, you avoid looking like you are completely desperate. You're sure to attract positive attention this way.

Finally, by avoiding negative statements, and talking about what you don't want, you prevent yourself from seeming like a completely negative person. People who are looking for a match want to enjoy meeting others, not hear a laundry list of complaints!

Tip Number Five: Show, Don't Tell!

One of the best dating profile tips to remember as you're creating your new profile or revamping an existing profile, is that nobody wants to hear about you smart you are, how funny you are, or how great looking you are.

Instead of talking about yourself, show the world what you've got to offer via putting an effort into the words you use. Show your sense of humor, illustrate your intelligence, and give those potential matches a great looking photo to enjoy. Soon enough, you'll meet more new friends than you ever thought possible!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Are Tall Woman, Short Man Couples Doomed?

There is no shortage of relationship gurus and other experts telling us how the tall male earns more, makes a better lover and climbs up the social ladder faster, with less effort.

So does dating shorter men have less prestige? Should it be ruled out by women, especially if the height difference is beyond socially comfortable levels? Actually, short men have many advantages that women tend to overlook.

Short men tend to be funnier and are more likely to have complex personalities that they developed since their teenage years in order to compensate for those missing inches. A short guy from high school figured out the way to joke me out of my aloofness and eventually laughed me into bed. Tall boys didn't do this as they felt they shouldn't have to work so hard, and gave up more easily.

Tall men man are more likely to treat their girlfriend badly because they know that the next one is waiting in line. Vertically challenged men who has been less spoiled by society, have a more mature concept of what it means to be a man and will handle the ups and downs of the relationship with more patiently.

A pattern I've noticed with men of my height or taller is that their love of the relationship soon transformed into a love of themselves as soon as they received their validation. This smacks of superficial self-confidence.

Tall women have the one thing that short men have coveted all their life - height. So short men love tall women to the point it has been called the tall woman short man syndrome. Short men are simply more grateful.

Since society gives unfair advantages to taller men, short men have aways had to work harder to get where they are. They are more likely to be better providers and are probably more ambitious. There are many successful men who are short. Off the top of my head I can name Rod Stewart, Bernie Ecclestone and Salman Rushdie. Since women in today's society tend to judge men by financial kudos, this is great news for short men.

So shorter does not mean 'less' but 'more compact'. Even if a short man isn't famous or wealthy, he will be more humble, more appreciative and less clumsy.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Why Is Your Boyfriend No Longer Romantic?

Does your boyfriend still bring you flowers? Unexpected presents? Sometimes put on mood music and light candles at dinner?


Well, I'll be darned! That's so hard to believe!

Actually, it's not hard to believe at all. It happens all the time. And the reasons can be easily explained (we'll get to that.)

What I know is that it makes your life feel bland. The "spice" is gone. Every day is the same monotonous routine. Perhaps you are contemplating an affair.

I often hear it said that "communication" is the key to relationship issues. So hopefully you've tried to talk to him about this. Right? And nothing's changed? So much for "communication."

Actually, I think "communication" is over-hyped. It is important, sure, but it is not the magic bullet that solves all relationship problems. You need to get this out of your head.

I suggest replacing "communication" with some basic knowledge about what makes relationships work or not work. THEN you'll have something to "communicate" about!

Why do you want him to be romantic anyway? There is no functional purpose in it.

Whoa! Did I say that? (Just testing you.)

Being romantic does have a functional purpose. It says "you are special," and that's important for everyone to know and feel. It also provides a softer, quieter environment, even if for a short time, and this allows routine to fade away and renewed energy to come alive.

Who knows, it might even lead to sex!

So, what has he told you about his non-romantic behavior? "I just don't feel it"? "I'm too tired"? "That's silly woman stuff"? "There isn't time"?

These are all excuses for not facing the issue. And what is the issue? YOUR FEELINGS!

You have a right to have feelings, and to have them acknowledged, and to see actions on his part that display a desire to make you feel good. Without this, what is love?

So what ARE the reasons he is no longer romantic?

Reason #1. Many men are brought up to be strong, macho, impervious to feelings. This is a holdover from the cave men, but old habits die hard. They are uncomfortable when you bring up your feelings, and this applies to many things, not just being romantic.

Reason #2. The infatuation period has faded into reality. It's entirely possible that after the initial stages of the relationship he no longer feels the way he once thought he did. If he doesn't feel it, it will be hard for him to show romantic interest in romantic ways.

Reason #3. He is scared. He perceives that being romantic will indicate a further level of commitment, and he doesn't want to go there (yet). So he withholds outward ways of showing affection (he doesn't withhold sex, of course).

Reason #4. He is bored. This may be a result of his own immaturity and inability to display imagination in the relationship. Or it may be a result of your own immaturity and your own inability to show imagination and variety, or to appreciate what he does do. Either of these factors could cause him to shut down.

Reason #5. He takes you for granted. Sure, he had to work hard to get you in the first place, but now that he has you he doesn't have to put in the same level of effort. This is a very natural behavior, but it is also a sign of immaturity.

Reason #6. All of the above. More than likely it is some combination of all these reasons, and it is going to be up to you to figure out which are most important and how to deal with them.

If you love him but are wondering if this is as good as it gets, the answer is simple. It CAN be better!

Here's a hint: don't expect him to take the initiative on this. He's not likely to get out of his rut unless you do something to make it happen! "Unless things change, they will remain the same..."

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Relationships Dating Guide - Women Looking for Men - Attraction Using the "Art of Flirtation"!

What kind of relationship do you want to attract? Women looking for men? Or men looking for women? This relationships dating guide will give you some good positive tips on how to attract the relationship you want into your life. We attract people into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Would you like to attract a sexy fling? (A reason); A good-time guy? (A season); or an intimate life partner? (A lifetime). The first step is to become clear on what type of relationship you desire, and then re-create yourself in a fashion that will allow your desire to make its appearance into your experience. Clear & Ready? It's time to set your attraction to action!

Everything in our universe is based upon energy (thoughts, matter and every living organism - including people) and is also in a constant state of vibration. Attraction is based upon this scientific principle, and we will demonstrate how you can become in vibrational alignment (attract) what it is that you desire in your life. People find themselves in places where there are others of a similar vibration, because they are also projecting similar thoughts & energy.

At the deepest level, your point of attraction is your current emotional state. Being happy & confident is the best signal you can send! Start thinking thoughts that are aligned to the type of person you want to attract. How would the type of person you are seeking most likely think? Our heart chakra (energy center) is the physical place where we project and receive the signals from our environment. Wearing a Rose Quartz Crystal over that area will harmonize & focus the energy & intention you are sending.

Use the "Art of Flirtation" to quickly engage the person you'd like to get closer to. Whether you're sitting or standing, have your feet pointing in his or her direction (body language cue for where you'd really like to be.) After you catch the first glimpse of the object of your attraction, look right past them (like you're just looking around), and after you've turned your head a few degrees past them, quickly turn and attempt to make direct eye contact with them.

Hold the gaze for three seconds longer than he does, and slowly begin to form a warm smile. The moment they look away is your cue! If you're a woman, then allow him the opportunity to pursue you first. If he appears to be extremely shy, it's perfectly ok for you to pursue him - do so in a slow, fluid and sensual manner. Strut your stuff in his direction.

If you're a man going after an attractive woman, then you need to strut your stuff right up to them! Don't hesitate, it shows a lack of confidence and kills the moment for women. Talk about anything that just happened to you on the way there, anything interesting you just saw, or even what they are looking at. Ask them if they really like the environment (wherever you are) and let them know that you are liking it even more now! (That they are there!)

I hope this gives you a few positive pointers in how to attract and approach a person that you're interested in. Always having something to say makes all the difference. It doesn't matter so much what you say, rather that you do say it.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tips on How to Flirt

If you want to be attractive at the same time you meet new people, flirting is a good choice. Knowing the secrets of flirting will save you from many uncomfortable situations. Many people experience awkward moments when they can't tell if a person is being nice to them or if that person is interested about them in some other way.

Maybe you have gone trough that situation in your life. Someone may have being treating you in a special way but you weren't sure if that person was just showing good manners or if that person wanted to tell you something else. To start understanding flirting you have to begin to look approachable, this is a nice a strategy that works very well.

If you seem to be a friendly person people will approach to you more. If you want to show you are interested, smile a little bit, showing a fine smile and laughing a bit are good ways to appear more attractive. But remember that staring at people can be something scary, so avoid looking at people for long periods of time if you don't want to scare them away.

If you stare at a people constantly you may let people think you are dumb, even worse people may think you are a creepy person who has no good intentions. Thus look at people for a short time and go to talk to them; this is one of the easiest things to do when you play the flirting game.

Once you are talking to that person keep a normal and relax conversation. Avoid asking too formal or boring questions. If you are just starting to know that person don't ask too personal questions, if you want to know everything about that person in a first or second date you may be looking like a stalker. That's something that nobody wants to deal with.

There is no problem in saying things like how old are you? And what's your job? Just remember not to act intrusive and don't behave like a reporter. To finalize you have to know that when flirting anything can happen, sometimes you may success others just don't. If something goes wrong with somebody, just forget about it and move towards a new target.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What to Do to Make a Guy Need You! Do These 7 Things and You Will Get This Desired Result Real Fast

When you impress on your guy that you are an important cog in his wheel and without you his life will be dull and listless you can rest assured that he will never let you go. Here is how you can meet this objective of yours.

Be firm
You need to say when it is enough. Do not let him walk all over you and never compromise your self respect. This will show him that you need to be treated with more love and affection.

Let him realize that you are worth him
Take some time to review your relationship. Reflect upon your own behavior and honestly try to find out if you have been giving the love and affection he needs. If you truly do that and he knows that you are trying he will need and crave you as much as you do him.

Do not mollycoddle him
If your guy is not giving you the love and affection you need, don't compromise and stop if you have been treating him as the greatest guy alive, as you run the risk that he might start to get too spoilt and selfish and start taking you for granted.

Talk but don't get too emotional
There is actually some truth in the belief that men can't cope with too much emotion, so in a confrontation don't go in with lots of tears, sentimentalism or tantrums. Chances are that he will comply with your wishes if you talk to him in a mature and a calm manner and both of you can resolve to care for each others needs.

It is good to make mistakes
Nobody is perfect and that applies to you both. Don't make a fuss or get mad at him if he is unable to keep that dinner date with you or has forgotten something you had told him to do. Just have a talk with him about how you feel and let the matter go. This way he will need you more because you are so forgiving while the rest of the world is not.

Find out what turns him on
And give it to him. Not so difficult. Men are generally pretty easy to please. Have fun in bed, surprise him with something naughty and kinky. This will show him that you care for all his needs and he will reciprocate by doing the same.

Well, why not?
Maybe this is hard to do but if your guy is not giving you proper attention, there is nothing wrong in ignoring him for a while. Spend time with your friends by going out with them or do something exciting with them. He will realize that you can't be taken for granted and his respect and need for you will grow.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Is He Just Keeping Me Around Till Be Finds a Better Woman? Figure Out His True Intentions Fast

If you are not sure about the man you are dating, then there is something wrong and you have to get to the bottom of it to enjoy a full and lasting relationship. Look for these signs that will tell you if he is serious or just fooling around with you.

Is he sincere and loving
No man who is not sincere and serious about you will be loving, tender and compassionate at all times. He will fool around with your emotions and will show inconsistent and selfish behavior at some point of the relationship. Test him and see if he is always there for you.

Is he always on the look out for someone better?
One sign a philandering man will give is the fact that he is always on the look out to make a "kill". He will continually check out other women and ogle them. This shows you that he is just there with you for the present till he can find a better woman. Beware of his tactics to take advantage of you.

Is he always complaining and criticizing?
Think back and decide if he has been encouraging and complimenting or the complaining and criticizing type! Is he always saying cutting things that wound your self esteem and pride? If he is not considerate and sensitive to your moods it proves that he is there only because of what he gets!

Does he give me enough time?
Are you always the one who has to make the sacrifices? Does he give you enough time or do you always have to give way to his friends? This is important and the more he proves that he does not value you or give you priority over others in his life, it shows that he is just fooling around till someone better comes along!

Is he the only one taking while you do all the giving?
Check back and see if you have been the one to keep giving. A good relationship is both give and take, and as long as there is sharing between you, you have hope. If he refuses to be selfless and insists on you satisfying his needs while he does nothing to satisfy you, it shows that he is not serious about you.

Is the grass always greener on the other side?
What type of character does he have? Has he always been the type of guy who is never satisfied with what he has? Does the grass on the other side of the fence always seem greener for him? If yes, then you can be sure that he will leave you the moment he sees another woman who seems better!

Does your needs and wellbeing matter to him?
Only a guy who is bothered about your well being is really interested in you. If he is cold, careless, selfish and inconsiderate where you and your needs are concerned, no one need tell you that he is just fooling with you as long as he is getting something out of the relationship. He will not stick to you in times of trouble and will leave the moment he finds someone better!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - Or Is It?

This week, I am addressing the question that many of you have probably asked yourselves a time or two... Is it EVER okay to break up with someone via text, email, or phone?

In general, the answer is no. I do realize that these kinds of conversations are probably not your favorite, but in most cases you would be courteous and kind to break up with her in person. No need to drag it on. Just be honest and direct, and leave out the drama. (She may try to throw it in, but you don't have to bite.)

On the other hand, there are a couple of circumstances where you may be better off to use the less personal methods...

First, if it is someone you have barely dated, as in once or twice, maybe three dates. There has been no sex. You didn't realize it until the last date was over and done with, but she is just simply not the one for you. Why schedule another time together just to tell her you're not interested? Get it over with, so you can move on and she can too. The phone in this case would probably be the kindest choice, including voicemail if she does not answer. No one really wants to get an 'I don't think we should see each other anymore email.' This could cause future email phobia, and you don't want to be responsible for that!;)

Second case scenario is as follows: you have reason to believe that she is a 'rabbit boiler' as Glenn Close was in Fatal Attraction. There really ARE women like her in real life, unfortunately. The wrist cutters, the stalkers, need I say more? Mentally unstable. And ladies, I'm not discriminating against you. Mental illness knows no boundaries. There are some men like this in the world, too. This is the other scenario in which it would be acceptable, even wise, to do the breaking up via technology. And then don't under any circumstances have any contact with her after that. Don't answer her phone calls, don't respond to her texts or emails, don't agree to meet her for lunch to talk about it, you get the point. And don't be afraid to change your numbers and your locks if need be. Sounds cruel, but making a clean break in a case like this is really the most compassionate way to handle things for both of you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How To Make A Relationship Last - These Tips Will Give You The Power To Make A Man Want You Forever!

What is the #1 fear of most people out there? It's the fear of LOSING someone, more specifically, their significant other....and people SHOULD be afraid, because frankly, most people don't know how to make a relationship last. It's exactly why over 60% of relationships END rather than LAST. Now if you want to be able to make a man literally want you forever, I suggest that you pay close attention to the following tips:

Flirt With Him -Some couples, after a period of familiarity with one another, will tone down the flirtatious advances, because they think they are past that point. BUT, the fact is that you should never truly get past the flirtatious point, because it is a method to keep things alive even after a long period of time.

It's playful, fun, complimentary, and makes your man feel good, and remember if you want him to remain interested in you, you MUST make him feel good about himself; flirting with him will do just that. Not only this, but it encourages him to look at you in a fun and seductive manner; a feeling and outlook from his side, which would generally be lost if you don't nourish it from time to time.

Tackle Your Goals -Most of the things that are interesting in life, are interesting because they CHANGE. We notice the weather when it changes, not when it stays the same. We notice the moon when it becomes full, because it's not always that way. We watch sports or movies and expect changes in the game or plot.

Everything that we enjoy in life all boils down to one major thing: change. Thus, if you want to keep him utterly addicted to you, you should start tackling your goals and start accomplishing things outside of him. This change will make him always want to know MORE about you, because you are ensuring there is MORE to know.

Do Something Thrillingly Scary Together -Is there something that you've always thought was neat, but are too afraid to do it? Maybe it's skydiving or driving a motorcycle; but find something that both of you find thrilling, yet you are afraid, and do it together. Tackling one's fears together is a strong way to bond and keep the interest alive; as it is an interesting experience you can share and go through together.

Get Over Your Worst Insecurities - Is he always telling you that you look fine, but you don't seem to think so? If your worst insecurities is over your looks, find a way to get over it. If your worst insecurity is something else, find a way to get past it. Doing such will REMOVE that obstacle from your life and open you up to him in a whole new way that he didn't even think was possible.

Likewise, you should also work on his insecurities, so that he is not always pushing you away on the basis of a fear or doubt he has in himself or something else.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's The Most Annoying Thing Women Do Around Men Which Drives Them Nuts? It's Not What You Think!

I spy, with my little eye....something that almost every woman out there does, that drives men absolutely nuts! Think you know what it is? Chances are; this will surprise you....

How Much Do You Expect From Your Man?

Not sure where I am going with this? Well, don't worry, because I am going to take you by the hand and walk you through a man's mind, and show you the most annoying thing that women do around men; which of course; men hate...

In a nutshell, it has to do with your expectations. You see, most women expect TOO MUCH from the man she is with or from a man she is interested in. But let's do a little test here first; see if you can identify with any of the following:

? Are you looking for the love of your life, and you want him to sweep you off your feet and take out of the hell hole you are in now?

? Do you feel lonely and depressed when you don't have him around, and can't seem to do anything with yourself?

? Do you think about him all the time, and can't really get anything else done unless he is there encouraging you?

? Do you get really upset if a man doesn't call you back, even if you never told him you wanted him to?

? Do you feel anxious and don't know what to do with your-self when he isn't around, and wait impatiently for him to come back?

? Do you always talk to him about your problems and try to get him to fix things for you?

? Is he the only way for your dreams to come true, and without him, you are "not complete"?

You see, what most women end up doing, is they end up expecting their man to be EVERYTHING. Literally. You want him to be your friend, your lover, your problem solver, your cuddle buddy, your listener, your fun time, and even your enemy!

Men Hate It When A Woman Puts Too Many Expectations On Him

When you expect too much from a man, he ends up feeling trapped, and his natural reaction will be to withdraw. Men can't help it....because they already have to handle themselves, but on top of it feel as though you are trying to get them to be like a father to you.

There comes a certain point where a man will start expecting you to take responsibility for your life, and start trying to give yourself what you want, instead of always relying on a man to come in and save the day for every single thing.

He doesn't want to always have to hear about your problems and how you don't make any effort to fix them. He doesn't want you to only have the EXACT SAME dreams he fact, he wants you to have your OWN dreams, and a life OUTSIDE of him.

He wants you to be an individual, someone who is confident on her own. That's what he's looking for, but if you are always expecting too much of him or want him to be your entire world, planet, or universe even....well, you can expect him to leave you and move on.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How to Deal With Your Guy When He Is Hiding His Feelings? Get Him to Open Up With These Tips

As a woman, you should never be frustrated or get angry when your man refuses to open up to you. Being all emotional about it won't do you any good. Letting him see tears will only make him more resolved to keep those feelings to himself. Here are 7 tips that would make you better able to deal with this type of man:

It's only through gentle persuasion that you could make him talk.

Encourage him to spill all his feelings to you rather than confront him about it. Don't show him even the slightest sign of nosiness. Instead, be willing to wait and then gently ask him when he's ready to talk with you. Remember how hard it is to tame a wild animal? It's only through gentle persuasion and persistence that a feral animal would finally succumb.

Show him that you're loving.

Never coerce him into opening up to you. This will make him more stubborn. Let him know that you love him unconditionally and that if he's a bit secretive, your love won't change at all.

Judge not.

If you're thinking why your man is not opening up to you, don't let this thought affect your judgment. Be willing to wait and see why he's not that open when it comes to his feelings and thoughts. Don't immediately think that he doesn't trust you or that he's hiding something from you.

Be honest that you're hurt, though.

Let him know that, although you love him, you are hurt by his being secretive. Tell him that he can trust you and that you'd be grateful if he'll share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you.

Earn his trust.

Sometimes, a man simply wouldn't trust a woman right away. If this is the case, then you've got to show him that there's nothing to doubt because you're trustworthy.

Try hiding your own feelings as well.

As the clich?oes, give him a dose of his own bitter medicine. If he reacts to it, that's the time that you gently tell him that he's been doing the same thing to you and you didn't want it at all.

Distance yourself from him.

This is the perfect time to let him be. Sometimes, you just have to let a guy be by himself in order for him to sort out his thoughts. Once he snaps out of this, then this guy will be more than willing to share his thoughts with you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How to Entice a Man Without Body Contact - Get the Response You Want From Him Right Away

The thought of enticing a man comes in only when a woman fancies him and wants him seriously enough and not otherwise. If it is just to have fun and nothing more then that is an entirely different issue. But let's see the many ways of enticing a man without body contact.

Man of your choice
The man of your choice would generally meet up to your expectations. He'd have to be matching up to your standards of physical appearance and personality. His build and general get up would certainly need to catch your fancy. So once that man catches your fancy then you can zero in on him.

Time to gauge his interest in you
You'd never think of enticing a man not interested in you. Watch for his body language and his eyes. Eyes communicate more than words can say, so do not only try to read his eyes, you too can communicate tons through your eyes.

Time to indulge in flirting
Once you both are mutually acceptable to one another then it's time to start flirting with him. Flirting will keep him healthily interested and aroused. It is not difficult to entice a man without body contact. Knowing what to do and when to do helps greatly.

Hinting in the same direction helps
You should be sure that both of you are thinking on the same lines and are not poles apart. If the motive is a serious one then he should feel equally inclined and not indicate just a playful short-term relationship. Hinting your direction will help you both.

Building trust in one another
There certainly would be moments of serious and mature talk where together you could build up a relationship of trust in one another. Confiding in each other helps bond a relationship. If he takes the first step, do follow up confiding something to let him know that you trust him too.

Playful advances
Your conversation needn't always be too serious. Remember you're also trying to entice the man. There's no harm in some playful advances and lively jokes to keep the atmosphere lightly aroused. You could convey more by words that he's the kind of man you have rarely come across. That will elate him highly.

Appreciation and approval
Enticing is not only about sexual advances. Enticing also covers a broad spectrum of appreciation and approval of the things your man has accomplished. Let him know that you always had an interest in such activities. This will more than entice him without you touching him.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Friday, October 22, 2010

How to Make Him Miss Me Like Mad? He Won't Be Able to Settle Without You After This Point

If you want to know how to make him miss you like crazy, then there are certain tactics you can adopt. It's easy when you know how!

Make him grow used to seeing you around
Once he gets too accustomed to having you around, seeing your dear face across the breakfast table and having your warm and sexy body lying close to him in bed, it is going to be hard to spend the days without you! Make him totally addicted to you and he will miss you like mad if you're not around.

Do things that will make him depend on you
Have you been doing all those little things for him that makes his life so comfortable? Like seeing he gets his delicious meals on time, he has clean underwear and delighting him in bed! This will make him miss you like mad if you go away for a short while. He has begun to depend on you and therefore will not know what to do when you are not there.

Make him miss your hugs and kisses
Do your best to make him feel loved and secure in the relationship. Delight him daily with your hugs, passionate kisses, embraces etc. Once he gets used to coming home to a lot of these, he is going to feel miserable and lonely without you.

Make him feel bereft and incomplete without you
Too many men tend to take their women for granted. They are happy enough to receive all the love and attention from their woman and soon start to expect it as their right! The best way to make him realize your worth and make him appreciate all that you do for him is to leave him for a while. This is going to make him feel bereft and incomplete and he will hate it!

Be his anchor and balm and he will miss you when you're not there
If you have been the type of woman who was like an anchor in the storm and a soothing balm to ease all stress, then he is definitely going to feel your absence if you go away for a while. He will miss the strength and comfort that you used to offer him. He will obviously miss you like mad.

Be as loving and tender as you can before you leave
Just before you can pack and go off on a vacation, make sure that you give him the time of his life. Fill his days with plenty of loving, caresses and sexy bouts in the bed room. He is going to have such a wonderful time with you that when the time comes for you to leave he will hate the very thought of doing without you!

Call him every night
While you are away, don't forget to call him every night. Let him know how much you are missing him and how much you want to feel his arms around you! How graphic and explicit you want to be depends on you. He is going to miss you dreadfully!

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Will Being Unavailable Sometimes Make a Man More Interested? Discover What It Will Do

You've tried all the ways possible to make your man more interested but all of them have ended in sheer futile attempts. Your last resort is to make yourself unavailable and thus ensnare him. Some of these tips are very helpful.

Make yourself scarce
Let him find that you are suddenly no where to be seen. You even seem to have deserted the group with whom you used to hang out or the common areas you used to frequent together. Let him keep guessing about where you could be.

Let your whereabouts be a complete secret
Your friends circle should not even be aware of your whereabouts. He will try to find out through your close friends and even your family. The family too will need to be unapproachable, leaving him totally distressed.

Be non communicable
His next resort will be to call you on your cell. You know he's calling but make sure not to answer or that will be the end of your little game. He may try to get through to you through one of your friends but make sure you do not answer their call either,

Make an appearance after a reasonably long gap
Let him suddenly spot you at one of the friend's gatherings. He is sure to walk up to you and ask you where you have been. Tell him it was personal and you had to get out of town urgently; beyond that do not communicate more. He will not waste time in asking you out but decline politely.

Let him notice a change in you
May be there should be a significant change in your style of dressing for him to notice. Wear the colors you never used to wear earlier. Keep him guessing as to what the reason could be. Are you no longer interested in him will be his first thought.

Decline his offer to go out
He will wonder why you're not accepting to go out with him. Are you trying to avoid him or is there some one else on the scene? Tell him you're busy and leave him. Yet let him see that you are into other activities that involve another set of friends than before.

Is there someone special?
Let him guess that there must be someone special now on the scene and that is why you're not available for him these days. Once he notices how unavailable you are for him, he will realize his mistake and will show his interest hereafter. Take care not to relent too easily or you will give yourself away.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Got to Have Tips for a Better Relationship in Dating

dating can be easy if you are an experienced person but to some, it is quite difficult even getting one a date. For a couple dating, sometimes they face many trials in their relationship. In the real world, having relationships does not mean they do not have problems on their own. Nothing is perfect when it comes to relationships alone. But there are things that you can actually do to have a better relationship in dating for couples. What are these things needed for couples?

Communication alone can give a great impact in a relationship especially for those still dating each other. Why? This is the means of interacting and sharing with each other the likes and dislikes and sharing each other about their lives to know more about themselves. In this way, you can attest the acceptance of each party. It can make a better relationship in dating because through communicating with each other you can talk about the conflict and be able to solve the conflict together. That is why communication is vital in every relationship.

To have a better relationship in dating is giving each other spaces. This means that you should give each other a break for both of you to do stuff within your scope of interest. In this way, you and your dating partner can have a time for your own selves. Another thing you must consider to have a better relationship in dating is accepting the person of who he or she is and respect on her or his dislikes and like. This is because not everything can be the same interest with another person. There will be times that decisions can be made disagreeable to both but each of you should respect each other's and decision and talk more about it. Lastly, give time for each other to bond and know each other more and more. Giving time for each other can build bonds.

Relationships keep a person going and sometimes make one strong. There are actually many hardships that you can expect in a relationship and especially when dating. The mentioned tips to have a better relationship in dating are just few but the only thing to have it better is for both of you to work together to attain your goal. Relationships do not flourish by destiny alone but by hard work from both parties in maintaining a good relationship with each other. The only you can make it better.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Singles Over 40 Cruises: A New Place to Find Love

When you turn 40 and your single there are a lot of things that you may think about. You may have certain doubts that love is anywhere in your life and that you may remain single and die alone. It's something that many women who turn 40 will think about and they will actively seek out a man to fulfill their dreams.

Most people think that life doesn't really begin until your 40 and they may well be right. After all you've done all the crazy things when you were younger and are a lot wiser now. But as a single who is 40 you still have the need for love and well you may well be able to find it when you look into singles over 40 cruising.

Not only will you have a vacation that will allow you to get away from all those things in your life, but you will be with other singles over 40 who you may find a love match with. Also you will be able to head to a location that you may never have seen before.

Looking into the different cruises that are offered will allow you to pick the best over 40s cruising choice. Not only should you look at the prices but the amenities that will be offered on the cruise. See if they have Gentlemen Hosts that will allow you a great way to be able to meet a nice guy to dance with while on the cruise. Many activities will be planned that you can enjoy and be able to mingle and meet other great over 40 singles who are on board.

You may have parties and dance lessons that will be offered on the singles over 40 cruises you take. Plus you have the excursions where you can go off the ship and see a foreign land. It's just a fantastic way to be able to relax and enjoy your time away, even if you don't meet a man of your dreams.

There are many cruise lines that have great promotions for singles and cruises that you can take. Look for singles over 40 choices and try to see if you can find love while sailing the seas.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How to Get a Date With the Lady of Your Dreams - Get Her to Say Yes

Guys often have troubles on how to get a date with the lady of their dreams. Why? The most common reason is the fear of being turned down. How will the lady say even "yes" when you never asked. So before you go and ask a girl out for a date, it is best to befriend with her first; be her best friend, her buddy and confidante. If you want a date with her, build a foundation. Being friends is where the whole thing starts.

Ladies love guys with a good sense of humor. With this being said, you don't have to be the funniest but the least effort to make her laugh naturally is the best thing. Laugh at her jokes and get her to smile when her heel broke in the middle of nowhere. And when she cries, be the shoulder to cry on and crack a little joke to make her smile.

Ladies love being adored. If she is wearing a new dress, compliment her. Notice the slightest details that made her totally different on that day. Compliment even the smallest things that she has. But of course, don't overdo it or else it will be too obvious. Greet her when she walks at the corridor. A simple gesture or "hi" is a compliment that will make her notice you.

The basic on how to get a date includes asking the lady of your dreams out for a date, but this doesn't come naturally if you just met her a minute ago and then you start asking her out the next minute.

Although asking a girl out the minute after you met her is a little cool but most of the time it can be very arrogant. It works if the girl is secretly attracted to you too. But if not, anticipate the unforeseen facts. You can even get a reward for being the most talked about person among the ladies. You don't want that to happen. So it is always best to plan your moves before asking a girl out for a date.

Date the girl of your dreams know the tricks to make her fall for you CHECK THIS!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cambridgeshire - A New Look at Adult Dating and Swinger Parties in the County

Cambridgeshire is a very historic county and one where you might not expect to find much in the way of adult dating activity or swinger parties. Its countryside is flat, low-lying, fen land that some consider to be boring or uninteresting whilst others find it hauntingly picturesque.

The county is located in East Anglia and is most famous for its ancient university city of Cambridge. Students attending this prestigious seat of learning sometimes join adult dating sites and attend swinger parties in the area.

The city provides many other pleasures for adult fun seekers and swinger party-goers. These include punting on the river Cam or picnicking on its grassy banks. The city has a profusion of beautiful buildings, and taking a riverside walk or having a few drinks in one of the quaint city inns, are popular activities to enjoy when dating in the area.

Cambridgeshire's other city is Peterborough. It is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city with a high proportion of people from non-indigenous ethnic origins. A surprising number part in adult dating.

The remainder of Cambridgeshire is composed mainly of smaller market towns like Ely, March, St Ives and Wisbech, interspersed amongst agricultural countryside and rural villages.

How much swinger and dating fun takes place in the county can be calculated by taking a look at how many advertising members the top adult dating sites are showing for Cambridgeshire.

Quite a few people register with several of the principle adult dating sites simultaneously. This was taken into account when calculating the total figures for Cambridgeshire. According to this method of reckoning, my guesstimate of the numbers of individuals and couples indulging in adult dating in Cambridgeshire is 600. The total divides up into 420 couples, 150 single males and 130 single females.

The figures should be a heartening indication to any person who is interested in locating like-minded people in the county that the opportunities for an immense amount of hedonism are unquestionably out there. There is not an established adult party club venue in Cambridgeshire at present although one could start up there, more or less at any time.

However, in my experience it is often the case that the most successful adult parties are likely to be those that are privately hosted. The best way to get invites to adult parties of this nature in Cambridgeshire, is to register with a leading adult dating club. The next step is to draft a really good profile then start developing a popular presence on the site. It is essential that you commit yourself to devote considerable time and energy logged into the site getting involved in chat rooms and forums. Study the advice articles that are for both members and site visitors. The articles will teach you the best practices for developing your online personality and getting the best out of using online swinger sites.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Attract Women - A Step by Step Guide

I've had people asking me over and over this question: Can you give me a step by step guide to how to attract a woman? Finally, here it is, use it, don't add too much to it and if you have any suggestion or remarks, visit my website. As I have already mentioned, it's a step by step guide, based on the five essential characteristics to attracting women. Number one: the preparation stage. In this stage, your mission is to tell her (indirectly) you are interested and that you have SELECTED her, in other words, you like her. So, how do we proceed? Simple, the magic words are "eye contact".

Neither a prolonged one (like a stalker), nor threatening, just simple eye contact (hide the smile). However, you should be careful to a very neglected detail by many men! Don't be the first look away. You see, women love to test men and see it they are worth her femininity or not, so her first test to you will be keeping her eye contact prolonged toward you, if you glance first, you lose, simple. Number two: body language.

After succeeding the first stage, you will want to show her that you will be approaching her in the following moments, so as not to get the cold shoulder, direct your body, torso, and legs toward her direction and face her, your facial expressions must not be frightening nor weak, keep a cool face, don't smile a lot.

Number three: an opening line. Most people will use some dumb, disrespectful line like "If I Said You Have A Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me?" Well, you get the idea, don't use pick up line at all, no matter what the situation is.

Your first words must be:

  • Non-threatening
  • Relevant to the situation
  • Emphatic, pleasant or complimentary
  • Easy to agree with

Guys, you should know that I'm giving you pure gold here; I've suffered many humiliations before I could figure out this combination.

Let me give you an example:

Me, shining a nice smile: Hi! I really like your purse, my sister is having her birth day soon and I have no idea what to get her. Can I ask where did you get it?

Non-threatening (obvious), Relevant to the situation (she is wearing it), complimentary (she has good taste), Easy to agree with (I've never seen a woman in my whole life who reacted in a mean way to such combination of words).

One word of advice, use your body language appropriately.

Number four: keep the attraction alive. Here, I'm going to give you the most important "don'ts". Don't be needy. Don't do her too much favours, learn to say no if it's a win/lose situation. Don't be around for too long (give her the immense pleasure of missing you, your humour, your presence and most importantly, your masculine energy).

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Like This Guy at Work But I Don't Know If He Likes Me Back! 7 Ways to Know If He Likes You Back

One of the most popular places for people to meet and develop the beginnings to a relationship is in their workplace. It's a great place to meet people that you otherwise would not notice, and the time that you spend together creates an easy environment in which to get to know them. If you're curious about whether or not a guy you with whom you work has a crush on you, here are a few of the most common signs that he will display.

He's Got A Smile That Goes On For Miles

It will be easy to tell if he is smiling simply because he's nice, or if he is smiling to catch your attention. If he seems to try to smile at you frequently, he likes you.

You "Randomly" Run Into Each Other A Lot

If he seems to plan his breaks according the schedule by which you take yours, it is so he can talk to you without requiring the conversations to be work-related.

He Makes Excuses To Stop By Your Workstation

A guy that tries to come over to your work center from another one at random times, is most likely trying to find excuses to talk to you. He could be "bringing someone a memo" but in reality he just wants to see you.

He Talks To You Whenever He Can

When a guy in the workplace likes a woman, he tries to talk to her as much as possible nowadays that is a lot easier with emails and texting, so if he starts talking to you a lot, first about work and then drifting into your personal life, then he is most likely attracted to you.

Does He Compliment You At Every Turn?

After there has been a decent amount of communication and you have both started to become friends, he will work at complimenting you as much as possible without coming on too strong. It may be as subtle as talking about work related tasks or as brazen as telling you how good you look.

His Proximity After Hours

If you are both at a work related outing, or just out with some friends from work, he will make sure that he is around you as much as possible, while still trying to remain casual.

He Will Talk About You Often

When you come up in conversations between him and a few of your other coworkers, especially when it happens frequently, there is a very good chance that he is attracted to you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How Do I Control My Neediness Around My Boyfriend? Here Is How to Control the Desperation

Relationships are perhaps the best things in the world. They help give us comfort and companionship with someone who understands not only our troubles but will also celebrate with us in our triumphs. However, one of the biggest turnoffs for a man is when his girlfriend is way too clingy. Here are a some of the easiest things you can do to avoid being the desperate girlfriend.

Give Yourself Space

First off, hanging out with him all the time not only drives him away but it makes you dependent upon him. Make sure you are giving yourself enough "you" time to keep you happy.

Give Him Space

If you are calling him all day long for unimportant reasons, or asking him to hang out with you at all times, then you are coming off as desperate and you should back off.

Let Him Do His Own Laundry

You need to make sure that you are not changing your entire life just to make him happy. He will begin to think that you are crazy and desperate. This does not mean that you shouldn't do anything to help him out when he needs it, just don't try to do everything for him.

Live For You

Instead of canceling your plans with friends or family just to hang out, you need to give yourself the right amount of time apart. You should never drop all of the commitments you have that are not to him, just to make him happy. While yes, your life should involve a great deal of activities with him, it should not be centered around them.

Let Things Work Out Naturally

In a relationship, the guy and the girl are supposed to be very close and compatible, however if the two of you are not bff's, you should definitely not try to force it. If he gets the impression that you are being fake just to get closer to him, he will want to run away.

Love Is Blind, Not Stupid

Just because you love your boyfriend doesn't mean that you should have to deal with his intentionally bad actions. You should love him in spite of his mistakes, but you should not be forced to tolerate his stupid choices.

Don't Plan Everything

Guys really enjoy a girl who is spontaneous. Yes, planning a romantic vacation is a good idea. And no, planning out every date you are going to have for the next six months is not a great strategy. Make sure you let some things happen on their own, so you don't look like a desperate control freak.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

How To Tell If Your Ex Still Likes You - 7 Signs That Say 'Yes'! Follow These Tips Right Now

You would like very much to go after your ex with all you got. However, you do not know whether your ex too would want this relationship revived as much as you do. You would not like to think that you are forcing yourself upon a person who no longer loves you, right?

Here are 7 signs that would tell you that your ex in as interested as you are in falling in love yet once again:

1. Your ex eyes follow you across the room - whenever you are in a room, your ex eyes would be on you. It is obvious he/ she is still interested in you.

2. You get immediate response - if you call your ex or email, you get immediate response. He/ she returns your calls, answer your emails, agrees to come to meet you when you suggest it.

3. Keeps memorabilia from you - when a relationship is over, one tends to remove everything that pertains to that "era" lest it leads to heartaches and awkward moments. If your ex keep all the stuff it means he/ she still has feelings for you.

4. Eyes tell it all - watch your ex eyes next time you meet. If his/ her eyes light up when he/she sees you, this is a sign that you are still a very special person for your ex.

5. You find your ex popping up around you - suddenly your ex is almost everywhere you go. Another good sing; he/ she is looking for an opportunity to woo you back.

6. No relationships yet - your ex might be going on a date or two, but there is no relationship yet. He/ she is open to go out with you on a date. You would get the information usually through common friends, who see and understand both of you.

7. You are still your ex no 1 priority - ask a favor and watch how your ex applies himself/ herself to it. If he/ she drops everything to get to do this favor for you, it is obvious that he/ she is still very much in love with you.

There are many other things that would tell you that your ex still has deep feelings for you. Feel the vibes when you are around your ex, watch his/ her body language, listen to what he/ she says. It should not be too difficult to find out whether he/ she is still in love with you.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is He Just Playing With My Emotions? 7 Proper Ways to Tell If You Are in The Company of a Player

You've been friends for long and adult enough to think of settling down, but there doesn't seem to be very much coming across in that direction from his side. You begin to have doubts that he's just playing you and beyond that there's no future.

He just shows you off to others
Beyond introducing you to his friends as his girlfriend does he not say anything more? He never seems to mention something more than just being a friend. There never seems to be group gatherings like his friends where he asks you to accompany him.

He's never mentioned you to the family
In spite of having known him a number of years you find that he's never talked of his family or taken you to meet them. And if you have even asked to meet them he makes excuses about them either not being in town or living elsewhere.

He's never cared to ask about your family
He has neither cared to ask to meet your family. And every time you mentioned that he meets your family he's had reasons to back out. Is he just playing you, so there's no point in meeting them?

Does every meeting with him ends in sex?
There never seems to be anything more than a sexual culmination at each meeting. He may certainly be a good lover and satisfies you to the hilt but where is it getting you? Try denying the sex for once and see his reaction. If there is hint of unhappiness at your denial does he play truant?

He doesn't show interest in you
Consider how often he has sat down with you and chatted about your interests and your professional plans or discussed what's happening in your life as in professional progress or other related things. And does he talk of himself and where he sees himself professionally in another two years?

He sidetracks issues with regard to the future
No matter in what ways you might try to broach the subject on your future together he always finds a way to sidetrack you and make light of the discussion. He always seems to put you off with the statement "there's enough time for all that; let's make love just now" or "let's see a movie" and diverts the issue.

Lastly he gets annoyed about serious matters
The last thing you expect from him is to find he gets annoyed about serious matters. This sure is a sign that he's just putting you off. All he's doing is playing you on and has nothing more in mind than that. Any person who sees a future with you will not get annoyed about talking out matters.

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Is It True That No Matter How Much You Like a Guy You Should Never Chase Him? Read This Right Now

In a modern world that believes in equality among the sexes, a woman's pursuit of a man is now an acceptable thing. But some reserved people might disagree. They say that a woman should always be the one pursued and not the other way around. Should you believe them or should you go and run after what you want?

Men are often turned off by aggressive women.

Majority of men might run in the opposite direction if you show him that you're running after him. They are just the traditional bunch who believe in the lady in every woman and so she should be treated with respect and be the one who is pursued.

You give up the challenge once you pursue him.

Men like being challenged and once you start thinking that you can't wait much longer, he'll already see you as an easy target - and men don't want to have easy targets. They'd rather have a prize that they fought so hard for rather than have something that was served to them on a silver platter.

You'd look nothing but desperate.

Men want to take charge of things and if you switch the roles, they might just flinch. Most of them may look at women who pursue men as highly desperate. To them, ladies should be ladies and they should lie in wait for their knight in shining armor to arrive.

He wants to be tagged as a winner.

A decent man would want to brag about the fact that he spent months in pursuing a certain woman and he won over a pack of other admirers. They just love the feeling of being a winner and if that is taken away from them, there's a possibility that the relationship won't be as sweet.

You'll look cheap.

Anything that was taken too easily won't be valued as much. So if you readily chase your man and give yourself to him, he might get attracted at first but it won't be a lasting thing. In the long run, he might see how cheap you seemed when you didn't give him the chance to be the one to chase you.

You've taken the thrill from him.

Men are natural-born predators. They want to look for their mate and be the one to hunt for her. And so if you're an easy prey or if the prey suddenly becomes the predator (heck that doesn't happen in the natural world!), then he won't feel the excitement of the chase anymore and that's just disappointing for him.

A handful of men...

...might find aggressive women to be attractive but remember to assess a guy before you actually start running after him. A few men might even play hard to get and so chasing him is just the thing to do!

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.

Dating Russian Women Online - Here Are the Keys to Your Success and Happiness

The internet has become a powerful tool in our daily lives and is becoming the primary method for finding and choosing a partner. Many men like you are seeking a beautiful, honest and intelligent woman that will enrich and compliment their life, sound familiar? Like everyone else you deserve success and happiness in online dating and joining a Russian dating site is your fast track guide to satisfaction and fulfillment.

Russian women are exquisitely beautiful, highly intelligent, independent and most important of all, adore foreign men. Luckily for you it's very easy to find and date a Russian woman who shares your interests and hobbies quickly and easily. In less than a minute you can be browsing and scanning the pages and pictures of beautiful Russian women who are looking to meet guys just like you.

Meeting a beautiful Russian woman is not just a dream; this can be a reality for you. There are many different sites out there offering online dating services to meet Russian women. It's important to find a safe and virtual environment where you can interact with these beautiful women, legitimate sites will offer you a free trial to view profiles and images and contact other members without any upfront payment. You can very easily start exchanging emails and messages and having live streaming conversations with gorgeous Russian women right now.

Your future happiness is in your hands and with so many beautiful women out there looking to meet guys just like you; you are just a few clicks away from meeting your ideal woman and a lifetime of happiness.

You can start to enjoy interacting with beautiful women right now, so have fun, get your feet wet and join a free trial today at

This article is brought to you by Relationships Advice Blog.