Friday, May 27, 2011

How To Attract Women - By Habit

If I asked you if you believed the following statements to be true - what would you say?

* Women find me naturally attractive
* Women are attracted to me instantly
* Women see me as a potential partner
* I deserve beautiful women in my life
* Women sense my masculine energy and are attracted to me naturally

The thing is, we men would love to believe all or any of the above - but most of us probably don`t. For most men, discovering how to attract women is no easy task.

I`ve always been shy and reserved with anyone and everyone, but especially with women. I tried literally hundreds of self-help methods to help me attract women, but all with little or no success. Yet the answer was under my nose all along.

Let me explain.

I`m a hypnotist and have been using hypnosis and subliminal messaging to help my clients overcome all sorts of emotional issues, but never even thought about using it to help them learn how to attract women. Yet that`s exactly how I attracted my wife.

Take a moment to think about your habits and how they affect almost every aspect of your life. Driving, brushing your teeth, smoking, anything that is repeated without consciously thinking about it - is a habit.

Being shy around women - having little or no success with them - not knowing what to say to them are all habits - bad habits too.

What you need to do is replace this negative thinking with positive thoughts and positive habits. By the way, a positive habit is simply a habit that gives us positive benefits that will enrich and improve our lives.

Sound good so far? So all we need to do now is to repeat an action for at least 21 days and it will begin to become a permanent habit. But most people never do anything about their good intentions.

The most successful people in life all share one common positive habit - and that is the habit of goal-setting. A study to determine the importance of goal setting found that those who made a habit of setting goals were in the top 3% of earnings in the population. Do NOT under estimate the habit of goal-setting.

Decide how much time per day you can dedicate to your self-improvement and STICK TO IT. Repetition is key. By listening to positive phrases over and over, you will gradually change your belief system and eventually your behavior will match those beliefs.

To do this, you will need the messages to reach the subconscious part of the mind. Hypnosis will do this, but it you want more flexibility and convenience, you could use subliminal messages.

The first thing you will notice when you start listening to positive affirmations, are subtle changes in your attitude and in the way you think about yourself. Your self-image will grow stronger and more positive and you will start to notice that women react very differently towards you. They will be more open to you when you speak with them and you will start to get noticed and receive lots more attention than you ever have.

You will have a solid belief in yourself as an attractive and desirable man and you will know for certain that you are attractive to women and that women are attracted to you.

Your body language and your posture will change making you appear more approachable and friendly.

You will not only feel strongly that you deserve wonderful women in your life but once your self-worth increases, women will pick up on this and take their lead from you.

Once you begin to relax more around the ladies they will be attracted to you even more.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

How to Talk to Women - Can You Use Conversation to Build Attraction With a Woman?

If you are the typical guy who usually spends more time hanging out with the fellas than you do with women, then you probably are going to find that talking to women can be kind of a challenge. I don't think it is any real revelation that women like to talk about different things than men do, so if you don't have a lot of experience talking to women, you might find yourself wondering what to say to make her feel attracted to you. You might even wonder if it is possible to use conversation to build attraction with a woman. Is it?

Of course, you can use conversation to build attraction with a woman. Any guy who is at ease when he is talking to women is pretty much always going to do a little bit better than a guy who feels uncomfortable in that situation. Sure, there may be some exceptions to this, but overall, you do have to be able to talk to a woman in a way that makes her enjoy herself when she is around you.

What happens to most men when they try to use their words to create attraction with a woman, is that they end up fall far short of actually making that happen. One of the most common reasons for this, is the simple fact that they end up boring a woman more than exciting her. Think about it like this. Let's say that a woman were to approach you and start up a little banter back and forth. Only thing is, every topic that she is using is just a bore to you.

Are you going to be having fun in that kind of a situation?

Probably not. Here's the rub, though. As guys, we will still be interested in her most of the time if she is hot. Yes, as much as we want to believe that not to be the case, we all know that it is. The rub is, that women usually won't make that exception. Bore her and she probably can go and find someone else that she can talk to.

Women have more opportunity than men do.

It's just the way the dating game is set up. So, you really need to be able to hook her from the beginning. You need to talk about things that are going to make her want to keep on with the conversation. A simple and easy way to do this is to use humor as a way to make the banter fun and light with a woman. Do this and you will be able to keep her attention on you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.