Friday, May 27, 2011

How to Talk to Women - Can You Use Conversation to Build Attraction With a Woman?

If you are the typical guy who usually spends more time hanging out with the fellas than you do with women, then you probably are going to find that talking to women can be kind of a challenge. I don't think it is any real revelation that women like to talk about different things than men do, so if you don't have a lot of experience talking to women, you might find yourself wondering what to say to make her feel attracted to you. You might even wonder if it is possible to use conversation to build attraction with a woman. Is it?

Of course, you can use conversation to build attraction with a woman. Any guy who is at ease when he is talking to women is pretty much always going to do a little bit better than a guy who feels uncomfortable in that situation. Sure, there may be some exceptions to this, but overall, you do have to be able to talk to a woman in a way that makes her enjoy herself when she is around you.

What happens to most men when they try to use their words to create attraction with a woman, is that they end up fall far short of actually making that happen. One of the most common reasons for this, is the simple fact that they end up boring a woman more than exciting her. Think about it like this. Let's say that a woman were to approach you and start up a little banter back and forth. Only thing is, every topic that she is using is just a bore to you.

Are you going to be having fun in that kind of a situation?

Probably not. Here's the rub, though. As guys, we will still be interested in her most of the time if she is hot. Yes, as much as we want to believe that not to be the case, we all know that it is. The rub is, that women usually won't make that exception. Bore her and she probably can go and find someone else that she can talk to.

Women have more opportunity than men do.

It's just the way the dating game is set up. So, you really need to be able to hook her from the beginning. You need to talk about things that are going to make her want to keep on with the conversation. A simple and easy way to do this is to use humor as a way to make the banter fun and light with a woman. Do this and you will be able to keep her attention on you.

This article is brought to you by Dating Advice Blog.

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