Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Seduce and Conquer Women - 3 Tips

Dear Friend,
Are you:

• Tired of being ignored or rejected by women?
• Tired of playing second best to other guys?
• Tired of having to aim low to score?
• Tired of being alone?
• Tired of having no power in your existing relationship?
• Tired of having no control over how women respond to you?
• Tired of seeing a beautiful woman walking down the street with some guy who ain't half the man you are and thinking "how the hell did he get her?"

• Frustrated because you don't have sex as much as you'd like?

If you are in any of these situations then keep reading, your life is about to dramatically change...

For starters, let me give you...

3 Free Tips To Pick Up Women Now

# 1: Do Not Act Like the "Nice Guy"

Gentlemen, please understand that when it comes to attracting, meeting and seducing beautiful women, "nice guys" will always finish last. Women do not want to date a "nice guy." She wants be with a confident and cocky guy who has personality and lots of attitude. Nice guys are too easy for her and fall into that dreaded "friend" category. Women want a guy who is NOT easy and when you're the "nice guy", women automatically think you're easy.

Have you ever noticed that all the hot, sexy women out there never seem to be dating or attracted to a "nice guy?" and to make matters worse doesn't it seem like all these beautiful babes are dating guys that are jerks?

Better yet...

Have you ever noticed that it's always the girls that you are not interested in that are suddenly interested in you?


Exactly, because you were not interested in them and you were not trying to be overly nice or sweet to them.

Women don't like "nice" guys. They are all too easy for her. Beautiful women, gentlemen, want a challenge! Always remember that!

They want to be intrigued when they first meet you; they want to be kept on their toes,

They want a challenge.

You have to learn how to give her that challenge...

# 2: Don't Give Her a Compliment When You First Meet Her

What do most guys do the first time they meet a woman? Exactly they pay them a compliment or try to be the "sweet guy" The sweet guy is worse than the nice guy. Not only does it give her no challenge it actually turns her off from you. She will dislike you if you approach her and give her a compliment. Women don't want to hear compliments and they don't want to hear pick up lines. You will seem like a desperate loser in her mind because you are too interested in her and you're much too easy for her.


Because women live for the thrill of the chase, the second they know they can have you, they will not want you anymore. Compliments and pick up lines backfire in your face. She might smile and laugh but in the back of her mind she's laughing at you, not with you! It's all a game and you have to learn how to play it!

There are 3 phases to the game...

The First Phase - Begins when you first meet her...

The Second Phase - Begins right after you have sex with her...

The Third Phase - Begins when you get into a serious relationship with her...

# 3: Don't Sell Yourself to Her

Most guys meet a girl and realize that she's a little apprehensive and then, the first thing they do is try to convince the girl to feel comfortable around them and to like them. Never try to convince a woman to like you. If she's not attracted to you convincing her or persuading her to like you will turn her further away from you! Most guys meet a girl and try to SELL them the idea of being with him. Attraction cannot be sold gentlemen; it can be created but not sold. Don't try to convince women to like you.

The more you try to convince her, the less she will like you. Create the attraction you desire by being the opposite of what she expects!

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